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Inspired ideas for class
Beginning Sound Match Cards

Beginning Sound Match Cards

Perfect for children learning their beginning letter sounds! These Science of Reading aligned initial sound cards help students master identifying beginning sounds. With 70 easy to prep cards ready to print, this pack will give your students the practice they need isolating sounds and master letter-sound correspondence. Children will gain confidence in their beginning sound knowledge as they work to isolate and then match the beginning sound of easily identifiable photos of real life objects. Perfect for build phonological awareness in preschool and kindergarten. It’s the ideal resource for early readers/writers as individual sounds are being introduced and is simple enough for students to work on independently in literacy centers or your Daily 5 rotations. Just print and either laminate to write the letter to match the beginning sound or simply add magnetic letters to learn! Here’s what’s included - 38 beginning sound mats sorting into 4 smaller sequential groups of sounds (SATPIN/CKEHRMD/GOULFB/JZWVYQ) - 2 mats per A4 page 32 beginning sounds mats featuring the whole alphabet mixed - 2 mats per A4 page File type – Ready to print PDF IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE YOU PURCHASE THIS RESOURCE… All of our resources are downloadable digital files that you will be able to access immediately after purchase. What programs do I need to open and use this product? I recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader to open any PDF files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free program and can be downloaded here. Ensuring your software is up to date can help to avoid any compatibility issues.
LEGO Sight Word Mats

LEGO Sight Word Mats

Are you looking for an interactive way for students to practice sight words? Make learning to spell high frequency sight words hands-on fun with these mats made to use with LEGO bricks! With two different styles to choose from, prepping for your literacy centres or Word Work stations is easy! Just choose the set of sight words you need, print and add some LEGO to build the words from. Use the larger sight word mats which allow for children to directly ‘build’ the sight word from LEGO blocks then trace and write the sight word. The smaller sight word cards provide some context to the word by placing the sight word in an easy to read sentence and asks children to build the sight word using the picture as their guide - perfect for building fine motor skills, visual discrimination and spatial awareness skills as they position their LEGO blocks to make the word. Covers have also been included to easily make the smaller cards into a handy flip book. Ideal for practicing at home or in the classroom! **Here’s what’s included - ** 220 sight word mats ( LEGO block word + sight word to trace and write) - 1 per A4 page 220 sight word cards (LEGO block sight word + short sentence with sight word to read) - 3 per A4 page LEGO-themed covers for smaller sight word cards - 3 per A4 page **220 high frequency words included: ** the to and he a I you it of in was said his that she for on they but had at him with up all look is her there some out as be have go we am then little down do can could when did what so see not were get them like one this my would me will yes big went are come if now long no came ask very an over your its ride into just blue red from good any about around want don’t how know right put too got take where every pretty jump green four away old by their here saw call after well think ran let help make going sleep brown yellow five six walk two or before eat again play who been may stop off never seven eight cold today fly myself round tell much keep give work first try new must start black white ten does bring goes write always drink once soon made run gave open has find only us three our better hold buy funny warm ate full those done use fast say light pick hurt pull cut kind both sit which fall carry small under read why own wash show hot because far live draw clean grow best upon these sing together please thank wish many shall laugh
Noun Sorting Pack

Noun Sorting Pack

Make learning about the different types of common nouns fun with the help of this engaging Noun Sorting Pack. Use as a whole class for teaching parts of speech or as a literacy center activity to help reinforce the concept of nouns. Plenty of easy to interpret pictures of nouns included along with a simple Noun poster to help children be successful. Here’s what’s included - simple Noun Anchor Chart Poster - A4 format Noun Sorting Mats (3 versions) - A4 format 150+ different Noun Sorting cards (person/place/thing) - 8 per A4 page Noun Sorting recording sheet (2 versions) - 1 per A4 page + 2 per A4 page To use - You will need to have an up to date version of an PDF Reader like** Adobe Reader** installed on your computer to open this resource.
CCVC Word Cards + Puzzles

