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Estimate and measure length - Year 2/3/4 maths - Differentiated 3 ways - Plan and resources
Estimate and measure length
Ideal for years 3 but could also be used in year 2 or 4.
Differentiated 3 ways
Plan and resources
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

A week of measure lessons - maths - year 3 - Plan and resources - Differentiated
A week of measure lessons - maths - year 3
Based on the following WALTS:
Read scales
Estimate and measure length
Estimate and measure weight
Estimate and measure capacity and volume
Solve weight word problems
Each day is planned and differentiated 3 ways.

Mother's Day / Mothering Sunday 2018 - PowerPoint Presentation - Assembly or In Class
**Mother’s Day / Mothering Sunday 2018 **
PowerPoint Presentation - saved in 2 versions of PowerPoint for people using an older version of PowerPoint.
I have included some notes on the slides so you don’t need to keep looking at the screen.
It could be used in an assembly or in class.
Mothering Sunday / Mother’s Day is on Sunday 11th March 2018.
I have included some previews of the sides.
It is easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

The Egyptians - Ancient Egypt - Knowledge Organiser Suitable for KS2 Year 5 6
The Egyptians - Ancient Egypt - Knowledge Organiser
Suitable for KS2 - Year 5 and 6
Includes an end of topic quiz with answers to assess knowledge.
All information on one page, easily to stick into books.
Check out my other knowledge organisers.

Dyslexia in Children a guide for parents
Dyslexia in Children: A guide for parents
I’ve created an information leaflet for parents to give them a better understanding of Dyslexia. It explores the symptoms, support and famous people who have dyslexia.
It was created for a parent who didn’t know much about it and was unsure if they wanted their child to have an assessment but they found the information very useful.

Teaching Science through STEAM / STEM - Whole school science curriculum
***Teaching Science through STEAM / STEM ***
**Whole school science curriculum - Year 1 - 6 **
Clear progression of skills and knowledge through the year groups.
All science topics linked have links to technology, engineering D/T, Art and Mathematics. Investigation ideas linked to the working scientifically skills.
See the sample overview.

Guided Reading Planning / Responses Grid - Year 2 - With curriculum links
Guided Reading Planning and Responses Grid.
For Year 2 with curriculum links at the bottom.
Clear grid on one side of A4.
The grid contains boxes for the Reading Objective, Key Questions, Introduction, Strategy Check, Independent Reading, Returning to the text, Follow up / Next steps.
There is a clear place for the children's names and their responses.
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other primary resources and planning here

Guided Reading Planning / Responses Grid - Year 5 and 6 - With curriculum links
Guided Reading Planning and Responses Grid.
For Year 5 and 6 with curriculum links at the bottom.
Clear grid on one side of A4.
The grid contains boxes for the Reading Objective, Key Questions, Introduction, Strategy Check, Independent Reading, Returning to the text, Follow up / Next steps.
There is a clear place for the children's names and their responses.
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other primary resources and planning here

Guided Reading Planning / Responses Grid - Year 3 and 4 - With curriculum links
Guided Reading Planning and Responses Grid.
For Year 3 and 4 with curriculum links at the bottom.
Clear grid on one side of A4.
The grid contains boxes for the Reading Objective, Key Questions, Introduction, Strategy Check, Independent Reading, Returning to the text, Follow up / Next steps.
There is a clear place for the children's names and their responses.
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other primary resources and planning here

KS2 Literacy Bundle
KS2 Literacy Bundle
Check out individual listings.
Fiction and non-fiction writing, guided reading and speaking and listening. Mainly aimed at years 3 and 4.

Self and peer evaluating sheets KS2 Literacy - Years 3/4
Self and peer evaluating sheets KS2 Literacy - Years 3/4
I used it for the children to evaluate there writing and to think about their next steps with their partners.
I used it after the wrote a mystery story but it could be easily adapted to to other forms of writing.

Mystery Story Planning Grids - Year 3 and 4 KS2 Literacy. Differentiated.
Mystery Story Planning Grids - Year 3 and 4 KS2 Literacy.
Differentiated three ways could be used other year groyups aswell but targeted at years 3 and 4.
Easy to edit and adapt.
Check out my other KS2 resources.

Eid - al - Fitr and Ramadan 2017 - PowerPoint Presentation - Assembly or in class (Eid-ul-fitr)
Eid - al - Fitr and Ramadan 2017
PowerPoint Presentation - Saved in two versions of PowerPoint.
Assembly or as a whole class
Contains a link to a YouTube video on the last side so will need internet connection to play it.
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Year 3 - Reading and writing numbers in words - Plan and resources - First lesson back
Year 3 - Reading and writing numbers in words
Plan and resources - Differentiated 3 ways
Ideal for the first lesson back.
Easy to edit and adapt.

Order numbers - Place value - Year 3 - Plan and resources - Differentiated
Order numbers (LA 1 and 2 digit; MA 2 and 3 digit; HA 3 and 4 digit numbers)
Place value
Year 3
Plan and resources - differentiated 3 ways
Great for the first lesson back
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Compare numbers 2 and 3 digit numbers - Place value - Year 3 - Plan and resources - Differentiated
Compare numbers (2 and 3 digit - primarily)
Place value
Year 3
Plan and resources - differentiated 3 ways
Great for the first lesson back
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Subtracting multiplies of 10 and 100 - Subtraction - Year 3 - Plan and resources - Differentiated
Subtracting multiplies of 10 and 100
Subtraction- Year 3
Plan and resources - differentiated 3 ways
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
ALSO see adding multiplies of 10 and 100 planning and resources
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Adding and subtracting multiplies of 10 and 100 - Year 3 - Plan and resources - Differentiated
Adding and subtracting multiplies of 10 and 100
Year 3
Plan and resources - differentiated 3 ways
PLUS an extra 3 days of planning to follow (no resources yet)
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.

Mental addition 2 digit numbers - Year 2/3 - Plan and resources - Differentiated
WALT: Mentally add two 2 digits numbers (LA:Mentally add a 2 digit to a 1 digit number)
Mental addition 2 digit numbers
Year 2/3 -
Plan and resources
Differentiated 3 ways
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here

Mental subtraction - Maths - Year 2/3 - Plan and resources - Differentiated
Mental subtraction
WALT: Mentally subtract a 1 digit for a 2 digit. (HA: Mentally subtract 2 digit from a 2 digit)
Maths - Year 2/3
Plan and resources - Differentiated 3 ways
Easy to edit and adapt for your needs.
Check out my other KS2 resources and planning here