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Cap'n Pete's Power PE

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Aye, aye me Hearties, you've navigated your vessel to the right site for yer top quality PE, game and movement treasure!




Aye, aye me Hearties, you've navigated your vessel to the right site for yer top quality PE, game and movement treasure!
PE Poster: Physical Education...not Gym Class

PE Poster: Physical Education...not Gym Class

WE TEACH PHYSICAL EDUCATION!!! We are PHYSICAL EDUCATION teachers and we are PROUD to teach Physical Education! Most of us have the luxury to teach in a large playing area we refer to as the “GYM” but we certainly do not teach “GYM” despite what we sometimes hear from our classroom colleagues, administrators, parents, students and from the general public! The term “Gym Class” brings up a negative vibe and it is important that we make an effort to change how we are addressed to bring our field the respect that it deserves. Our discipline is truly holistic as we are one of the few subjects that can reach the “whole child”. We truly have a tremendous effect on our students'’ cognitive, affective and psychomotor learning ability. This poster was developed as a response to a PE Central Facebook post by Stacy Furness in which she wrote about how frustrated she was with how her solid PE program was being devalued by others in her building. She, like others in our field, are tired of being “looked down upon” and thought of as the “babysitters” located in the gym for others to use in the building. This disrespect begins when others use the term “Gym Class” rather than Physical Education, PhysEd or PE. This poster was designed to be placed on or above a gym door to let others know WHO we are and WHAT we do in a brief but POWERFUL way! I put the poster out for review and found that individual PE teachers have different situations (some without gyms) and also found that some prefer a DIRECT wording approach while others prefer a more INDIRECT one. For that reason, I created 4 versions (with 2 backgrounds for each version) of the poster, to accommodate these style and situational differences.
PE Poster: What is Physical Literacy?

PE Poster: What is Physical Literacy?

WHAT IS PHYSICAL LITERACY? PHYSICAL LITERACY can be defined as is the ability to move your body confidently during physical activity, make healthy lifestyle choices and perform a variety of skills at school, home and in the community. The basic foundation of physical literacy suggests that just as learning the alphabet is essential for learning to read, the development of essential movement and sport skills is fundamental for performance in physical activities/games/dance and a catalyst for an active lifestyle at school, at home and in the community . The displayed WHAT IS PHYSICAL LITERACY poster provides a “student friendly” definition of Physical Literacy and highlights 5 core defining components. The defining components are easy to understand and help provide a framework for comprehending physical literacy’s holistic concept. The graphics in the poster are “kid friendly” and help to draw your students’ eyes to the information presented. This colorful Physical Literacy PE poster serves as a modern visual displaying the process from the Physical Literacy concept in a kid friendly, easy to comprehend printable. The posters come in a Zip folder with 2 Formats- PDF and JPEG (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily PE lessons. This Physical Education Poster is designed for all PE age groups
PE Poster: Benefits of Physical Literacy

PE Poster: Benefits of Physical Literacy

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF PHYSICAL LITERACY? PHYSICAL LITERACY can be defined as is the ability to move your body confidently during physical activity, make healthy lifestyle choices and perform a variety of skills at school, home and in the community. The basic foundation of physical literacy suggests that just as learning the alphabet is essential for learning to read, the development of essential movement and sport skills is fundamental for performance in physical activities/games/dance and a catalyst for an active lifestyle at school, at home and in the community . The displayed BENEFITS OF PHYSICAL LITERACY poster provides an accurate illustration of the 7 KEY BENEFITS OF BECOMING PHYSICALLY LITERATE with statements and “student friendly” graphics. The stated benefits help to solidify the important outcomes of striving to become physically literate for life. The information is easy to understand and it helps validate the positive effects that result from living a physically literate lifestyle. This colorful Physical Literacy PE poster serves as a modern visual displaying the process from the Physical Literacy concept in a kid friendly, easy to comprehend printable. The posters come in a Zip folder with 2 Formats- PDF and JPEG (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily PE lessons. This Physical Education Poster is designed for all PE age groups
PE Poster: Fundamental Movement Skills for Physical Literacy

