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Dania Ewodage is my name. I am a Nigerian, married with children. A profession teacher with years of experience and certified by the C.I.E, I hold a BSc. and Masters degrees both in economics, and the U.K. Inst. of Marketing diploma. I am also a Consultant and Pastor.




Dania Ewodage is my name. I am a Nigerian, married with children. A profession teacher with years of experience and certified by the C.I.E, I hold a BSc. and Masters degrees both in economics, and the U.K. Inst. of Marketing diploma. I am also a Consultant and Pastor.
Choice of Occupation Wage Determination and  Wages and non-wages Factors 'ppt' IGCSE Economics

Choice of Occupation Wage Determination and Wages and non-wages Factors 'ppt' IGCSE Economics

Complete Lesson. Choice of Occupation Wage Determination and Wages and non-wages Factors * ’ppt’ IGCSE Economics. I have consistently produced A*s, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date notes, *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn. Questions at the end. Answers provided. *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. ‘Class Activities.’ with Answers.’ Lesson Objectives; At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to; Explain the factors affecting an individual’s choice of Occupation - Wage and non-wage factors. Wage determination - The influences of demand and supply, relative bargaining power and government policy, including minimum wage. Reasons for differences in earnings - How changes in demand and supply, relative bargaining strengths, discrimination and government policy can all influence differences in earnings between workers whether they are: skilled/unskilled; primary/secondary/tertiary; male/female; private sector/public sector. Define, draw and interpret diagrams that illustrate the effects of changes in demand and supply in the labour market. ‘Class Activities’ ‘Multiple Choice Questions with Answers.’
The Nature of the Economic Problem & Factors of Production Work Sheet IGCSE Economics

The Nature of the Economic Problem & Factors of Production Work Sheet IGCSE Economics

Work Sheet: The Nature of the Economic Problem & Factors of Production, ‘pdf.’ IGCSE Economics syllabus. Engage your pupils, relax, and simply guide them. All you need to do is print out the part you want to use, Explain and/or discuss the sub topic for 5 - 10 minutes and watch them learn by themselves, as they work on the tasks. Answers provided. Content Finite resources and unlimited wants. Economic and free goods. Definition and examples of the economic problem in the contexts of: consumers; workers; producers; and governments. The difference between economic goods and free goods. Factors of production.
Supply - IGCSE Economics

Supply - IGCSE Economics

A whole lesson in keeping with the current IGCSE syllabus. It covers fully the Supply - IGCSE Economics. You will be able to engage your students, relax and simply guide them as they work. Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 2.4.1 define supply, draw and** interpret** appropriate diagrams. 2.4.2 draw a price and supply curve and use it to illustrate movements along a supply curve with appropriate terminology, for example extensions and contractions in supply. 2.4.3 individual and market supply - The link between individual and market supply in terms of aggregation. 2.4.4 conditions of supply - The causes of shifts in a supply curve with appropriate terminology, for example increase and decrease in supply. • Do the ‘Activity’ provided at the end of the presentation.
Financial institutionsCentral Banks Commercial BanksStock ExchangesIGCSE - Economics

Financial institutions Central Banks Commercial Banks Stock Exchanges IGCSE - Economics

A whole lesson. This topic as stated, covers the whole of IGCSE Money content for June and November 2020 - 2022 and March 2020 - 2022 Syllabus. It is good for teaching and engaging students with questions and answers to help students’ excel in the IGCSE exams Lesson Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: • describe the forms, functions and characteristics of money…
Economics 0455, YEAR 10 Term 3 Work Scheme. Syllabus for examination in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Economics 0455, YEAR 10 Term 3 Work Scheme. Syllabus for examination in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Contents: Week 1 4.3.1 definition of the budget 4.3.2 reasons for government spending. The main areas of government spending and the reasons for and effects of spending in these areas. 4.3.3 reasons for taxation, etc. to Week 6 4.6.1 - Definition of economic growth 4.6.2 measurement of economic growth - Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and how it can be used to measure economic growth. GDP per head (capita). 4.6.3 causes and consequences of recession - Meaning of recession and how a recession moves the economy within its PPC.
6.1 International specialisation IGCSE Economics.

6.1 International specialisation IGCSE Economics.

LESSON PLAN; SUBJECT: Economics. TOPIC: 6.1 International specialisation IGCSE Economics. LESSON OBJECTIVE: are shared with the student for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. NB: You may need to rejig it for more than a lesson period. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; describe 6.1.1 Specialisation at a national level - The basis for Specialisation at national level in broad terms of: superior resource allocation and/or cheaper production methods. 6.1.2 Advantages and disadvantages of specialization at a national level - For consumers, firms and the economy.
Price Changes 'ppt' IGCSE Economics

Price Changes 'ppt' IGCSE Economics

Price Changes * ’ppt’ IGCSE Economics. I have consistently produced A*s, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date notes, *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn. Questions at the end. Answers provided. *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. ‘Class Activities.’ with Answers.’ Lesson Objectives; At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to; Identify and explain causes of price changes - Changing market conditions as causes of price changes. Identify and explain consequences of price changes - Demand and supply diagrams to be used to illustrate these changes in market conditions and their consequences for equilibrium price and sales. • ‘Class Activities’ Solutions at the end of the presentation.
Private Limited Companies Lesson Plan  'MS word doc.' IGCSE Business Studies & Economics

Private Limited Companies Lesson Plan 'MS word doc.' IGCSE Business Studies & Economics

