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Persuasive devices display / anchor charts and special needs adjustments

Persuasive devices display / anchor charts and special needs adjustments

Persuasive devices are tricky for students to remember and use in their analysing and writing persuasive texts. We have solved that problem for you and created these highly attractive charts that your students can use as a reference point in your classroom. We have used the popular acronym AFORREST as a way of helping students remember the different devices. These resources will be very useful in your primary or elementary class and with secondary or high school students. These are easy to use. Simply print the large anchor / display charts and put them up in your classroom where they can be easily seen. You may want to laminate them if you prefer. We laminate the small card size ones and place them on a simple key ring for students. They love them! A Alliteration F Facts O Opinion R Rhetorical question R repetition E Emotive language S Statistics T Triples (rule of three) We have also made them into small playing card size for students to have their own individual set. These cards would be a very useful adjustment for any student with a Specific Learning Difficulty such as Dyslexia, as it provides easy access and enables them to easily and independently access your task. Included as well, is a reference sheet that can easily be photocopied and used in a range of ways to support students. If you find these resources useful in your English or Politics class, please have a look at our other resources. We are committed to providing high quality resources to support teachers as do their most important work. Supporting students. Included in this pack: 1 x persuasive writing vocabulary poster 1 page of 4 persuasive writing vocabulary cards 9 x AFORREST anchor charts 1 page of 12 AFFORREST cards 1 page of 12 AFFOREST overview for back of cards 1 x persuasive writing plan worksheet
UK geography research and fact file early finisher project

UK geography research and fact file early finisher project

Are you looking for fun, no-prep, Geography activities your kids can do when they have some free time? Wondering how to keep your early finishers occupied and entertained without them needing your help and attention? Then this UK Fact file might be what you are looking for! This easy, no prep early finisher is 6 pages of interesting and relevant information for students to learn about the UK. Elementary, primary, home-school and high school students will be engaged and interested learning about a new country with facts to research, places and flags. A wordsearch is included to keep this project fun and engaging. A full teacher answer booklet is also included meaning no prep for the teacher. A fantastic go to resource for early finishers or end of projects. Use these interesting and useful research activities to provide enrichment for those early finishers in your classroom! You can choose to use them as individual sheets or combine them and use the booklet cover. Included in this pack: 6 page booklet with cover in black and white 6 page answer booklet with cover in full color
special learning needs posters

special learning needs posters

A series of 11 posters focusing on special education learning needs within your classroom. Strategies are included to include and understand some of the most common SEN such as ADHD, ASD, Dyslexia, Auditory processing as well as social and emotional learning and strategies. Differentiation strategies and information are included to assist teachers in accomodating these learners and undertaking their issues. All of the posters put a positive slant of these SEN and will educate and inform all teachers who may be struggling to deal with these learners. Included in the pack: 11 x special education needs posters
First day of school getting to know you activity booklet

First day of school getting to know you activity booklet

This 16-page workbook is perfect for the first day or week of school from primary, elementary and middle school students. This valuable no prep, printable resource will keep the students busy for hours and also give you valuable information about them as a person and their family. The workbook included brain breaks and extended writing as well as tick boxes and short answer questions. The workbook is presented in full color and black and white to suit both preferences and we know your students will find this an engaging and valuable exercise. This is a resource you can use year after year and refer back to when working with your students, you really don’t want to start the year with a new class without it! Included in the pack: 1 x front cover for getting to know you booklet in full colour 1 x page ice-breaker activity in full colour 14 x worksheets about getting to know you in full colour 1 x front cover for getting to know you booklet in black and white 1 x page ice-breaker activity in black and white 14 x worksheets about getting to know you in black and white


4 Resources
Who doesn’t love fun and seasonal worksheets? This bundle is a selection of 80 no prep and printable sentence building (sentence scramble) worksheets designed for Early Elementary, Pre Primary, Kindergarten and First Grade students. It features fun Valentines, Summer, Winter and School themed sentences and pictures. Students simply trace off the sentence, then cut, sort, and paste the words into a sentence, write the sentence, and color the picture. This is a fun literacy activity for all early readers and writers, and a valuable addition to your literacy centers. Promotes early reading, literacy, writing and fine motor skills in kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade students. Students will work on sentence structure, tracing, cutting, handwriting, reading, writing, fine motor AND sight words. Included in this bundle: 20 x Winter themed sentence builder worksheets 20 x Summer themed sentence builder worksheets 20 x Valentines themed sentence builder worksheets 20 x School themed sentence builder worksheets
Halloween activity workbook for early literacy and numeracy concepts