PE Poster: Fundamental Movement Skills for Physical Literacy

WHAT ARE THE FUNDAMENTAL MOVEMENT SKILLS FOR PHYSICAL LITERACY? PHYSICAL LITERACY can be defined as is the ability to move your body confidently during physical activity, make healthy lifestyle choices and perform a variety of skills at school, home and in the community. The basic foundation of physical literacy suggests that just as learning the alphabet is essential for learning to read, the development of essential movement and sport skills is fundamental for performance in physical activities/games/dance and a catalyst for an active lifestyle at school, at home and in the community . The displayed FUNDAMENTAL MOVEMENT SKILLS FOR PHYSICAL LITERACY poster provides a “student friendly” illustration of the 13 essential skills for becoming a physically literate individual. These skills establish the foundation for participation in many sports and physical activity throughout a lifetime. The movement skills represented are familiar to students and the graphics are “kid friendly” to help to draw your students’ eyes to the information being presented. This colorful Physical Literacy PE poster serves as a modern visual displaying the skills necessary for Physical Literacy in a kid friendly, easy to comprehend printable. The posters come in a Zip folder with 2 Formats- PDF and JPEG (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily PE lessons. This Physical Education Poster is designed for all PE age groups
Science Banner #1: “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be discovered”

Science Banner #1: “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be discovered”

“Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be discovered” SCIENCE Banner #1- in 4 Color Schemes; Blue/Blue/White, Green/Blue/White, Purple/Yellow/White and Red/Black/White This Science “Over the Door” Display Banner has been uniquely developed as a valuable and attractive visual aid to be placed over the entrance door of your classroom or other learning area. The banner is large enough for all to see from a long way off as it is made up of eight connecting, 8 ½” by 11” sheets of paper. The banner displays the word “Science” in extra-large print and is complimented with “eye catching” graphics and a Science slogan: "Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be discovered"; to let students, parents, colleagues and administrators that you are serious about what you do.
PE Educational Gymnastics Station Signs and Task Cards- 36 Signs and Cards

PE Educational Gymnastics Station Signs and Task Cards- 36 Signs and Cards

TIME TO ROLL WITH IT!!! The PE EDUCATIONAL GYMNASTICS STATION SIGNS AND TASK CARD product is a “kid friendly” set of instructional GYMNASTICS/TUMBLING printable signs/cards that can be used to teach a variety of “widely-used” educational-gymnastics and tumbling skills, using a variety of teaching styles and learning formats. Each sign/card is uniquely designed to display and describe specific jumping, crawling, rolling and balancing “skills” commonly used by practicing physical educators when teaching an “educational gymnastics” or “tumbling” unit during PE. The cards are specifically created to be easy to understand with attractive, eye-catching and kid-friendly illustrations. The instructional cues incorporate a variety of background and text colors which make the cards really “pop”! The 36 signs and instructional cards can easily be set up to use in your gym or playing area, using traditional PE mats using a variety of formats. The PE EDUCATIONAL GYMNASTICS STATION SIGNS AND TASK CARD PACKAGE includes the following items: 36 STATION SIGNS- 8 ½ by 11” size includes: skill name, illustration and instructional cues 36 INSTRUCTIONAL CARDS- ¼ page size includes: skill name, illustration and instructional cues These EDUCATIONAL GYMNASTICS Instructional Signs/Cards are ideal for PE teachers to reinforce your tumbling and balancing teaching cues in daily classes, specialized units or practice sessions. Classroom teachers could also use individual signs/cards from this activity packet inside their classrooms or outside in a playing area such as a playground or field. Home-school teachers could also use the instructional signs in a smaller setting to teach EDUCATIONAL GYMNASTICS at home. The cards have been designed for Kindergarten through 8th grade age students.
PE Floor Hockey Stations- 20 "Stick to it" Zones

PE Floor Hockey Stations- 20 "Stick to it" Zones

THE COOLEST SPORT IN THE WORLD!!! The PE Floor Hockey Stations are 20 fun filled, “Stick to it” hockey-themed station signs/cards that you can use in your school gymnasium , outdoor blacktop or could be modified to be performed in a smaller space such as a large classroom or empty cafeteria. Each station card provides a hockey-related skill (i.e. stick-handling, passing, shooting, etc.) and includes a brief instructional direction and a graphic that depicts the activity. The activities are standards-based and there are plenty of activities for you to choose from or for the students to take part in during multiple class periods or recess times if necessary. The stations work great as an activity for the weeks leading up to the Stanley Cup Playoffs. These Floor Hockey Stations are ideal for a physical education teacher to teach manipulative skills such as stick-handling, passing, shooting, goal-tending and developing movement skills such as dodging and running without a ball. These stations were created to be “FUN” and your students will ask you to bring them out every year during your hockey unit or even as a Field Day event! The Floor Hockey “Stick to it” Stations were designed for 2nd Grade through 8th grade students.
PE Team Handball Stations- 20 "Throw-Away" Zones