CCVC Word Cards + Puzzles

Consonant blends can be tricky for young children to master. These CCVC Word Cards allow children to practice blending them into simple words through hands-on play! This activity is ideal for Daily 5 work work or literacy centers, focusing on the blends - sl, tr, pl, dr, st, cr, fl, pr, sp, tw, fr, sw, cl and sk. With 22 focus words included, choose from 3 different types of CCVC Word Cards. Here’s what’s included - 22 CCVC Word Cards divided into four equal parts (puzzle cards) - 2 per A4 page 22 CCVC Word Cards with word to trace - 2 per A4 page 22 CCVC Word Cards with blank space to build/write the word - 2 per page To use - You will need to have an up to date version of an PDF Reader like Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open this resource.
CVCe Final Silent 'e' Word BINGO Game

CVCe Final Silent 'e' Word BINGO Game

With bright, real life images, this fun CVCe Word BINGO game is an excellent way to learn to read and spell words with long vowel sounds (CVCe or final silent ‘e’ words). Suitable for a whole class or small groups in literacy centers, this file includes 24 different BINGO playing mats. Choose from 2 sets - one with images only or one with CVCe words only, then pair them with some calling cards. Again choose from 3 different sets of calling cards - one with text only, one with text only with the vowel sounds highlighted in red and another set with text and visuals with support for beginning readers - ideal for differentiating to meet students needs. CVCe words included - bike, bite, bone, cage, cake, cape, case, code, cone, cube, dice, dime, dove, file, five, game, hose, June, kite, lice, lime, mane, mice, mime, nose, pine, pipe, rake, rice, robe, rope, rose, safe, tape, time, tube, vase, vine, vote, wave Here’s what’s included - 24 CVCe BINGO Cards with real life photos - 2 per A4 page 24 CVCe BINGO Cards with printed word only - 2 per A4 page 24 BINGO calling cards - photo + text - 6 per A4 page 24 BINGO calling cards - text only - 6 per A4 page 24 BINGO calling cards - text only (vowels in red) - 6 per A4 page To use - You will need to have an up to date version of an PDF Reader like Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open this resource.
CVC Word Clip Cards

CVC Word Clip Cards

A great resource to use when young children are learning to blend initial sounds together to make simple words. Ready to print for your literacy centres or Daily 5 Word Work, these CVC Word Clip Cards encourage children to sound out the word before blending it to make the word. Children can then choose the correct picture to match. Just print and add some clothes pegs/pins to use!
Rhyming Word Family I Spy Mats - ED/EN/ET PACK

Rhyming Word Family I Spy Mats - ED/EN/ET PACK

Combining all three short vowel word family I Spy Rhyming Mats in one file! These printable word family I Spy mats are a perfect way for young children to learn and practice finding rhyming words. Use the printable I Spy cards on their own with some counters to mark each word as you find them or encourage early writers to write each rhyming word as they find it with our recording sheets. Perfect addition to your literacy center rotation or Daily 5 Word Work! Focus words included - _ ED Word Family - led, bed, fed, red, sled, wed _ EN Word Family - men, chicken, den, hen, pen, ten _ ET Word Family - set, get, jet, net, pet, vet, wet Answer sheets provided. Or SAVE and buy as a BUNDLE! >> RHYMING SHORT VOWEL SOUND WORD FAMILY I SPY MATS - BUNDLE
Rhyming Short Vowel Sound Word Family I Spy Mats - IG/IN/IT Pack