Lesson Plan Topic: Private Limited Companies Lesson Plan ‘MS word doc.’ IGCSE Business Studies & Economics. Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Identify a Private limited companies, its main features, advantages and disadvantages. •• Concepts of risk, ownership and limited liability •• Recommend and justify a Private limited companies to owners/management in a given situation. NB: Add your school’s name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week, etc.
Current account of balance of payments Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Current account of balance of payments Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Lesson Plan Topic:Current account of balance of payments Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics- ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Describe the structure - The components of the current account of the balance of payments – trade in goods, trade in services, primary income and secondary income. Calculation of deficits and surpluses on the current account of the balance of payments and its component sections. Reasons for deficits and surpluses. Causes of current account deficit and surplus. Consequences of current account deficit and surplus - Impact on GDP, employment, inflation and foreign exchange rate. Policies to achieve balance of payments stability - The range of policies available to achieve balance of payments stability and how effective they might be. NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by editing the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Foreign exchange rates Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Foreign exchange rates Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Lesson Plan Topic: Foreign exchange rates Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics- ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Define foreign exchange rate - Floating and fixed systems. Explain the determination of foreign exchange rate in foreign exchange market - The demand for and supply of a currency in the foreign exchange market and the determination of the equilibrium foreign exchange rate. Causes of foreign exchange rate fluctuations - Including changes in demand for exports and imports, changes in the rate of interest, speculation, and the entry or departure of MNCs. consequences of foreign exchange rate fluctuations - The effects of foreign exchange rate fluctuations on export and import prices and spending on imports and exports via the PED. Floating and fixed foreign exchange rates - The difference between, and the advantages and disadvantages of, a floating foreign exchange rate and a fixed foreign exchange rate system. NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by editing the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
The Nature of the Economic Problem and Factors of Production  Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

The Nature of the Economic Problem and Factors of Production Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Lesson Plan Topic:The Nature of the Economic Problem and Factors of Production Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics - ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Describe finite resources and unlimited wants - Definition and examples of the economic problem in the contexts of: consumers; workers; producers; and governments. Economic and free goods. The difference between economic goods and free goods. Definitions of the factors of production and their rewards - Definitions and examples of land, labour, capital and enterprise. Examples of the nature of each factor of production. Mobility of the factors of production - The influences on the mobility of the various factors. Quantity and quality of the factors of production - The causes of changes in the quantity and quality of the various factors. NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by editing the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Role of government and the Macroeconomic aims Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Role of government and the Macroeconomic aims Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Lesson Plan Topic: Role of government and the Macroeconomic aims Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics- ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Identify and explain the macroeconomic aims of government. Possible conflicts between macroeconomic aims. NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by editing the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Poverty Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Poverty Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Lesson Plan Topic: Poverty Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics- ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Define poverty, and absolute and relative poverty; Give the difference between the two terms. The causes of poverty; The causes of poverty including unemployment, low wages, illness and age. Policies to alleviate poverty and redistribute income; Policies including those promoting economic growth, improved education, more generous state benefits, progressive taxation, and national minimum wage. NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by editing the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Differences in economic development between countries Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Differences in economic development between countries Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Topic: Differences in economic development between countries Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics- ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; describe economic development, explain the differences in economic development between countries - Causes and impacts of differences in income; productivity; population growth; size of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors; saving and investment; education; and healthcare. NB: You can add your school’s name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by editing the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Market Structure  Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Market Structure Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Lesson Plan Topic:Market Structure Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics- ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Describe competitive markets - describe the effect of having a high number of firms on price, quality, choice, profit. Note: the theory of perfect and imperfect competition and diagrams are not required. Describe monopoly markets – describe the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of monopoly. Note: diagrams are not required. NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by editing the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Economic Growth Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Economic Growth Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Lesson Plan Topic: Economic Growth Lesson Plan. IGCSE Economics- ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; define economic growth. Measurement of economic growth. Causes and consequences of recession. Causes of economic growth. Consequences of economic growth. Policies to promote economic growth NB: You can add your school’s name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by editing the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Population Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Population Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Lesson Plan Topic:Population Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics- ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Describe the factors that affect population growth. Reasons for different rates of population growth in different countries. The effects of changes in the size and structure of population on different countries. NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by editing the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Employment and unemployment Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Employment and unemployment Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Lesson Plan Topic:Employment and unemployment rates Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics- ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Define employment, unemployment and full employment. Describe the nature and causes of the of changing patterns and level of employment - for example increase in proportion of workers employed in the tertiary sector and formal economy as an economy develops; a greater proportion of women in the labour force due to changes in social attitudes; decline in the proportion employed in the public sector as a country moves towards a market economy. How unemployment is measured – claimant count and labour force survey – and the formula for the unemployment rate. Causes/types of unemployment - Frictional, structural and cyclical unemployment. Consequences of unemployment - The consequences of unemployment for the individual, firms and the economy as a whole. Identify and explain - the range of policies available to reduce unemployment and how effective they might be. NB: You can add your school’s name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by editing the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Firms and Classification of Firms Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Firms and Classification of Firms Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics

Lesson Plan Topic: Firms and Classification of Firms Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics- ‘MS word doc.’ Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome. At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to; Classify firms - In terms of primary/secondary/tertiary sectors and private/public sector, and the relative size of firms. Note: detailed knowledge of different types of structure of a firm is not required. Small firms - The advantages and disadvantages of small firms, the challenges facing small firms and reasons for their existence. Causes and forms of the growth of firms - Internal growth, for example increased market share. External growth, for example mergers. Mergers - Examples, advantages and disadvantages of different types of mergers: horizontal, vertical, and conglomerate. Economies and diseconomies of scale - How internal and external economies and diseconomies of scale can affect a firm/industry as the scale of production changes. NB: You can add your school’s name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by editing the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.