Halloween activity workbook for early literacy and numeracy concepts

This engaging easy to use, no prep, Halloween themed work pack reinforces ‘basic literacy and numeracy concepts for Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Elementary and First Grade students. This pack is a fabulous way to look at the theme of Halloween and incorporate it into your classroom or daycare setting. This independent work pack of 18 printable worksheets are perfect for your Kinder and Elementary literacy lessons, Literacy Centers, guided reading and writing, spelling and independent word work. Handwriting and practicing phonological knowledge are also embedded in these easy-to-use worksheets. Early math’s concepts are also covered including counting, addition, subtraction, sizes and graphs, Included in this pack: 1 x front cover for workbook 17x black and white no prep, printable worksheets
Self-regulation strategy A – Z of coping skills posters for calm corners and SEN

Self-regulation strategy A – Z of coping skills posters for calm corners and SEN

In an educational setting, coping strategies refer to the way in which learners predict, prepare, perceive, manage, react and alter their behaviour when stressed. This stress is often caused by failure, the threat of failure or the belief that failure is inevitable. The reactions to these threats are both conscious and sub-conscious; we cannot fully control our behaviour in every respect. Learning is more difficult when students lack the necessary strategies to manage stress and anxiety. As teachers want to make learning as easy as possible, it is logical that coping strategies should be explicitly taught. All students from early childhood and kindergarten through middle and primary school and onto high school can benefit from this resource, and special needs or neurodiverse students can gain some excellent self-regulation skills from using these posters. Use this resource to practice and embed coping strategies with your students. The posters can be displayed in a calming corner or on the desks of individuals who struggle to self-regulate or can be accessible for when students need to access them at times of high stress or anxiety. The black and white posters can even be used as a calming strategy, by allowing the student to color in the strategies as they use them. Included in this pack: 1 x full A-Z of coping skills poster in full color 26 x individual coping skills posters in full color 1 x full A-Z of coping skills poster in black and white 26 x individual coping skills posters in black and white
Graphic organiser / visual schedule to make your students timetables

Graphic organiser / visual schedule to make your students timetables

Visual schedules or timetables are a fantastic resource for all children but especially for our students with special needs. Each day can be built to the individual student and each card is available in both full color and black and white. This pack allows you to build daily schedules with or without times, individual days, specific routines cards such as recess or lunch routines, and allows you to add your own subjects, times and layouts. Perfect for home school as it allows students to build their own days and plan out which activities will happen next. You also get two different options for timecards to use alongside the timetable cards. You have plain ones that you could type the times into or delete the text box and print blank & one with clock faces simply print, laminate and write on. These could also be printed smaller for individual timetables for special needs students if needed. This product allows you to completely customise a timetable for your class or an individual student using language that the students are familiar with and putting them with pictures that the students will recognise even if not reading yet. Build a timetable each day by using Velcro or magnetic tape or do this once and laminate. This really is an invaluable resource which you will end up using time and again. This pack included: 17 x blank schedule pages on which to build your schedule in full color 72 x individual subject cards with a blank clock in full color 180 x individual subject cards in full color 58 x clock cards with each 15 minutes on and blank to write your own times on in full color 17 x blank schedule pages on which to build your schedule in black and white 72 x individual subject cards with a blank clock in black and white 180 x individual subject cards in black and white 58 x clock cards with each 15 minutes on and blank to write your own times on in black and white This resource is 60 pages of high-quality graphic organiser resources.
Communication cards for special needs students and teenagers