Rhyming Short Vowel Sound Word Family I Spy Mats - IG/IN/IT Pack

Combining all three short vowel word family I Spy Rhyming Mats in one file! These printable word family I Spy mats are a perfect way for young children to learn and practice finding rhyming words. Use the printable I Spy cards on their own with some counters to mark each word as you find them or encourage early writers to write each rhyming word as they find it with our recording sheets. Perfect addition to your literacy center rotation or Daily 5 Word Work! This updated pack (Oct 2018) includes - _ IG Word Family - rig, dig, fig, gig, pig, wig _ IN Word Family - tin, bin, fin, pin, spin, twin _ IT Word Family - kit, hit, knit, pit, sit, zit Answer sheets provided. Or SAVE and buy as a BUNDLE! >> RHYMING SHORT VOWEL SOUND WORD FAMILY I SPY MATS - BUNDLE
Digraph Clip Cards - CH SH TH

Digraph Clip Cards - CH SH TH

Digraphs can be difficult for young children to identify in words. These easy-to-prep clip cards for the digraphs CH, SH and TH are the perfect addition to your literacy centers for young children learning to hear sounds into words. Students use their knowledge of phonics to produce and blend the sounds into a word. They then have to select the correct digraph to match the word pictured with a clothespin. Here’s what’s included - 85 picture+word clip cards for the digraphs CH SH TH - 4 per A4 page File type – Ready to print PDF IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE YOU PURCHASE THIS RESOURCE… All of our resources are downloadable digital files that you will be able to access immediately after purchase. What programs do I need to open and use this product? I recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader to open any PDF files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free to download program. Ensuring your software is up to date can help to avoid any compatibility issues.
Rhyming Short Vowel Sound Word Family I Spy Mats - OG/OP/OT Pack

Rhyming Short Vowel Sound Word Family I Spy Mats - OG/OP/OT Pack

Combining all three short vowel word family I Spy Rhyming Mats in one file! These printable word family I Spy mats are a perfect way for young children to learn and practice finding rhyming words. Use the printable I Spy cards on their own with some counters to mark each word as you find them or encourage early writers to write each rhyming word as they find it with our recording sheets. Perfect addition to your literacy center rotation or Daily 5 Word Work! This updated pack (Oct 2018) includes - _ OG Word Family - cog, dog, fog, frog, hog, jog, log _ OP Word Family - hop, chop, cop, lollipop, mop, stop, top _ OT Word Family - hot, cot, dot, knot, plot, pot, pot, rot Answer sheets provided. Or SAVE and buy as a BUNDLE! >> RHYMING SHORT VOWEL SOUND WORD FAMILY I SPY MATS - BUNDLE
Rhyming Short Vowel Sound Word Family I Spy Mats - UG/UM/UN Pack

Rhyming Short Vowel Sound Word Family I Spy Mats - UG/UM/UN Pack

Combining all three short vowel word family I Spy Rhyming Mats in one file! These printable word family I Spy mats are a perfect way for young children to learn and practice finding rhyming words. Use the printable I Spy cards on their own with some counters to mark each word as you find them or encourage early writers to write each rhyming word as they find it with our recording sheets. Perfect addition to your literacy center rotation or Daily 5 Word Work! This updated pack (Oct 2018) includes - _ UG Word Family - shrug , bug, hug, jug, mug, plug, rug, tug _ UM Word Family - yum, drum, hum, gum, plum, sum, thumb _ UN Word Family - run, bun (bread), bun (hair), gun, nun, sun Answer sheets provided. Or SAVE and buy as a BUNDLE! >> RHYMING SHORT VOWEL SOUND WORD FAMILY I SPY MATS - BUNDLE
Sight Word Say It Make It Write It Mats - Oxford Word List 1-100

Sight Word Say It Make It Write It Mats - Oxford Word List 1-100

Created from our super popular Say It Make It Write It Mats, these sight word mats include the first 100 Oxford high frequency words. Along with reading the word, children are asked to make the word and then write the work independently. To make differentiation easier, the 100 words are broken into five groups of 20 words each. Just print, laminate then add playdough, magnetic letters or wix stix to make the letters!
Word Family Short Vowel Sound Rhyming Word Mats