PE Team Handball Stations- 20 "Throw-Away" Zones

THROW TO SCORE!!! The PE Team Handball Stations are 20 fun filled, "Throw-Away“ team handball themed station signs/cards that you can use in your school gymnasium , outdoor blacktop or could be modified to be performed in a smaller space such as a large classroom or empty cafeteria. Each station card provides a team handball-related skill (i.e. dribbling, passing, shooting, goalkeeping, etc.) and includes a brief instructional direction and a graphic that depicts the activity. The activities are standards-based and there are plenty of activities for you to choose from or for the students to take part in during multiple class periods or recess times if necessary. The stations work great as an activity for the weeks leading up to the Summer Olympics. These Team Handball Stations are ideal for a physical education teacher to teach manipulative skills such as dribbling, throwing, goal-tending and developing movement skills such as dodging and running without a ball. These stations were created to be “FUN” and your students will ask you to bring them out every year during your handball unit or even as a Field Day event! The Team Handball "Throw-Away“ Stations were designed for 2nd Grade through 8th grade students.
PE Poster: Physical Education Exit Checklist

PE Poster: Physical Education Exit Checklist

WHAT DID I ACCOMPLISH IN P.E. TODAY? This colorful “PE Exit Checklist” poster serves as a visual checklist for your students to view as they leave your PE classes. Teachers can make reference to the poster to reinforce PE concepts or to utilize as a self-assessment tool for the students. Students can make the “check” sign with their hand as each statement is read. The inspiration for this poster came from a response to a question I posted on PE Facebook from Katie Schmidt Mulloy and Krista Winn. The poster (in 4 colors) displays 7 statements that relate to a typical physical education class and includes a corresponding, color matching checkoff button and a kid-friendly graphic that corresponds to each statement. The posters are in a Zip folder with 2 Formats- PDF and JPEG (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons. This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from Kindergarten through 8th Grade
Healthy Habits Poster: Self Care and Hygiene

Healthy Habits Poster: Self Care and Hygiene

TAKING CARE OF MY BODY AND MIND! This colorful poster highlights 8 “Healthy Habits” that students can focus on for proper HYGIENE and SELF CARE. The poster is non-threatening and uses animated animals to “lighten up” a serious but important topic for our students. The statements are easy to understand and the animation is attractive to help draw the students eyes to the poster. The poster (in 5 colors) displays the words SELF CARE as an acronym for “actions” we want our students to know and follow. Eight Healthy Habit statements for hygiene and general health are listed and specific guidelines are explained to help lead the students to take positive action. The posters are in a Zip folder with 2 Formats- PDF and JPEG (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons. This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from 2nd Grade through the 10th Grade
PE Poster: "Intensity Awareness Scale"

PE Poster: "Intensity Awareness Scale"

HOW HARD DO I FEEL I AM EXERCISING!!! This colorful “Intensity Awareness Scale ” poster is based on Borg's Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale and highlights 10 color-coded “Exercise Zones” that we typically witness during daily PE classes. The poster is “Kid-Friendly” and helps students understand and verbally describe the intensity at which their body is working, i.e. how they feel physically and mentally during activity/exercise. They can then use that information to straightforwardly communicate back and forth with their teacher or coach. Each intensity awareness zone provides a description statement with an indicator statement and shows an example that’s students can easily relate to. This poster is POWERFUL and VALUABLE! The file includes 4 different background colors (tan, green, lavender and printer friendly white), to match your personal preference or school’s gym colors. The posters are in both PDF and JPEG format (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons. This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from Kindergarten through 8th Grade
PE Poster: Locomotor Movement

