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BTEC Induction Introduction to Research Assignment
This is a resource to get learners used to BTEC Level 3 standards of assessment.
It introduces the learners to Pass, Merit and Distinction standards of work and how an assignment is set out.
It gives the learners a task to research how they can plan their assignments over their course.

Creating an interactive Takeaway website
This is a guide to create an interactive website for a takeaway. It builds in forms. Uses Notepad/Notepad++

Lesson Structure Template
Template for setting out the structure of a lesson with the following sections:
Lesson objectives
activities, tasks and resources for the lesson
exam style questions
exit and final thoughts

GCSE Business Revision Session Component 2
Useful revision PowerPoint going through some quick tasks to aid with revision.

Tech Award Digital IT Component 3 Revision Presentation
Revision presentation that provides a revision session via presentation.

GCSE Business Customer Needs Presentation
Presentation on the customer needs section for the GCSE Business studies course.

Computing and ICT Room Display
Provides some images and text for a room display for an ICT and Computing room.

Website Uses Beginner Task
Worksheet to research website categories and parts of a website. Suitable for Year 8 or Year 9.