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Dh2119's Maths Resources Shop

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(based on 615 reviews)

I provide comprehensive worksheets to revise a particular topic (always with answers included) as well as extension materials, for pupils ranging from age about 11 to 16+. All of my premium resources have a UK and US version.




I provide comprehensive worksheets to revise a particular topic (always with answers included) as well as extension materials, for pupils ranging from age about 11 to 16+. All of my premium resources have a UK and US version.
Area and Perimeter Project

Area and Perimeter Project

This project gives pupils some real life houses from around the world to practice finding the area and perimeter of. The package includes an introductory Power Point then a series of tasks, culminating in designing their own shelter. Skills used: - Area - Perimeter - Units - Scale drawing - Budgeting Full solutions included.
National 5 / GCSE Problem Solving #1 - Band Aid 2015

National 5 / GCSE Problem Solving #1 - Band Aid 2015

A problem solving scenario to combine skills, useful for revision and group work. The skills tested here are: • Working with surds • Finding the area of a sector • Finding the length of an arc • The distance between points in 2D space (Pythagoras) • Dealing with scale factors • Meaning of parallel and perpendicular Pupils will also need good communication skills and teamwork (if working in groups). Provided with teacher notes and full worked solutions.
National 5 / GCSE Problem Solving #3 - Rocket Science

National 5 / GCSE Problem Solving #3 - Rocket Science

A problem solving scenario to combine skills, useful for revision and group work. The skills tested here are: • Parabolas (completing square, turning points, sketching, factorising) • Rounding to significant figures • Bearings • Area of sector and arc length • Area of triangle, sine rule, cosine rule • SOH CAH TOA • Pythagoras • Vectors • Lines • Percentages Pupils will also need good communication skills and teamwork (if working in groups). Provided with teacher notes and full worked solutions.
Functions - Domain, Range, Composite

Functions - Domain, Range, Composite

A series of four worksheets about domain, range and composite functions. There is many lessons work here with lots of practice. The four parts are: - Domain and Range - Composite Functions - Further Functions (combining domain, range, composite) - Extension (proofs about linear functions) All provided with full solutions
Advanced Higher Maths - Proof homeworks

Advanced Higher Maths - Proof homeworks

Three challenging homeworks for Advanced Higher Maths covering the following topics Proof by Induction (lots of this) Direct proof Proof by Contradiction Counterexamples Proof by contrapositive All provided with full worked solutions
Simple Percentages worksheet #1

Simple Percentages worksheet #1

This is a series of questions testing basic knowledge of percentages. They should be solved by converting the common percentages to fractions. They start easy then introduce increases and decreases, then more difficult numbers. Full solutions included.
AH Statistics Course Notes

AH Statistics Course Notes

These are the course notes I have been using for the last few years to teach Advanced Higher Statistics. I wrote them myself, based on the SQA course description, and have included lots of examples. Included in this bundle AH Statistics Course Notes AH Statistics Formulas to Memorise (A list of all the important facts that need to be remembered for Advanced Higher Statistics, that are not in the formula sheet) AH Statistics 150 Quick Questions (A set of short questions covering all aspects of the Advanced Higher Statistics Course) AH Statistics 14 Tests (A revision resource giving a summary of the 14 hypothesis tests in the course:) AH Statistics Course Summary (Short questions on each aspect of the course and links to the place in the SQA Course Specification) All included with full solutions. If you spot any mistakes please let me know. Last update: Jan 2025
Inspector Vector - Solve a crime using 2D and 3D vectors

Inspector Vector - Solve a crime using 2D and 3D vectors

A powerpoint-activity to learn and revise about vectors. There's been a robbery! Can you help Inspector Vector solve the crime by collecting clues? This is a fun activity for groups that includes: - adding and subtracting 2D and 3D vectors - finding the magnitude of 2D and 3D vectors - adding and subtracting vectors like a and b - some practice with surds for magnitude of vectors - visualizing vectors in 3D - using some logic to solve the crime Solutions to each clue included in the Power Point notes. Takes a very good class about 1 hour 30 minutes.
Multiplying and Dividing by Powers of Ten

