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Mental and written methods to solve multiplication calculations 4 days planning and resources.
Mental and written methods to solve multiplication calculations 4 days planning and resources differentiated.
Pitched at year 5 - Autumn term.
Learning Intentions/ Objectives
To use mental methods for multiplying a two digit number by a one digit number.
To use a written method to solve multiplication calculations.
To use a written method to solve multiplication calculations.
To solve multiplication word problems.
Find fractions of amounts - maze - Problem Solving - Year 3 - differentiated
Find fractions of amounts - maze - Problem Solving - Year 3 - differentiated
3 Differentiated worksheets finding the fractions of amounts 1/2 (LA) 1/2 and 1/4 (MA) and 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 HA.
Multiplication 10, 100, 1000 weekly planning and resources for Year 5
Maths Multiplication of 10, 100, 1000 weekly planning and resources (for Mon- Thurs) 3 way differentiated.
Year 5 Negative numbers planning and resources
Year 5 KS2 Negative numbers planning and resources
Weekly plan
Some resources attached and some from books.
Microorganisms / Microbes lesson Yr 5/6
Contains a PowerPoint document on Microbes looking at different types such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. The focus is on bacteria and food hygiene. The activity is to create a leaflet for people that work with food based on the 6 food hygiene principles. The lesson plan is included. There is a link to a true or false quiz for the plenary.
Mental Maths SATS paper 2005 Lesson
The lesson contains all that is needed to review the 2005 mental maths paper and to go through with pupils about how to answer the questions and giving different differentiated examples. Link to the audio file.
Year 6 Multiplication Differentiated Worksheets
Year 6 Multiplication Differentiated Worksheets and Lesson plan using the grid method. Including a lesson starter and answers to the 3 worksheets.