Communication cards for special needs students and teenagers

Communicating with neurodivergent young people can be very challenging. These cards are especially designed for those young people who prefer not to use assistive technology or where technology is not available. A simple yet effective set of cards that require limited preparation and can be used time and time again. Just print and laminate these cards, and your young person will be communicating with those around them in no time. An introduction card is included in this pack that lays out what the young person will require from the person they are communicating with. The text says: I WANT TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU ● Please be patient ● Please read what I write ● Please respond verbally ● Please look at me This ensures a safe space is provided for the communication to occur in a respectful manner. These communication cards are empowering because they allow the young person to: ● communicate with their peers and those around them ● be in control of exactly what they want to communicate ● use their written or drawing skills ● Use the cards multiple times in a variety of contexts WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THIS PACK ● 36 THINK and WRITE cards that can be photocopied multiple times, with nine different young people. ● 9 ‘I WANT TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU CARDS’ featuring 9 different young people ● 9 THANK YOU cards featuring different young people ● Clear and age-appropriate illustrations for your students to identify with ● A THANK YOU card to share with the person they are communicating with.
It’s okay to be me gender identity and expression workbook LBGTQI+

It’s okay to be me gender identity and expression workbook LBGTQI+

Increasingly gender identity issues and confusion are becoming the norm in schools, many students struggle to understand this, and this can lead to bullying and a lack of tolerance. This easy, no prep, printable workbook looks to confront and educate the issue of gender identity over 15 pages of activities. This workbook is suitable for students from grade 2 to 5 and is a useful resource in both primary and elementary schools. A separate teacher answer book is included so all of the questions can be fully answered without the need for further research. All the activities are engaging and foster an inquisitive and knowledge-based approach, looking to normalise and help students to understand gender diversity. The activities have been specially designed to avoid conflict and biased views and focus on facts, hopefully growing tolerance and understanding amongst your students. If you are having problems in your class or school based around gender identity and expression, tolerance or misunderstanding, this resource will help create a greater culture of understanding and acceptance. Included in this package: 1 x Front cover for workbook 14 x pages of activities and information worksheets focusing on gender identity. 1 x 15 page teacher answer book
It’s okay to be me posters for elementary, primary and middle school classrooms

It’s okay to be me posters for elementary, primary and middle school classrooms

This set of engaging and bright posters which promote diversity, and a positive sense of self are a must for making your classroom a safe space for neurodiverse and gender diverse students. Make differences acceptable and understandable with these simple posters which promote respect and tolerance. These could even be printed out smaller and used as positive affirmation cards, they really are a useful tool in a modern classroom. The graphics include different races to be inclusive to all students. Make talking about differences and promoting respect the norm. This pack includes 32 PDF posters to be printed any size. 16 full colour and 16 black and white


2 Resources
Increasingly gender identity issues and confusion are becoming the norm in schools, many students struggle to understand this, and this can lead to bullying and a lack of tolerance. This easy, no prep, printable workbook looks to confront and educate the issue of gender identity over 29 pages of activities. This workbook is suitable for students from grade five to grade 10 and is a useful resource in both primary, elementary and high schools. A separate teacher answer book is included so all of the questions can be fully answered without the need for further research. All the activities are engaging and foster an inquisitive and knowledge-based approach, looking to normalise and help students to understand gender diversity. The activities have been specially designed to avoid conflict and biased views and focus on facts, hopefully growing tolerance and understanding amongst your students. If you are having problems in your class or school based around gender identity and expression, tolerance or misunderstanding, this resource will help create a greater culture of understanding and acceptance. Included in this bundle: 1 x Front cover for workbook 27 x pages of activities and information worksheets focusing on gender identity. 1 x 28 page teacher answer book 9 x PDF posters to be printed any size.
Project based learning (PBL) blank scaffold workbook with PBL briefs

Project based learning (PBL) blank scaffold workbook with PBL briefs

The key to successful PBL tasks is to make then interesting and relevant to students. This resource allows students to identify their own project focus and work through it while following a scaffold to produce all the information you require. This no prep, easy to use, printable workbook is suitable for home school classrooms, primary, elementary and high school students. 12 projects outlines have been included so students can choose one of those if they are struggling to find their won. This booklet promotes autonomous learning and problem solving, which is the backbone of PBL, if you are tased with the delivery of PBL at your school and do not know where to start this workbook has everything all sorted! Included in this pack: 1 X Project front cover 12 x project outline briefs for students to choose from 13 x blank project scaffolded pages to record progress and outcomes.
Let’s talk about gender identity and expression workbook LBGTQI+

