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French reflexive verbs

French reflexive verbs

A help sheet with an activity. One full verb table containing subject and reflexive pronouns and the present tense of a verb. Then a partially completed table for the pupils to fill in. An extension task is also written at the bottom of the sheet.
French connectives and time expressions (KS3 and KS4)

French connectives and time expressions (KS3 and KS4)

French connectives and time expressions vocabulary sheets (2 copies per page) which can be printed and stuck in student’s book for them to refer to when doing individual work. These are particularly helpful if you are teaching in a non-MFL room without access to dictionaries/wall displays etc.
French song gap-fills (listening activities - vocabulary, (near) future tense, perfect tense...)

French song gap-fills (listening activities - vocabulary, (near) future tense, perfect tense...)

5 songs: gap-fill activities for French songs to be done as listening activities. All missing words are in alphabetical order in the boxes on the sheets. 1.) Sara'h - Cheap Thrills. (French version of Sia's song). (Could be used to practise reflexive verbs for the topic of daily routine etc.) 2.) BB Brunes - Coups et blessures (body parts/aches and pains). 3.) Maitre Gims - Tu vas me manquer (near future tense). 4.) Soprano - Le diable s'habille plus en Prada (perfect tense). 5.) Black M - Sur ma route (prepositions). I hope you find them useful :)
French displays - connectives and tenses time markers

French displays - connectives and tenses time markers

2 French displays: 1.) A colour coded arrow with past, present and future vocabulary to hang from it. (I laminated and hole punched it so that I had the arrow along the top of the wall and attached the vocab with string). The vocabulary is colour coded to go with the arrow (i.e. past tense part of the arrow is red any any past tense time markers are also in red). 2.) Connectives display with key words in jigsaw puzzles. (To save on colour printing, I printed these off onto coloured pieces of paper and then laminated them).
Card game based on conjugating avoir, etre, faire and aller in present, imperfect and future

Card game based on conjugating avoir, etre, faire and aller in present, imperfect and future

This is a card game based on the game uno, but instead of matching up colours, the aim is to match up verb conjugations. I will use this with Year 10 to revise KS3 grammar work. Students start with 7 cards. The rest are in the middle. They either have to match up conjugations from the same verb (e.g. j'ai, j'avais) or the same person (e.g. j'ai could be placed on top of je fais because they both take the 'je' form). There are also my versions of the +2, +4 and change direction cards used in uno. If they cannot use any of the cards in their hands, students must pick up a card from the pile in the middle.
French Present tense - listening (Sara'h - Shape of you song)

French Present tense - listening (Sara'h - Shape of you song)

French version of Ed Sheeran’s song done as a gap-fill listening activity. All missing words are examples of the Present tense, which I am about to revise with my Year 10 group. All missing words in a box at the end of the activity so pupils can cross off once they’ve used one. Lyric video on youtube so teachers can get answers from that.
French vocabulary - home and local area/furniture

French vocabulary - home and local area/furniture

If the layout has gone funny, go to layout and word and change the margins to narrow (it's currently set to that to fit everything on 1 page) 1.) Vocabulary where you live: an A4 vocabulary grid with locations and rooms of the house. Pupils fill in the English translations. 2.) Furniture vocabulary: 2 A5 grids per page. Pupils match up with English translations (which are at the bottom of the sheet) and fill in the grid. 3.) Furniture A and B reading: pair work - cut page in half and each person has one half. Person A reads their text and person B fills in the gaps (missing words in the box). Then swap roles so person B reads and person A fills in the gaps.
GCSE French Speaking questions

GCSE French Speaking questions

Created some questions to give to my GCSE French pupils but some of their answers didn't quite work with the question, so I adapted it and added the English translations for the questions.
French conjugation card game (Year 7 - commencer, finir, apprendre, avoir)

French conjugation card game (Year 7 - commencer, finir, apprendre, avoir)

This is a card game based on the game uno, but instead of matching up colours, the aim is to match up verb conjugations. I will use this with Year 7 when we are doing the topic of school. Students start with 7 cards. The rest are in the middle. They either have to match up conjugations from the same verb (e.g. je commence, tu commences) or the same person (e.g. j'ai could be placed on top of je commence because they both take the 'je' form). There are also my versions of the +2, +4 and change direction cards used in uno. If they cannot use any of the cards in their hands, students must pick up a card from the pile in the middle.
GCSE French exam rubrics for 1-9

GCSE French exam rubrics for 1-9

AQA's exam rubrics turned into a gap-fill task. All missing English is below the table to be filled in. Students must use logic to work out the meanings for the French instructions.
French conjugation card game - aller, faire, jouer, aimer

French conjugation card game - aller, faire, jouer, aimer

This is a card game based on the game uno, but instead of matching up colours, the aim is to match up verb conjugations. I will use this with Year 8 when we are doing the topic of hobbies and leisure. Students start with 7 cards. The rest are in the middle. They either have to match up conjugations from the same verb (e.g. je vais, tu vas) or the same person (e.g. je vais could be placed on top of j'aime because they both take the 'je' form). There are also my versions of the +2, +4 and change direction cards used in uno. If they cannot use any of the cards in their hands, students must pick up a card from the pile in the middle. It has taken me several hours to prepare, hence the small fee!
AQA Spanish GCSE exam rubrics

AQA Spanish GCSE exam rubrics

Exam rubrics from the AQA website but designed as a gap-fill activity for students to complete. Additional document is an optional test if you would like to get students to revise the rubrics so that they are confident about knowing what it is that exam questions are asking them to do.
Spanish connectives and time expressions sheet (KS3 and KS4)

Spanish connectives and time expressions sheet (KS3 and KS4)

Spanish connectives and time expressions (2 copies per page) which can be printed and glued in the front of student’s book for them to refer to when doing individual work. (Especially helpful if you are teaching in a non-MFL room without access to dictionaries/wall displays etc.).
AQA GCSE French exam rubrics

AQA GCSE French exam rubrics

Exam rubrics from the AQA website but designed as a gap-fill activity for students to complete. Additional document is an optional test if you would like to get students to revise the rubrics so that they are confident about knowing what it is that exam questions are asking them to do.