Multiplying and Dividing by Powers of Ten

Practice multiplying and dividing - first of all 10, 100, 1000 etc. - then by 20, 300, 4000 etc. - then using decimals, e.g. 1.3 x 300 A series of worksheets revising these basic skills, and a Power Point for revision Full solutions included for all the worksheets.
Decimals Revision

Decimals Revision

A Power Point and two sets of worksheets (with solutions) on - place value - ordering decimals - decimal scales - addition subtraction division and multiplication with decimals - rounding decimals Also includes a simple decimals starter (Power Point)
Misleading Graphs

Misleading Graphs

A collection of misleading graphs, for pupils to recognise the flaws with. These are all taken from real life publications.
Numeracy Worksheets

Numeracy Worksheets

A series of basic questions testing these skills: • Use the four operations with whole numbers. • Use simple fractions in context. • Express numbers given in figures in words, and vice versa. • Use money in a range of contexts. • Interpret and use information. • Select the appropriate unit of measurement for length. • Measure to a required degree of accuracy • Perform calculations in everyday contexts. • Round to the nearest unit in context. • Use fractions and percentages in context. • Use 12-hour and 24-hour times for simple problems involving time. • Select the appropriate unit of measurement for length, weight or volume. • Order everyday objects according to weight or volume. • Perform calculations in everyday contexts. • Interpret and communicate information. • Use properties of shapes. • Use further measurement skills.
Extension - Centre of a triangle (revises median, perp bisector, altitude)

Extension - Centre of a triangle (revises median, perp bisector, altitude)

A Power Point presentation investigating the not-so-obvious question of where the centre of a triangle is. Useful to revise and motivate some of the line work in e.g. Higher Maths Starts with the centre of other shapes (e.g. circle - easy) before introducing the main candidates for the centre of a triangle. These are where the medians, perpendicular bisectors, and altitudes meet. But there are also many other centres. And what about quadrilaterals, or 3D shapes?
Extension - A formula for Cubic Equations

Extension - A formula for Cubic Equations

Everyone knows the quadratic formula, but what happens when pupils ask about a formula for solving cubics? A formula does exist, but it's a bit more complicated. It's given here, as a simple formula and also explained with an example.
Solving Equations

Solving Equations

A series of three worksheets on solving equations. Covers all types of equations: Simple: n + 3 = 5 Multiple n: 2n - 3 = 5 Subtracting variable: 5 - 2n = 1 Tricky numbers: 31 + 3n = 5 Squares and roots: 30 – 2n^2 = 12 Brackets: 3(n + 2) = 11 Letters on both sides: 3(3 + n) = 4(n - 3) Now with solutions included. Edit: Added Powerpoint of two pages on same topic plus ‘Think of a Number’ problems
Converting Hours Minutes and Seconds

Converting Hours Minutes and Seconds

This is a series of questions testing the basic principles that there are 60 seconds in a minute, and 60 minutes in an hour. They start easy and get harder, including decimals and fractions. Full solutions included.
CfE Level 3 Maths - Starters, Questions, Homework, Revision and Tests

CfE Level 3 Maths - Starters, Questions, Homework, Revision and Tests

A bountiful set of resources to help teach the topics below: Block 1 - rounding, converting units, area and volume, time, tables and graphs, frequency tables Block 2 - fractions, decimals, hire purchase, negative numbers, coordinates, money, algebra, probability Block 3 - equations, types of number, fractions (Block 4 - powers and roots, enlargement and reduction) (Block 5) Disclaimer - although this is complete for Blocks 1 to 3 the last two blocks aren't finished.
Negative Numbers Revision

Negative Numbers Revision

Two sets of worksheets with solutions on - everyday uses of negative numbers - adding and subtracting negative numbers - ordering negative numbers