PE Poster: Locomotor Movement

HOW MANY WAYS CAN YOU MOVE? This colorful “locomotor movement” poster identifies 10 different locomotor movements that are typically performed in a physical education class. The poster includes a corresponding “action-based” locomotor image for each movement that will help your students easily relate. The PDF file includes 4 different header colors to match your school’s gym colors.
Fitness Circuit Task Cards- "Muscular Endurance”

Fitness Circuit Task Cards- "Muscular Endurance”

LIKE THE ENERGIZER BUNNY, YOU KEEP YOU GOING AND GOING AND GOING!!! This Fitness Circuit Task Card Product is a comprehensive grouping of muscular endurance exercise signs (descriptors and images), along with a full lesson plan, circuit diagram and an assessment exit slip. Together, these items provide you with a practical tool to help guide your students through a variety of FUN AND ACTIVE aerobic exercises, movements, and skills. The 20 CIRCUIT TASK CARDS easily be set up in your gym, classroom or outside playing area, using little to no equipment. Each task card provides your students with informational cues and displays cutting edge images to make instruction easy and fun. A Muscular Endurance Definition Sign and an optional Assessment Exit Slip is also included for you as the teacher to help with instruction and to check for cognitive understanding of the lesson outcomes. The FITNESS CIRCUIT TASK CARDS MUSCULAR ENDURANCE PACKAGE includes the following items: 1 Comprehensive Lesson Plan 1 Fitness Circuit Setup Diagram 20 Circuit Task Cards (Descriptors and Images) 1 Muscular Endurance Definition Sign 1 Optional Assessment Exit Slip The cards are ideal for PE teachers to reinforce your teaching cues in a fitness unit or could be used as a warm up, cool down or an instant activity. Classroom teachers could also use a few task cards to make a small circuit inside their classrooms or multiple cards outside in a playing area such as a playground or field. The Fitness Circuit Task Cards have been designed for Kindergarten through 8th grade students.
Fitness Circuit Task Cards- “Muscular Strength and Power”

Fitness Circuit Task Cards- “Muscular Strength and Power”

IT’S TIME TO “PUMP YOU UP”!!! This Fitness Circuit Task Card Product is a comprehensive grouping of Strength and Power exercise signs (descriptors and images), along with a full lesson plan, circuit diagram and an assessment exit slip. Together, these items provide you with a practical tool to help guide your students through a variety of FUN AND ACTIVE Strength and Power exercises, movements, and skills. The 20 CIRCUIT TASK CARDS easily be set up in your gym, classroom or outside playing area, using basic PE equipment. Each task card provides your students with informational cues and displays cutting edge images to make instruction easy and fun. The Muscular Strength and Power Definition Signs and an optional Assessment Exit Slip is also included for you as the teacher to help with instruction and to check for cognitive understanding of the lesson outcomes. This FITNESS CIRCUIT TASK CARDS PACKAGE includes the following items: 1 Comprehensive Lesson Plan 1 Fitness Circuit Setup Diagram 20 Circuit Task Cards (Descriptors and Images) 1 Strength and Power Definition Sign 1 Optional Assessment Exit Slip The cards are ideal for PE teachers to reinforce your teaching cues in a fitness unit or could be used as a warm up, cool down or an instant activity. Classroom teachers could also use a few task cards to make a small circuit inside their classrooms or multiple cards outside in a playing area such as a playground or field. The Fitness Circuit Task Cards have been designed for Kindergarten through 8th grade students.
Conflict Resolution Poster: RESOLVE- Let's Work it Out

Conflict Resolution Poster: RESOLVE- Let's Work it Out

GREAT POSTER FOR STUDENT PROBLEM SOLVING! This colorful poster uses “Conflict Resolution” techniques to give students the ability to solve problems when a conflict issue occurs between 2 students. It works as a great tool for giving students problem solving skill without repeated, direct teacher intervention. The inspiration for this poster came from JD Hughes (PE2theMax) “Problem Solving Table” and Ben Landers (the PE Specialist) “Conflict Corner”. The poster (in 4 colors) displays the word RESOLVE as an acronym for “working out” conflict situations and/or disputes. Seven RESOLVE statements for conflict resolution are listed and specific “actions” are explained to help guide the students through the process. The posters are in a Zip folder with 2 Formats- PDF and JPEG (originally set for 8 ½ by 11 sheets) but they can easily be copied on a school or store Poster-Maker to convert to a large sized poster. You can then place it inside your gym or playing area for your students to see and for you to reference while you teach your daily physical education lessons. This Physical Education Poster is designed for all ages but is best suited for students from 2nd Grade through the 10th Grade
PE Games; Super Bundle- Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer and Base Games

