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I am a KS2 teacher and an EFL teacher. I enjoy making resources for English language teaching, KS1 and KS2. I try to offer a balance of free (in the original spirit) and paid resources 😊 Please leave feedback. Thank you




I am a KS2 teacher and an EFL teacher. I enjoy making resources for English language teaching, KS1 and KS2. I try to offer a balance of free (in the original spirit) and paid resources 😊 Please leave feedback. Thank you
Teeth Eggshell Experiment Year 4

Teeth Eggshell Experiment Year 4

A presentation and accompanying worksheets for Year 4 Science. The experiment shows the effects of liquids on eggshells to show how they affect the teeth. Images from Pixabay
Inverted commas Presentation

Inverted commas Presentation

A presentation to introduce and practise using inverted commas and other punctuation for speech. Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 Images from Pixabay
Rounding to the nearest 100 and 1000

Rounding to the nearest 100 and 1000

A presentation to introduce and practise rounding to the nearest 100 and the nearest 1000. To introduce rounding to 100, a car is driving up a mountain. If it stops at the red numbers (1,2,3,4) it rolls back to the lower 100. If it stops at the black numbers, it zooms on to the next 100. Rounding to 1000 shown on a numberline with arrows to estimate the position. 21 examples for 100s 14 examples for 1000s Editable to fit your needs Images from Pixabay
Year 1 SPAG Vocabulary

Year 1 SPAG Vocabulary

Worksheets to practise extending vocabulary in YEAR 1 using rules from the spelling curriculum. 2 differentiated worksheets for using suffixes -ed, -ing,-er, -est 2 differentiated worksheets for using the prefix un- 2 differentiated worksheets for adding -s or -es for plurals Images from Pixabay
Year 2 Vocabulary

Year 2 Vocabulary

10 worksheets to practise the Year 2 vocabulary objectives: using compound nouns using suffixes -er, -est using suffixes -ful, -less using the suffix -ly using the suffix -ness
Year 2 SPAG Spelling

Year 2 SPAG Spelling

84 worksheets in total. 3 differentiated sheets for each of the 28 spelling objectives for Year 2. Can be used to introduce the spellings, to practise or for homework. Images from Pixabay
Year 3 Vocabulary

Year 3 Vocabulary

9 differentiated worksheets for Year 3. Worksheets to practise the vocabulary objectives: using prefixes mis-, dis-, re-, anti-, auto-, sub-, super- root words using suffixes -ation, -ly using a dictionary word families images from Pixabay
Year 1 SPAG Spelling Phonics

Year 1 SPAG Spelling Phonics

Over 140 worksheets to practise the Year 1 spelling objectives. Each spelling objective has 3 differentiated worksheets. Images from Pixabay
Year 4 SPAG Vocabulary

Year 4 SPAG Vocabulary

6 worksheets to practise forming vocabulary for Year 4 Word families Standard English Prefixes Please leave feedback Images from Pixabay
Year 5 Vocabulary

Year 5 Vocabulary

6 worksheets to practise increasing vocabulary in Year 5 using Suffixes x2 Prefixes x2 Expanded noun phrases x2 Word and PDF format Images from Pixabay
The Colours in Spanish

The Colours in Spanish

A presentation and 4 differentiated worksheets to identify and use the colours in Spanish. 2 Worksheets identifying the colours 2 worksheets writing the correct form of the adjective to go with the noun. In word and PDF format so can be edited Please leave feedback Images from Pixabay
Rounding to the nearest 10

Rounding to the nearest 10

A worksheet to practise rounding numbers to the nearest ten. Uses the visual of a car going up the hill. If the car stops at the red numbers (1,2,3,4,) it rolls back to 0. If it stops at the black numbers (5,6,7,8,9), it zooms on to the next ten. Rounding to 10 and 0 only. Links to presentation for Rounding to the nearest 10. Images Pixabay