I provide comprehensive worksheets to revise a particular topic (always with answers included) as well as extension materials, for pupils ranging from age about 11 to 16+.
All of my premium resources have a UK and US version.
I provide comprehensive worksheets to revise a particular topic (always with answers included) as well as extension materials, for pupils ranging from age about 11 to 16+.
All of my premium resources have a UK and US version.
A series of worksheets covering all aspect of rounding.
- money, rounding to the nearest dollar/kilogram/penny
- rounding to the nearest 10,100,1000
- using rounding to approximate answers
- using rounding to approximate on more difficult problems
Full solutions provided to worksheets.
A fun introduction to units, converting between e.g. metres and centimetres. A starter activity, two pages of worksheet activities, and a challenge to find the amount of air in the room.
This is a series of worksheets all about finding the area of 2D shapes (quadrilaterals and circles).
- Recognising and naming 2D shapes
- Knowing their properties
- Knowing the formulas for their areas
- Being able to calculate the areas
A worksheets investigating different coins, and using them to add up to different amounts. Starts easy, then challenging at the end.
Full solutions included.
Now includes a Power Point, which revises lots of the same skills.
A series of projects on rearranging formulas.
(Note: Some of the embedded equations do not display well on the TES preview but they all display perfectly on the downloadable PDFs)
Each project is linked to real life situations, and also includes lots of practice at other 9th Grade / 10th Grade Skills: standard form, algebra using brackets, volume formulas, rounding, units, surds .
This is an investigation into the different uses of stones and pounds (UK), pounds (USA) and kilograms (Europe) for weighing people. By the end pupils should be able to convert between the units effectively.
Skills used:
- Mental arithmetic
- Converting between units
- Rounding (the conversion numbers are approximate only)
Full solutions provided on the Power Points.
Proofs of some of the key formulas in Advanced Higher Statistics. Not required for the course but some pupils (and teachers) may find it interesting.
proof the two ways of writing the variance formula are equivalent
proof that using the ‘divide by n-1’ formula gives the best estimate of a population variance
proof of Bayes Theorem
proof of laws of expectation and variance
proof of the origin of the Poisson formula, and of the mean and variance
proof of mean and variance for uniform discrete
proof of mean and variance for uniform continuous
proof that using proportions and the normal approximation to a binomial are equivalent
proof a line of best fit goes through the average point
proof the line of best fit gives the least squares
proof of SSR formula
proof in bivariate analysis DF=n-2
proof test slope parameter nonzero and coefficient of correlation nonzero are equivalent
A series of worksheets on the following topics. The first three are easier (age 11/12 or S1 in Scotland), the second three harder (age 12/13 or S2 in Scotland)
#1 - algebra, percentage, area, perimeter, indices, primes
#2 - fractions, substitution, negatives, percentages, Pythagoras, rounding, area
#3 - simplifying, polygons, substitution, percentages, rounding
#4 - algebra, sequences, volume, percentages, ratio, DST, standard form
#5 - angles, area, percentages
#6 - fractions, angles, polygons, Pythagoras, area, volume, circles
Included with solutions
A Powerpoint with questions and answers, alongside video solutions.
The following binomial questions are solved:
finding exact probabilities using the formula
finding more than or equal probabilities using hte data booklet
solving large problems using the normal approximation
How should you stack blocks to get the maximum overhang? This can be viewed as a centre of mass problem.
This worksheet takes you through questions to learn about a good solution, then explores some alternatives.
A challenging investigation encouraging pupils to think about some 3D geometry problems, using their skills with Pythagoras, including looking at edges and faces.
Four separate challenges, all with solutions at the end.
A chance for pupils to learn what mathematicians really do: they pick a mathematician from the list and are then guided through a very simplified version of their work.
The aim is that pupils learn about a mathematician but also do some real maths!
The file Modern Mathematicians.pdf lists all the options, then there are 25 separate tasks to look at.
Suggested answers also included.
Building up and using the skills for Pythagoras:
square rooting
short side
long side
mix of short and long side
some word problems.
Answers included at the end.
A series of statistics questions that cover everything that might be needed for an Advanced Higher Geography project. Largely overlaps with Advanced Higher Statistics. Topics included are:
Descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, range, interquartile range, standard deviation, standard error, coefficient of variation)
Inferential statistics (chi-squared)
Linear regression
Nearest Neighbour analysis
Full solutions at the end.
Two worksheets of questions, one written just before the 2016 US Election and one just before the 2020 US Election.
The questions cover sampling, mean and variance, outliers, confidence intervals as well as some more thoughtful questions on the errors in sampling.
Is every square a rectangle? Is every rectangle a square?
An investigation into the properties of the quadrilaterals, working out their properties and which ones are similar.
Includes a look into Venn Diagrams and a couple of area challenges at the end.
Notes and answers at the bottom of each slide.