A document showing the progression of skills in all of the different areas of outddoors continuous provision, breaking down how each activity area links to the 7 areas of learning and what the intended learning experience is.
A good document new to anyone in EYFS or a visitor to EYFS to understand why we have continuous provision and the learning opportunities each area provides.
(16 page document)
A document showing the progression of skills in all of the different areas of indoors continuous provision, breaking down how each activity area links to the 7 areas of learning and what the intended learning experience is.
A good document new to anyone in EYFS or a visitor to EYFS to understand why we have continuous provision and the learning opportunities each area provides. (16 page document)
Aspect 1, phase 1 phonics.
To use in nursery to support phase 1 phonics, also to use in reception and KS1 for intervention.
I have taken the letters & sounds document and created interactive slides for each activity to have a stronger scheme and sequence of learning.
Sequence of lessons that support the activities in Letters and Sounds - visual support for children, interactive lessons, text bubbles to script teachers, clear, concise and sequenced lessons.
Lessons can be re-taught and adapted where needed to support learning. Children to feel confident in an aspect before moving on. Where needed there are numerous lessons per activity in the Letters & Sounds for teachers to assess understanding and learning.
Each title page is a new lesson(s).
Social story for starting school in the early years. Follow Winnie the Pooh as he talks you through school and shows you the wonderful classrooms and teachers!