Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications, an educational publishing company established in the 1980's. Ready-Ed specialises in photocopy master activity materials for students aged 5 to 13. All of our ebooks are presented in the .pdf format and the full range of subject areas is covered. We provide a variety of ebooks for SEN use as well as activity books for those in need of extension.
Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications, an educational publishing company established in the 1980's. Ready-Ed specialises in photocopy master activity materials for students aged 5 to 13. All of our ebooks are presented in the .pdf format and the full range of subject areas is covered. We provide a variety of ebooks for SEN use as well as activity books for those in need of extension.
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (64 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for use in the classroom.
Our ebooks are in pdf format.
'Christmas for Juniors' contains a host of language and craft activities as well as Christmas recipes, all suitable for use in the junior primary classroom.
Author: Jeanette Woods
N.B. Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (56 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for classroom use.
Our ebooks are in pdf format.
As a Christian festival, Christmas is celebrated on a global scale, with many countries lending special aspects of their life and culture to the festivities.
'Christmas Around the World' examines the traditions and customs of Christmas in some of these countries, with the inclusion of activities related to art, craft, music and cooking, as well as giving students the opportunity to research some of the background aspects of the event.
Incorporated in the research component are Internet activities related to Christmas web sites, in addition to a variety of online references that can be used for further investigations.
Author: Judy Gabrovec
N.B. Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (48 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for classroom use.
Our ebooks are in pdf format.
Christmas Craft provides a host of activities, ideas and templates for teachers of young children. Sections include Christmas Craft; Gifts to Give; Decorations to Do and more.
In addition, some Christmas related language and maths thematic activities are provided.
Illustrator: Annette Edgar
N.B. Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (64 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for use in the classroom.
Our ebooks are in pdf format.
The Animal Maths Series is designed for any child who needs practice in doing basic maths.
The idea of using the motivating concept of “animals” as an aid to teaching provides a fun dimension that will help stimulate the learning of mathematical skills.
'Animal Maths: Subtraction' provides a range of activities at three different levels of difficulty, together with extensive teaching notes and suggestions before each activity page.
Author: Jan Stone
N.B. Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (56 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for use in the classroom.
Our ebooks are in pdf format.
The 'Cool Antarctica' Activity Book is created to be used with the 'Cool Antarctica' Resource Book.
This series is set against the backdrop of five high interest themes. These innovative packages act as springboards for developing and enhancing thinking and creativity skills for junior to middle primary levels. The photocopy masters activity books contains sets of stand-alone activities which are ideal for either a learning centre, homework challenge or general library or classroom lessons. Half of the activities are CYBER CHALLENGES and students will be directed to a website (easily accessed through the Ready-Ed website) in order to complete the activity. All activities are outcome linked to the English, Humanities and Science curriculum documents.
In the Cool Antarctica Activity Book, students will learn about Antarctic discovery and exploration, Antarctic adventurers, historical events, research bases, daily life in Antarctica, working in Antarctica, features of the landscape and of course, Antarctica’s unique wildlife.
Author: Jane Bourke
N.B. Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications.
'More Sounds' is the fourth book in a series of four entitled Cut and Paste Phonics. This book has been created for students in Years 1 and 2, and is designed to be used in conjunction with any regular class spelling program. Each task has been carefully constructed to help lower primary students recognise, using pictorial clues, the relationship between letters and sounds. The cut and paste aspect of the book not only offers an alternative to written worksheets, but also encourages children to become more dextrous with scissors.
Every book in the Cut and Paste Phonics series provides worksheets which:
• are fun for students;
• focus on letter sound knowledge;
• can help strengthen fine motor skills (e.g. cutting, pasting and hand-eye coordination skills);
• require students to listen to and follow a set of instructions;
• follow a similar structure – so that students can complete activities independently.
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (51 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for use in the classroom. Our ebooks are in pdf format.
N.B. Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications.
Author: Debra Hawthorne
'Blends' is the second book in a series of four entitled Cut and Paste Phonics. This book has been created for students in Years 1 and 2, and is designed to be used in conjunction with any regular class spelling program. Each task has been carefully constructed to help lower primary students recognise, using pictorial clues, the relationship between letters and sounds. The cut and paste aspect of the book not only offers an alternative to written worksheets, but also encourages children to become more dextrous with scissors.
Every book in the Cut and Paste Phonics series provides worksheets which:
• are fun for students;
• focus on letter sound knowledge;
• can help strengthen fine motor skills (e.g. cutting, pasting and hand-eye coordination skills);
• require students to listen to and follow a set of instructions;
• follow a similar structure – so that students can complete activities independently.
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (66 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for use in the classroom. Our ebooks are in pdf format.
N.B. Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications.
Author: Debra Hawthorne
The Integrated Themes series is designed for thematic programming in the junior classroom or reception centre. Photocopiable activities are spread across the curriculum areas and extensive teachers’ notes have been provided. Practical ideas and tips for thematic classroom programming have also been added, along with relevant Internet references, making this a very useful resource.
Evaluation checklists are included at the end of various sections to measure students’ understanding of concepts and mastery of skills. Integrated Themes: About Me focuses on the child and their world around them. There are sections on toys, family, friends, feelings, school, community and home life.
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (64 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for use in the classroom. Our ebooks are in pdf format.
Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications.