PE Games; Super Bundle- Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer and Base Games

100 AWESOME PE GAMES!!! 4 PE Game sets for the price of 3! That's 25% off the regular TES individual game set prices. Inside this super bundle are 100 Fun and Fantastic PE games; 25 games in each "game set" that come from my following products on TES: PE Basketball Games- "Nothing but Net" PE Volleyball and Net Games- "Up, Up and Away" PE Soccer Games- "Just for Kicks" PE Base Games- "There's No Place Like Home" The 100-game Super Bundle games package is designed for PE or classroom teachers to use with their students and can accommodate a wide range of ages, for children from grades Kindergarten through 10th. Many of the games are ideal for large or medium sized groups, outside on a field, or inside a gymnasium. Some of the games are considered "Breakout Games" involving several smaller groups, playing simultaneously in a given area. These games can be used by PE TEACHERS as an extension of their PE units (after the basic skills have been taught) or they can be utilized by a CLASSROOM TEACHERs as an organized RECESS GAME ACTIVITY to keep students active and focused during their play time. In addition, many of the PE games make great large-group activities for school-wide events such as FIELD DAY or for a class or grade-level REWARD DAY sometime during the school year.
SCHOOL AWARDS- 24 Multi-Subject Certificates

SCHOOL AWARDS- 24 Multi-Subject Certificates

SHOWCASING EXCELLENCE IN OUR SCHOOLS!!! Inside this packet you will find a variety of Core and Specialist Class Award Certificates that highlight many of the “general core” and “extension” classes that are currently taught in schools at the elementary and middle school level. Inside you will find 21 colorful and attractive preset subject certificates including: Art, Band, Computer Lab, Counselor, Drama, French, Health, History, Language Arts, Physical Education, Math, Math Lab, Music, Reading, Science, Science Lab, Stem Lab, Social Studies, Spanish, Technology and Writing. You will also find 3 unique, adaptable School Award Certificates that you can name and describe yourself. All 21 of School Award Certificates (in the PowerPoint file) give you the ability to electronically input student and teacher names and the date of the award presentation. The 3 adaptable awards also provide text boxes for you to name and describe your own “distinctive” award. The attractive backgrounds and “cutting edge” images are set in all of the certificates. A PDF file of the 21 preset awards is also included with fill lines that allow you to input names using a pen or marker in the case that you have a lot of students to recognize and speed an efficiency in completing the certificates is important to you. These School Awards are an excellent way to recognize students that exhibit praiseworthy class achievement, behavior and actions and you can use them throughout the school year after units, grading periods or semesters for a variety of purposes. They also make great “end-of-the-year” celebration keepsakes that students and parents will cherish for years!
PE AWARDS- 20 Sport and Skill Certificates

PE AWARDS- 20 Sport and Skill Certificates

SHOWCASING EXCELLENCE IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION SPORTS AND SKILLS!!! Inside this packet you will find a variety of sport-specific and PE skill award certificates that highlight some of the major sports and skills that are currently taught in physical education classes at the elementary and middle school level. Inside you will find 17 colorful and attractive preset sport and skill awards including: Baseball/Softball, Basketball, Climbing Wall, Cup Stacking, Dance, Hockey, Juggling, Jump Rope, Hula Hoop, Lacrosse, Pickle Ball, Soccer, Tennis, Tumbling, Track, Yoga and Volleyball. You will also find 3 unique, adaptable Sport/Skill Awards that you can name and describe yourself. All 20 of the Sport/Skill award certificates (in the PowerPoint file) give you the ability to electronically input student and teacher names and the date of the award presentation. The 3 adaptable awards also provide text boxes for you to name and describe your own “distinctive” award. The attractive backgrounds and “cutting edge” images are set in all of the certificates. A PDF file of the 17 preset awards is also included with fill lines that allow you to input names using a pen or marker in the case that you have a lot of students to recognize and speed an efficiency in completing the certificates is important to you. These PE Sport/Skill Awards are an excellent way to recognize students that exhibit praiseworthy sport/skill behaviors and actions and you can use them throughout the school year after units, grading periods or semesters for a variety of purposes. They also make great “end-of-the-year” celebration keepsakes that students and parents will cherish for years!
Brain Breaks for the Classroom - 75 "Rockin" Movement Centers

