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Year 8 gargoyles unit
year 8 powerpoint about gargoyles. artist research included. self and peer marking. success criteria. clay outcome. 10 weeks worth of lesso

GCSE year 9 organic form
unit of work- year 9 coursework organic form. over 100 slides with different tasks with clear success criteria.

This is a whole unit for portraiture. The resource looks at accuratley drawing facial features and portraits . The resoucres looks at a variety of artists also that can be researched and analysed. Each artists has a individual task with clear success criteria and learning objectives. The powerpoint has 137 slides that has been written and is still being used by self. This is a outstanding powerpoint that hours of work has been used to develop this to the needs of different abilities

Plastic bottle drawing
Two lesson powerpoint, how to teach pupils to draw a plastic bottle. in the lesson there is numeracy used through grid drawing. examples of my own drawing and measuring is used. I use this lesson during a recycling project.

KS3 portraiture artists power point with clear objectives and tasks. There are 4 artists with literacy sentences also to use. This resource has a variation of tasks that can be adapted for other year groups.

unit of work for a 3d perspective letter. The powerpoint shows examples with clear learning objectives and success criteria. unit include portraiture and a variety of artists

Hannah horn mark making lesson
mark making lessons linking with Hannah horn and the explorer. Has clear success criteria and learning objectives linking with the new curriculum. very detailed powerpoint .

GCSE two units with clear learning objectives and success criteria. First unit is a whole unit for year 10 and year 9 using a foundation course as inspiration. There are three units within the unit. Each unit has a variety of materials and tasks. painting and drawing, printing and digital
each unit lasts a full year. includes examples of work with success criteria.
Second unit looks at organic form that includes lessons thats lasts almost two terms. hope you enjoy them.

typography portraits
Typography task that allows pupils to create a portraite using words as the main focus. Pupils will be using a variety of emotions in their work, showing how different colours represent each different emotions.

GCSE marking sheet
Easy marking sheets that allows teachers to give feedback for each of the Assessment objectives.

Marking sheet art and design KS3
new curriculum marking sheet that ive created this academic year. the learners understand the marking and clearlly understand how to make the next step. The colours represent gold, silver and bronze that is evidenced throughout all my resources. I use two different coloured highlighters. there is one for year 7 and one for year 8.

GCSE Exam PowerPoint
a powerpoint in preperation for GCSE EXAM period. i use black boards and this explain and shows clear examples of what should be on each boards. I use this in my own teaching. very good resource that support and help learners.

A powerpoint for learners when completing their GCSE final piece . it explains each task to gain strong marks and outcomes.

A unit of work focusing on printing and portraiture. The unit of work shows a variety of printing tasks that can be used over a few lessons. Clear learning objectives and success criteria also is displayed.

GCSE Art and Design
This a power point i used with my own fast track year 9 class. The power point has been split into three different unit that allows pupils to complete different materials within a different timescale with clear set deadlines.

Millie marrotta
millie marrotta unit of work with clear learning objectives and success criteria. variety of tasks is included. artists research. patterns and assessment for learning.

Greta thunburg and recycling
recycling unit of work that looks at greta thunburg, observational drawings, literacy, numeracy and assessment for learners. includes clear new curriculum learning objectives and success criteria. i use this resource in my own teaching. Ive created to manage a good work life balance being a busy mum of a toddler. the powerpoint has everything for the perfect lessons. Usually a term of work. there are a few different powerpoints for you to use thats why its a bit more expensive than my other resources.

GCSE marking sheet Art and Design
Art and design GCSE marking sheet. Area for teachers to write comment and numbers for each candidate. i use this in my own teaching. *