This essay models how to respond to an AQA Paper 2 question on financial markets – specifically the role of commercial banks.
A standard introduction and two points are offered as the structure for the response.
AQA Economics 2020 Paper 1 Qs 13 – a response
In December 2018, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) announced a range of policies to prevent firms charging existing customers more than new customers. Firms supplying financial services, mobile phones and broadband are no longer allowed to discriminate against loyal
customers renewing their contracts.
1 3 Explain why imperfect information can lead to market failure. [15 marks]
AQA A Level Economics Paper 2019 – Paper 1
Q8: Extract F (lines 9–10) suggests that ‘the British public really don’t care about who runs the trains; what they care about is reliability, comfort and price.’ Use the extracts and your knowledge of economics to evaluate the case for renationalising railways in the UK. [25 marks]
This essay attempts to model a response to the question from AQA A Level Economics November 2020 Paper 1:
Extract F (lines 1–3) states: ‘There are aspects of market failure in the social care sector, though some argue that inappropriate government intervention and a lack of funding are the main reasons why the system is failing to deliver high quality care.’ Using the extracts and your knowledge of economics, assess policies that might be used to improve the provision of social care in the UK. [25 marks]
This essay models a 25 mark question on an AQA exam paper that seeks to determine whether changes in the retail industry heralds a lasting impact on the UK macroeconomy.
AQA A level Economics June 2019 Paper 1
Q7 Extract E (lines 10–11) describes the British railway sector as a ‘natural monopoly’, which was split up into ‘no less than 100 pieces’ when it was privatised. With the help of a diagram, explain why breaking up a natural monopoly in rail may affect long-run average costs. [9 marks]
In this essay, I model how a 9 mark question from AQA A level Economics 2020 Paper 1 might be answered.
Question 7 – November 2020 AQA Paper 1
Extract E (lines 5–7) states: ‘Until the 1990s, almost all workers in the care sector were employed by the government, which acted as a monopsonist by keeping wages low.’ With the help of a diagram, explain how a monopsonistic public sector can lead to low pay for social care work. [9 marks]
This resource uses 25 marks questions from AQA Paper 1 – A Level Economics – as the basis for identifying exemplar responses to some of the key theoretical concerns of microeconomics. Its an essential help to developing broader awareness and strengthening theoretical understanding of microeconomics in applied contexts.