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Daward72's Shop

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I have been teaching MATHEMATICS (11-16) since 1990. I have regularly been commended on my classroom displays and the quality of my resources as I feel this enriches the student experience. As a self-taught graphic designer I now produce professional quality materials for our academy/academy chain across all departments including posters/banners and promotional materials. I am currently working on updating some older resources as well as developing new ones!




I have been teaching MATHEMATICS (11-16) since 1990. I have regularly been commended on my classroom displays and the quality of my resources as I feel this enriches the student experience. As a self-taught graphic designer I now produce professional quality materials for our academy/academy chain across all departments including posters/banners and promotional materials. I am currently working on updating some older resources as well as developing new ones!


An slightly different, but I hope interesting resource for simple addition and subtraction of numbers up to 20 using robots/number machines. EXPLANATION POWERPOINT (24 slides) Initially: 4 worksheets with answers ALL the clip art I used to make the resource for you to use. use the clip art to make your own worksheets or large scale robots for lessons or displays Please note This resource is the beginnings of an idea. It is as uploaded and as yet UNTESTED with a class. It has been designed to make basic calculations a bit more interesting and in some of the examples a little more challenging. Please let me know what you think of this as an idea and if it is any good and thoughts on improving it. Any questions please contact me. I will make more associated resources if people think it will be worthwhile. Please REVIEW if possible I can be found on twitter @wardee72
PRIME FACTOR FINDER (1-100) - Starter / Interactive Whiteboard Activity /Lesson Resource

PRIME FACTOR FINDER (1-100) - Starter / Interactive Whiteboard Activity /Lesson Resource

I have used this with all year groups / all abilities as both a starter activity and a lesson resource when covering this topic. It can be used by student or staff on a computer by hovering/rolling/clicking a specific number They can come to the interactive whiteboard and touch one of the numbers to give them the prime factor/index notation for that number. It can be used to check sets of questions from worksheets or as part of a prime factor bingo game. It needs Adobe Flash Player installed on the computer it is being used on. ( Most computers do have this) If anyone can think of other uses please make a comment. *** Apologies to the first few people who downloaded this resource as I mistakenly uploaded the incorrect version- should be OK now) There was a problem with 34 and 78
MATHS WORDS - MISSING VOWELS - 420 Words from KS3 vocab list across 10 different worksheets +ANSWERS

MATHS WORDS - MISSING VOWELS - 420 Words from KS3 vocab list across 10 different worksheets +ANSWERS

I think this will be a very challenging but useful activity Answers included or should that be nswrs ncldd. A great activity at any time of the year to keep mathematical language /words in the for front of their thoughts. perhaps try to complete it over the Christmas Holidays It could be set as a competition -individual/small group/ table Each pupil could be given a different set of questions. A table could be given all 10 sheets or all the same sheet and work collaboratively Lots of possible variations Please lets me know how it goes.


I think this will be a very challenging but useful activity Answers included or should that be nswrs ncldd. A great activity at any time of the year BASED ON THE KEY STAGE 3 GENERAL SPELLING LIST perhaps try to complete it over the Christmas Holidays It could be set as a competition -individual/small group/ table Each pupil could be given a different set of questions. A table could be given all 10 sheets or all the same sheet and work collaboratively Lots of possible variations Please lets me know how it goes.


USES KS3 Science VOCAB. words/terms I think this will be a very challenging but useful activity Answers included or should that be nswrs ncldd. A great activity at any time of the year to keep SCIENCE vocab /words in the for front of their thoughts. perhaps try to complete it over the Christmas Holidays It could be set as a competition -individual/small group/ table Each pupil could be given a different set of questions. A table could be given all 10 sheets or all the same sheet and work collaboratively Lots of possible variations Please lets me know how it goes.
PRIME FACTORS - PRIME FACTOR TREES - Full set of CARDS 2-100 (+ lots sheets of  just the prime no.s)

PRIME FACTORS - PRIME FACTOR TREES - Full set of CARDS 2-100 (+ lots sheets of just the prime no.s)