Let’s talk about gender identity and expression workbook LBGTQI+

Increasingly gender identity issues and confusion are becoming the norm in schools, many students struggle to understand this, and this can lead to bullying and a lack of tolerance. This easy, no prep, printable workbook looks to confront and educate the issue of gender identity over 29 pages of activities. This workbook is suitable for students from grade five to grade 10 and is a useful resource in both primary, elementary and high schools. A separate teacher answer book is included so all of the questions can be fully answered without the need for further research. All the activities are engaging and foster an inquisitive and knowledge-based approach, looking to normalise and help students to understand gender diversity. The activities have been specially designed to avoid conflict and biased views and focus on facts, hopefully growing tolerance and understanding amongst your students. If you are having problems in your class or school based around gender identity and expression, tolerance or misunderstanding, this resource will help create a greater culture of understanding and acceptance. Included in this package: 1 x Front cover for workbook 27 x pages of activities and information worksheets focusing on gender identity. 1 x 28 page teacher answer book
Classroom reward cards to encourage even the most challenging of behaviors

Classroom reward cards to encourage even the most challenging of behaviors

These ‘you did good’ cards are perfect for identifying good behavior, actions and words in your students. All students and teachers love this rewards system as it’s easy to implement. High school, middle school and elementary school students all found this an engaging way to monitor and work towards more engaging behaviours and a reward. Set up a system in your classroom where each student has a card with their name on and each time, they do something good you can clip a circle with your hole punch! Just like a coffee card when its all clipped, they get access to a prize box or one of our caught being good reward cards. Each card has 30 reward circles meaning they can be punched liberally before a reward is due! The word ‘behavior’ is intentionally not used so that all students can achieve, even if it is a kind or helpful word, deed or piece of work. Recognizing the good in even the most challenging of students is where we build connections and trust. The cards have been produced in both 24 different colors or black and white, which the students could color themselves. Included in this pack: 28 x individual ‘you did good’ cards to print (4 per page)
Phonics Focus ‘w’ sound for literacy centers and morning work.

Phonics Focus ‘w’ sound for literacy centers and morning work.

This set of printable sentences focusing on the initial phoneme / sound ‘W’ has so many uses in your Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, or Elementary classroom. They are also great for homeschooling settings. We have combined graphics starting with ‘W’ and high frequency sight words, to help you meet two learning goals at once! Each sentence uses the repetitive sentence, ‘THAT IS A ’ to promote reading fluency and mastery of sight words. The images have been carefully selected to ensure your students can easily recognize what the image is, and hear the phoneme ‘W’ in the initial position in each ’W’ word. We have even identified the learning focus areas which you can use in your planning. These sentences can be used individually by laminating each sentence and using them in your guided reading or literacy centers. They could be made into sentence books for each student to use as a home reader, or an in class independent reading activity. The tracing pages can be used as both reading and writing independent or group activities, and will reinforce phoneme / grapheme recognition, reading fluency and writing and handwriting skills. We know you will appreciate how easy these are to use in your classroom and you will be delighted at your students’ progress and engagement. The no color copy can be used as a reader too, and the student can personalize it to promote ownership and develop personal confidence in their reading. The copy with no images enables your students to draw their own pictures to reflect the text. These three copies of emergent reader can be used in your literacy centers, your literacy lessons, as reading homework and in your guided reading and writing work. They are also very suitable for group and independent work. These printable and easy to use readers will have your kindergarten, preprimary and elementary students reading in no time! Early success in reading experiences is vital and these magical little readers will help your students achieve just that. Reading success! INCLUDED IN THIS PACK ● PDF file including three different formats of the phonic high frequency word book ● 13 printable pages to use in many different ways in your classroom ● 36 individual sentences ● Clear and beautiful illustrations ● Sentence overview sheet ● A choice of color or black and white booklets, depending on your personal preference.
Famous quotes about friendship Valentine’s Day bookmarks student gift

Famous quotes about friendship Valentine’s Day bookmarks student gift

Each one of these 32 bookmarks is unique. Thirty-two different quotes to inspire and support kindness and friendship. Just print, cut and distribute to your class! What could be more beneficial to kids than reading and friendship together! Just copy and cut for a full class set of beautiful bookmarks to celebrate Valentine’s Day, friendship and the joy of reading. Suitable for middle school, elementary, primary and even high school students. They are a gift you will find yourself giving time and time again. These beautiful and unique bookmarks will delight your students and remind them of the importance of friendship. Each bookmark has a unique quote from a well-known source which provides a reflective look at the importance of friendship and being a friend. Use these bookmarks as token gestures for your class on Valentine’s Day, during Book Week, Wellbeing Week or at any time when you think they need a reminder of the importance of having friends and being a good friend too. Use them in your library and reading lessons. Leave them for students to find and remember the importance of friendship. The themes covered in these quotes include how to be a good friend, when to make friends, the joy and support friendship offers us and many more. Pack includes: 32 x Individual bookmark designs
Phonics Focus ‘U’ sound early childhood or homeschooling literacy program.