Brain Breaks for the Classroom - 75 "Rockin" Movement Centers

TS TIME TO MOVE IT, MOVE IT!!! The following Brain and Body Break Movement Centers have been exclusively created for classroom teachers to give their children an opportunity to move and energize their bodies so that they are able to refocus and learn! The movement centers are an excellent tool for developing your students’ heart and muscles and also benefit their brains. Several recent studies have shown how important it is for children to "move" throughout the day to help them stay "sharp" and ready to learn! The “Rockin Movement Centers” can be done directly in your classrooms as individual large group activities lead by the teacher or in a more traditional “small group format”, where the students read the task cards and perform the movement in designated areas in your classroom, outside at recess, or in another facility such as an empty room or gym. These centers were selected and modified from my “PE stations” Series because of their ability to be performed in limited space areas. Most of the centers require no equipment and a few of them require 1 or 2 items per child or partner group. Many of the items you could borrow from your PE teacher or collect in your classroom for continued use. If you are a PE teacher and have previously purchased any of my PE Stations products, you already have many of these items (in a slightly different format) and will not need to purchase these centers. All 75 of the activities are suitable for boys and girls and can be adapted to match your limited equipment and space restraints. Since there are 75 total Rockin Movement Center cards, you can easily mix them up throughout the school year and have more than enough activities to use for many break times, transitions, recess, testing pauses, or adapted schedule change opportunities. The cards provide brief directions with entertaining graphics and also include the motor skill or fitness concept addressed during the movement. If you lack the equipment or space for one or more of the stations, feel free to adapt it in whatever way best meets the needs of your children and your unique situation. Play music indoors during movement or take some of the center cards outside on great weather days and you will bring great enjoyment and rejuvenation to your students every day!!!
PE Flying Disc Games- "Take it for a Spin"

PE Flying Disc Games- "Take it for a Spin"

LET’S START A REVOLUTION!!! Inside this PACKAGE are 25 “FANTASTIC FRISBEE” games, designed for students with a wide range of abilities, from 3rd Grade through 10th Grade. These HIGH FLYING DISC GAMES are ideal for large or medium sized groups, outside on a field, on a blacktop play area or inside a large gym. Some of the games are large group games that many students can be involved in at the same time and some of them are “break-out” games that students play in smaller groups. All of the games require either some hard outdoor or soft indoor foam flying discs and a few of them require some standard PE items such as cones, bases, hula hoops and beanbags. These games can be used by PE TEACHERS as an extension of their throwing/catching units or during a standalone flying disc unit (after the basic skills have been taught). The individual games can also be utilized by a CLASSROOM TEACHER as an organized RECESS GAME ACTIVITY to keep students active and focused during their play time. In addition, many of the base games make great large-group activities for school-wide events such as FIELD DAY or for a class or grade-level REWARD DAY sometime during the school year. These disc games involve several PE manipulative and locomotor skills such as throwing, catching, blocking, running, slide stepping and leaping. Strategic concepts, teamwork, cooperation and sportsmanship are also important components in the 25 disc games. NASPE standards, equipment needs, modifications, setup and game instructions are included for each flying disc game. The Base Games include: 1. Capture the Disc, 2. Disc 500, 3. Disc Baseball, 4. Disc Catch Relay, 5. Disc Cross, 6. Disc Rangers, 7. Disc Team Handball, 8. Disc Team Relay, 9. Disco, 10. Double Disc Court, 11. Frisbee Golf, 12. Frisbee Net Ball, 13. Hit the Cone, 14. Hit the Wall, 15. HORSE- Disc Style, 16. Intercept, 17. Keep Away, 18. Landing Zones, 19. Let it Fly, 20. Pinball, 21. Quad-Style Ultimate, 22. Spin and Run, 23. Three Peat, 24. Throw and Catch Race and 25. Ultimate Frisbee