Powerpoint guide to what the CORMS (or, more accurately, CORMMSS) acronym stands for, and how to apply it in order to gain each mark in a six mark Biology IGCSE CORMS question.
Practice with a number of exam questions, model answers and mark schemes.
Four powerpoints covering Edexcel IGCSE Biology Topic 1 NATURE AND VARIETY OF LIVING ORGANISMS in sufficient detail, and with sufficient exam practice, that you or your students will be able to achieve level 9 in the exam by using these resources ONLY.
The study of biology is categorically not just about passing exams, and so therefore other activities and labs must be used to get a rich and fulfilling experience of the subject.
However, I have designed these presentations to be as thorough as possible, in terms of specification coverage and exam practice, based on my 12 years experience as both a classroom teacher and tutor.
Complete set of PowerPoints for covering AQA Environmental Science topic 3 Energy Resources, as follows,
Introduction to energy resources
Fossil Fuels
Nuclear fission
Nuclear fusion
Secondary fuels and energy storage
Energy conservation
PowerPoints cover specification to the fullest, including colourful images, many animations and exam questions and answers.
Also includes PDF packs of topical exam questions and fact sheets.
For convenience Ive also included an energy top trumps game, which can be downloaded for free from the dalton nuclear institute.