Phonics Focus ‘U’ sound early childhood or homeschooling literacy program.

Included in this pack are three individual books to promote sound / phoneme, and symbol / grapheme recognition and reading mastery of high frequency sight words. Each illustration has been carefully chosen so that the initial phoneme / sound ‘u’ is clear and easy to identify. The targeted text, ‘LOOK AT THE,’ coupled with the illustrations, enable early readers to use semantic knowledge to read the text. The repetition of the targeted sight words, ‘LOOK AT THE,’, support phonological development, reading mastery and reading fluency, in addition to learning their initial sounds. The no color copy can be used as a reader too, and the student can personalize it to promote ownership and develop personal confidence in their reading. The copy with no images enables your students to draw their own pictures to reflect the text. These three copies of emergent reader can be used in your literacy centers, your literacy lessons, as reading homework and in your guided reading and writing work. They are also very suitable for group and independent work. These printable and easy to use readers will have your kindergarten, preprimary and elementary students reading in no time! Early success in reading experiences is vital and these magical little readers will help your students achieve just that. Reading success! INCLUDED IN THIS PACK ● PDF file including three different formats of the phonic high frequency word book ● 13 printable pages to use in many different ways in your classroom ● 27 sentences to practice and reinforce phonological and reading skills ● Clear and beautiful illustrations ● Sentence overview sheet ● A choice of color or black and white booklets, depending on your personal preference.
Phonics focus ‘R’ sound sentence activity pack for literacy programs.

Phonics focus ‘R’ sound sentence activity pack for literacy programs.

This set of emergent readers offers so many opportunities in your Kindergarten, Early Childhood or homeschooling literacy program. Included in this pack are three individual books to promote sound / phoneme, and symbol / grapheme recognition and reading mastery of high frequency sight words. Each illustration has been carefully chosen so that the initial phoneme / sound ‘r’ is clear and easy to identify. The targeted text, ‘IT’S A,’ coupled with the illustrations, enable early readers to use semantic knowledge to read the text. The repetition of the targeted sight words, ‘IT’S A,’, support phonological development, reading mastery and reading fluency, in addition to learning their initial sounds. The no color copy can be used as a reader too, and the student can personalize it to promote ownership and develop personal confidence in their reading. The copy with no images enables your students to draw their own pictures to reflect the text. These three copies of emergent reader can be used in your literacy centers, your literacy lessons, as reading homework and in your guided reading and writing work. They are also very suitable for group and independent work. These printable and easy to use readers will have your kindergarten, preprimary and elementary students reading in no time! Early success in reading experiences is vital and these magical little readers will help your students achieve just that. Reading success! INCLUDED IN THIS PACK ● PDF file including three different formats of the phonic high frequency word book ● 13 printable pages to use in many different ways in your classroom ● 36 printable sentences. ● Clear and beautiful illustrations ● Sentence overview sheet ● A choice of color or black and white booklets, depending on your personal preference.
Gender pronoun posters for high school classrooms LBGTQI+

Gender pronoun posters for high school classrooms LBGTQI+

This set of engaging and bright pronoun posters are a must for making your classroom a safe space for gender diverse students. Make pronouns acceptable and understandable with these simple posters which promote respect and tolerance. These could even be printed out smaller and students choose which pronouns they wish to use, they really are a useful tool in a modern classroom. The graphics include different races to be inclusive to all students. Make talking about pronouns the norm. Using the correct pronouns for a person is a way of respecting that person’s gender identity and forming an inclusive environment. Teaching about gender and gender-neutral pronouns is important because all people deserve respect and to work, learn, and ultimately live in a safe and inclusive environment! This pack includes 9 PDF posters to be printed any size.