Author: Pam Portman
'Integrated Themes: Seasons' is designed for thematic programming in the junior classroom or reception centre. Photocopiable activities are spread across the curriculum areas and extensive teachers’ notes have been provided. Practical ideas and tips for thematic classroom programming have also been added, along with relevant Internet references, making this a very useful resource. Evaluation checklists are included at the end of various sections to measure students’ understanding of concepts and mastery of skills.
'Integrated Themes: Seasons' introduces the four seasons and contains a range of weather-related activities to distinguish each season. Tasks explore the food, clothes and recreation that is characteristic of the different times of the year. Ideally, this is a theme that should be reinforced as each season begins.
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (48 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for use in the classroom. Our ebooks are in pdf format.
Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications.
Author: Pam Portman
'Magical Maths' is a series of two high interest maths books for lower primary teachers. The books contain teacher notes, activity ideas, and extension activities in a photocopy master format.
The activities integrate easily with other curriculum areas and popular themes and topics, with many of the worksheets suitable for revision or relief teaching. The activities within Magical Maths Book 2 are explained clearly and many involve art and construction skills.
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (44 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for use in the classroom. Our ebooks are in pdf format.
Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications.
Authors: Mary Serenc & Wendy Harrap
'Magical Maths' is a series of two high interest maths books for lower primary teachers. The books contain teacher notes, activity ideas, and extension activities in a photocopy master format.
The activities integrate easily with other curriculum areas and popular themes and topics, with many of the worksheets suitable for revision or relief teaching. The activities within Magical Maths Book 1 are explained clearly and many involve art and construction skills.
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (44 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for use in the classroom. Our ebooks are in pdf format.
Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications.
Authors: Mary Serenc & Wendy Harrap
'Mental Maths' is designed to meet the ever present need for activities aimed at consolidation of basic mathematical concepts.
The 46 sets of exercises are graduated from simple to more complex and are directed towards encouraging both speed and accuracy in students.
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (60 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for use in the classroom. Our ebooks are in pdf format.
Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications.
Author: David Stephenson
'An Angle on Geometry' provides sequential activities in the area of geometry and spatial mathematics. It covers the major learning areas such as identifying different types of angles, using a protractor to measure angles, using known rules to calculate the size of angles and construction of angles using either a compass or a protractor.
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (44 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for use in the classroom. Our ebooks are in pdf format.
Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications.
Author: Jane Bourke
'The Time Book 2' is the second in a series on time related maths involving clocks, calendars and timetables and combining the teaching of mathematics with real life skills.
The Time Books contain plenty of time saving clockface templates.
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (56 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for use in the classroom. Our ebooks are in pdf format.
Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications.
Author: Lyn Catchpole
'The Time Book 1' is the first book in a series on time-related maths involving clocks, calendars and timetables and combining the teaching of mathematics with real life skills.
The Time Books contain plenty of time-saving clock face templates.
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (44 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for use in the classroom. Our ebooks are in pdf format.
Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications.
Author: Lyn Catchpole
Maths Problem Solving Activities 10 – 11 Years explores a variety of problem solving strategies that can be applied to everyday mathematical problems. In addressing a variety of problem solving techniques and strategies, each approach is described in detail with examples. Techniques include:
Guess and Check;
Create a Diagram;
Use a Table;
Logical Reasoning;
Make a Table;
Find a Pattern;
Work Backwards and
Solve an Easier Version.
A comprehensive three-book series for upper primary.
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (48 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for use in the classroom. Our ebooks are in pdf format.
Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications.
Author: Susan Cull
In "Everyday Maths Book 2" children are required to utilise a range of problem solving strategies in their approach to reaching solutions for these interesting problems.
Characters such as Neil Number, Mary Measure, Spacy Sam and Crazy Charlie add a highly motivating element to the process of working through the problems.
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (40 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for use in the classroom. Our ebooks are in pdf format.
Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications.
Author: Jane Bourke
"Everyday Maths Book 1" includes problem solving strategies such as Guess and Check, Act It Out, Make A Model, Look for a Pattern, Construct a Table and so on. These strategies are applied to a range of interesting problem situations.
Children will enjoy the variety of characters that provide an amusing element to the serious business of solving mathematical concepts.
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (40 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for use in the classroom. Our ebooks are in pdf format.
Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications.
Author: Jane Bourke
Sweat, warts, hairballs, halitosis, vomit, earwax and blood. These are just some of the gruesome but important educational topics covered in 'That’s Disgusting!'
You and your kids will just love this book. Each topic is delivered in a clear and humorous way and is designed to make students enjoy and remember science lessons for years to come. Full to the brim with foul facts, grotesque gossip and practical activities to get your students involved in science, this is a teacher resource that you shouldn’t be without.
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (60 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for use in the classroom. Our ebooks are in pdf format.
Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications.
Author: Fiona Rayns
Many aspects of our civilisation are based on the mathematics of circles – space, time, the wheel. 'The Mathematics of Circles' presents fundamental principles related to circles simply and without confusion.
The activities are fun to do and will thoroughly stimulate students working at all levels.
This is a Photocopy Master ebook (32 pages) and activity pages may be photocopied for use in the classroom. Our ebooks are in pdf format.
Edubooks is an imprint of Ready-Ed Publications.
Author: Susan Levy