Word Family Short Vowel Sound Rhyming Word Mats

Ideal for young children who are learning to identify and produce rhyming words using their knowledge of short vowel sounds. These 18 different mats allow children hands-on practice of making rhyme. Ready to print and add to your literacy centers, just add counters and magnetic letters or playdough to locate and then build the rhyming words. Word families included - _ AG / _ AM / _ AN / _ AP / _ AT / _ ED / _ EN / _ ET / _ IG / _ IN / _ IP / _ IT / _ OG / _ OP / _ OT / _ UG / _ UM / _ UN Easy to read answer cards included along with a more print friendly version.
Tell Me A Story Writing Centre

Tell Me A Story Writing Centre

Help develop strong oral and written storytelling skills in your classroom with the help of this useful writing centre! Designed with early writers in mind, use just the three type of picture cards (where? who? what?) as visual support to prompt rich oral storytelling or combine their use with our helpful templates and writing sheets to capture their narratives as they begin writing. Here’s what’s included - 45 different setting cards (where) - picture + text 6 per A4 page 57 different character cards (who) - picture + text 6 per A4 page 54 different event cards (what) - picture + text 6 per A4 page ‘Tell Me A Story’ mats (colored boxes only) - 4 versions A4 page ‘Tell Me A Story’ mat (colored boxes and writing space) - 4 versions A4 page ‘Tell Me A Story’ writing page with space for illustration plus checklist for editing To use - You will need to have an up to date version of an PDF Reader like Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open this resource.
Roll Me A Story Writing Centre

Roll Me A Story Writing Centre

Creative writing tasks can be difficult for many children. This Roll A Story writing center will make writing fun and help develop strong oral and written storytelling skills in your classroom! Similar to our Tell Me A Story Pack, this writing center is designed with early writers in mind. Ten different ‘Roll Me A Story’ mats are included with visual prompts for selecting characters, settings and events. Children simply need to role the dice to begin telling their story. Use this center to build rich oral storytelling or combine their use with our helpful templates and writing sheets to capture their narratives as they begin writing. Instructions for use have also been provided along with time cards (today/yesterday/on the weekend) to help improve the complexity of their writing. Here’s what’s included - 10 different ‘Tell Me A Story’ mats - 1 per A4 page (UK/Aust + USA spelling included) ‘How To Use’ instruction cards - 2 per A4 page 2 different writing templates - 1 per A4 page 30 different time (when?) cards - 15 per A4 page *File type – Ready to print PDF IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE YOU PURCHASE THIS RESOURCE… All of our resources are downloadable digital files that you will be able to access immediately after purchase. What programs do I need to open and use this product? I recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader to open any PDF files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free to download program. Ensuring your software is up to date can help to avoid any compatibility issues.
CVC LEGO 'Say It, Build It, Write It' Word Mats

CVC LEGO 'Say It, Build It, Write It' Word Mats

Make learning to spell short vowel sound words or CVC words hands-on fun with these CVC LEGO ‘Say It, Build It, Write It’ Word Mats! Just print and add some LEGO bricks to build the words from. Here’s what’s included - 84 CVC word ‘Say It, Build It, Write It’ Mats - A4 page To use - You will need to have an up to date version of an PDF Reader like Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open this resource.
Pick A Partner - Compound Word Pack

Pick A Partner - Compound Word Pack

Choosing a partner doesn’t have to be a daunting task for teachers and students alike. These fun cards help students “find” their own partner randomly. Simply hand out a card to each child then they can search for the classmate with the matching one! Don’t want it to be random, place a card face down on each student’s desk before beginning so you have control over who is partnered with who but your student’s still believe it is quite random. While organising your class, you can also use this as an opportunity to reinforce taught concepts, in this case - compound words (two words which when combined create a new word). But you don’t just have to use these for class organization! Add them to your literacy center rotations as a fun memory match game! Here’s what’s included - 2 different sets of 30 pick a partner cards (15 pairs per set) featuring compound words (image + text) - 8 to an A4 page To use - You will need to have a up to date version of a PDF Reader like Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open this resource.
Fruit and Vegetable Flash Cards