If you use/download this resource PLEASE Comment/Follow so I can keep in touch if I update it or improve it. I have produced a Prime Factor Banner/Poster ** that can also be used along side this activity as well as a PRIME FACTOR FINDER PROGRAM that can be used for the answers on the whiteboard* FOR USE WITH PRIME FACTORS. CONTENTS: A SET OF CARDS WITH NUMBERS 2-100 Aprrox 4.5cm x 4.5 cm each All composite (non-primes) are in square boxes Primes are in circles A SET OF ALL THE PRIME NUMBER (VARIOUS QUANTITIES) A SET OF INDICES (in hexagons) Instructions Pick a number - students have to make that number just using the prime cards CAN BE USED CONSTRUCTING PRIME FACTOR TREES OR what works well if you put all the composite (non-prime cards in a bag) and then pick one out OR Use like a LUCKY DIP Walk around class and get individual pupils/tables to pick one(or more) out of the bag. PUPILS MAKE THEIR NUMBER(S) using their PRIME Number cards Multiplication and Power/indices cards can also be used. I have produced a Prime Factor Banner/Poster for Prime factors that can also be used along side this activity as well as a PRIME FACTOR FINDER PROGRAM that can be used for the answers on the whiteboard


This is really a use of HIGHEST COMMON FACTOR to find the DIMENSIONS and hence the VOLUME of a cuboid given the area of each face. A very good KNOWLEDGE of finding the HCF, I would say, is essential. The higher numbered worksheets are very challenging otherwise. 15 worksheets each with 6 questions 2-1 to 2-15 You could cut them into single questions to be easily stuck into books. so working out could be shown. Each student could be given question within their ability range. Each pupil with a different question perhaps. Cut-up single questions could be mixed up but in a bag/envelope and used as a luck dip type situation
The NUMBERS GAME (Basic version) uses SQUARE and PRIME numbers

The NUMBERS GAME (Basic version) uses SQUARE and PRIME numbers

INCLUDED: This A3 GAME BOARD (Looks great laminated) Play/rules involve using SQUARE and PRIME numbers and much more PUPILS can also record what type/colour of squares they land on and tally/graph them I am sure there are other uses the game could be used for. RED squares have SQUARE NUMBERS GREEN squares have PRIME NUMBERS and have People on:child, young adult, old adult BLUE squares have TRIANGLE NUMBERS ORANGE squares have some ATOMIC NUMBERS PURPLE squares have PERFECT NUMBERS YELLOW squares have INTERNATIONAL DIRECT-DIAL CODES(country indicated by flag) PINK have related to MISCELLANEOUS FACTS about that number (some maths some ‘fun’ **ADVANCED VERSION available as a separate DOWNLOAD his includes: Rules for 2 different ways to play the game Advanced 1 - Uses a SCORE CARD so the player can check off all the numbers they have landed on. Each of these has a particular POINTS VALUE BONUS points are awarded in certain conditions THE POINTS TOTAL HAS THEN TO BE WORKED OUT Advanced 2 - Uses a set of CARDS to COLLECT (instead of the SCORE CARD) Each of these cards have INFORMATION about that particular number and includes maths,science and fun facts BONUS points are awarded in certain conditions THE POINTS TOTAL HAS THEN TO BE WORKED OUT BY COUNTING THE NUMBER OF POINTS ON EACH CARD ALSO INCLUDED: GAME RULES, SCORE CARD, SET OF CARDS FOR EACH NUMBER (+BONUS CARDS) SET OF A5 mini-posters for SQUARE,TRIANGLE,PRIME and PERFECT NUMBERS + ALL INDIVIDUAL CLIP-ART**
MAGIC SQUARES - SET E - KINGS and QUEENS-(Complete 4X4 magic square to discover their D.O.B)+ANSWERS

MAGIC SQUARES - SET E - KINGS and QUEENS-(Complete 4X4 magic square to discover their D.O.B)+ANSWERS