Fruit and Vegetable Flash Cards

These beautiful editable photo flashcards perfect for display at home or the classroom. Featuring over gorgeous real life photo cards of 75 of the most commonly found fruit and vegetables, use these cards to create a vocabulary rich environment, print out two sets to play memory with or create a smaller version to use shopping or to create a print rich play center. So many ways to use these handy photo fruit + vegetable cards! Here’s what’s included - 43 different vegetable cards with real life photos used each with editable text box - 4 per A4 page 33 different fruit cards with real life photos used each with editable text box - 4 per A4 page 2 x fruit covers + 2 vegetable covers - 4 on an A4 page To use - You will need to have a up to date version of Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer to open and edit this resource.


Everyone loves a rainbow classroom! These stunning watercolor alphabet posters are perfect for any preschool or kindergarten classroom! Choose from phonics posters, American Sign language, Auslan alphabet or simply a rainbow of watercolors to make your classroom pop with color! Made to compliment our WATERCOLOR PAINT Classroom Decor, print out our pre-made posters or CHOOSE YOUR OWN FONT and create your own version! Perfect for teachers needing to use their own fonts in class. And the two different types of ASL and Auslan alphabet posters make it easy to create an inclusive classroom environment. Here’s what’s included - square editable A-Z Alphabet Posters (different colored watercolor dot backgrounds) - 1 to an A4 page A-Z editable posters portrait view (editable text) featuring different rainbow watercolor paint splots + clip art image starting with the same sound - 1 per A4 page full page editable A-Z Alphabet Posters with American Sign Language (ASL) images with different colored backgrounds (portrait view) - 1 to an A4 page full page editable A-Z Alphabet Posters with Auslan Alphabet images with different colored backgrounds (portrait view) - 1 to an A4 page square editable A-Z Alphabet Posters with American Sign Language (ASL) images with different colored backgrounds - 1 to an A4 page square editable A-Z Alphabet Posters with Auslan Alphabet images with different colored backgrounds - 1 to an A4 page File type – Microsoft PowerPoint (editable text) + ready to print PDF IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE YOU PURCHASE THIS RESOURCE… All of our resources are downloadable digital files that you will be able to access immediately after purchase. What programs do I need to open and use this product? What does it mean if a file is editable? Our editable files allow you to change and customize the text so you can make it exactly what you want to fit your classroom. Simply type into the text boxes provided or add in your own to edit. You will need access to Microsoft PowerPoint to do this. Editable does not mean all parts are moveable. Any included artwork, clip art, some fonts and other graphics are fixed to abide by copyright laws and cannot be edited or removed. Colours also used cannot be edited with the exception of coloured text. If you want the text in the editable items to match the look of the ready to print decor, you may need to purchase and install some of the fonts. I’ve included information on the custom fonts used within the download along with a help sheet to make sure you’re getting the most from your purchase. You can also use any fonts you already have to truly customize the look of your classroom!
Noun Sorting Clip It Cards - Person, Place or Thing

Noun Sorting Clip It Cards - Person, Place or Thing

Help your children learn about the different types of common nouns with the help of this hands-on Noun Sorting Pack. With over 160 different clip it noun cards to sort into person, place or thing, this download included a helpful Noun mini anchor chart poster along with noun sorting recording sheets. Use as a literacy center activity to help reinforce the concept of nouns or as an assessment task. ** Here’s what’s included -** simple Noun Anchor Chart Poster - A4 format 160+ different Noun Clip It cards (person/place/thing) - 4 per A4 page Noun Sorting recording sheet (2 versions) - 1 per A4 page + 2 per A4 page To use - You will need to have an up to date version of an PDF Reader like Adobe Reader installed on your computer to open this resource.