Use mathematical skills including LOGIC and REASONING to complete the 4X4 magic squares with the given numbers. 15 questions over 5 worksheets. On each worksheet 1-5 covers the last 15 Kings and Queens. All the magic squares are set out in the same format which students should be encouraged to find this pattern. The first box on the top row is the day so can only be between 1-31 The second box is a month so can only be between 1-12 The third is the century so can only be 16,17,18 or 19 (QE II is the only one born in the 20th century so is 19) etc etc On each worksheeet the King or Queen is and earlier date as you go down the questions.
MAGIC SQUARES - SUBSTITUTION - SET C- (Substitute FRACTIONS into magic square template)

MAGIC SQUARES - SUBSTITUTION - SET C- (Substitute FRACTIONS into magic square template)

32 questions across 4 worksheets +ANSWERS Given fractions as values of a, b and c construct a magic square using by substituting them into the expressions on the template. By collecting like terms and expression could be found for the magic number Either answer worksheet can be reversed into a question worksheet where the students have to work out a,b and c There are 4 worksheets in this set so that each student on a ‘table’ or seated near each other could have a different set of questions Watch out for more resources in this series.
MAGIC SQUARES - SUBSTITUTION - SET B - (Substitute DECIMALS into magic square template)

MAGIC SQUARES - SUBSTITUTION - SET B - (Substitute DECIMALS into magic square template)

32 questions across 4 worksheets +ANSWERS Given decimal values of a, b and c construct a magic square using by substituting them into the expressions on the template. By collecting like terms and expression could be found for the magic number Either answer worksheet can be reversed into a question worksheet where the students have to work out a,b and c There are 4 worksheets in this set so that each student on a ‘table’ or seated near each other could have a different set of questions Watch out for more resources in this series.
PRIME FACTORS POSTER/BANNER    Shows prime factors for each number 0-100 (2 sizes) + PF Finder .swf

PRIME FACTORS POSTER/BANNER Shows prime factors for each number 0-100 (2 sizes) + PF Finder .swf

PLEASE COMMENT/FOLLOW so if there are any more associated uploads/upgrades I can let you know* File include One in FULL COLOUR and one on white background at two different sizes Also included - sticking the printed tiles together advice/instructions BANNER Approx w 2.7m x h 0.3m POSTER Approx w 1.4m x h 0.65m Best results printed on Laser printer (designed to tile A4 PORTRAIT or A3 Landscape Sheets) Suggest set page over lap to 2.5 cm/1in and set crop marks Will print all tiles from the PDF to Inkjet printer with appropriate settings Most printers leave a white border around the edge. I printed a colour version, stuck it together and cut the white edge off (but that’s a personal preference) Please follow/comment so that you’ll get notified of any upgrades or amendments. I can send you a version with your school logo or department if required ,on request. (Free) I have also included **A PRIME FACTOR FINDER PROGRAM **to use on WHITE BOARDS I have used this with all year groups / all abilities as both a starter activity and a lesson resource when covering this topic. It can be used by student or staff on a computer by hovering/rolling/clicking a specific number They can come to the interactive whiteboard and touch one of the numbers to give them the prime factor/index notation for that number. It can be used to check sets of questions from worksheets or as part of a prime factor bingo game. It needs Adobe Flash Player installed on the computer it is being used on. ( Most computers do have this) If anyone can think of other uses please make a comment. ALSO AVAILABLE A FACTORS POSTER/BANNER (FREE)- see my other uploads
LADYBIRD DOMINOES (0-0 to 10-10) Main use for NUMBER BONDS to 10 (other ideas in PDF)

LADYBIRD DOMINOES (0-0 to 10-10) Main use for NUMBER BONDS to 10 (other ideas in PDF)

**If you download and use this Free resource could you please comment/follow so I can use the information to develop addition resources ** A PDF file that had Ladybird Dominoes from 0-0 to 10-10 (66 dominoes over 11 pages) Normal set of dominoes 0-0 to 6-6 just print off pages 1 to 5 A very good activity for learning practicing number bonds to 10 (see image) or just used to play normal dominoes. Other possible ideas are outlined in the PDF. I have printed off a few sets on card and laminated them and are a big hit with the students Each domino is 6cmx12cm at 100% size (print off at lower % if smaller size is required)