A spreadsheet to track student progress from y10 to 11 that i have put together for GCSE MFL on the 4 skills and possibility to change the boundaries
to get the password and new version buy the premium resource.
Spreadsheet easily adaptable to do mock language B results and keep track of student progress.
yellow = Higher
With levels now working
mock first year = current grade - indiv oral
updated 04/05/2016
instructions for end of year exams spreadsheet - with sublevels calculation
1- input teacher's name, year group,
2- input student names (form sims)
3- input the maximum marks for each skill corresponding to each paper
note : the symbols by the % show the highest and lowest performers for each skills
all levels must be lower case!
Comments and reviews welcome
Buy this resources and get newest versions upgrades for free (link in Document)
Excel Doc easily adaptable to track student progress with comparative progress diagrams
This is what I use to mark the students performance for their written assessment ( Paper1 )
All criteria on one page !
Works for Any Language B ( written in English) for Higher and Standard Level
Are you fed up your students are actually not using their resources during CA and try to reinvent the wheel?
This resources helps them see what resource is important and prepare their written or speaking task - as well as making the link with their previous experiences in CA.
Meta-thinking skills
This is a document that is supposed to work in conjunction with a YouTube video that is included in the document about writing extended pieces of work for the international Baccalaureate diploma. if you purchase this document you will get access to the updated version of the document
This is what I use to mark the students performance for their oral
All criteria on one page !
Works for Any Language B ( written in English) for Higher and Standard Level
New Version
A spreadsheet to track student progress from y10 to 11 that I have put together for GCSE MFL on the 4 skills and possibility to change the boundaries
Password: to change content is introducation tab - with changeable boundaries
note: Y11 - overall grade is based on 2 best speaking and writings combined CA
More than 500 downloads on previous version - good rating
Here are selections of 10 photos that can be used for the Individual Oral. (exam requirements 2015) 2/3 Option + title + type of image + link with cultural aspects) they can be adapted to match current specificatioon
French Languabe B 2020 SL Individual Oral -Stimuli / Photos Set 1 for International Baccalaureate + One full training set.
These photos Follow the IB Diploma Language Specification
Ideal resource for Teachers Preparing their IB French B - HL - Orals - 2020 Specifications Niveau Supérieur in line with Specification.
Presented in Examiner Friendly format
Made by Ex-IB Examiner
Let me know if you would like others.
for Camus - L’Etranger
I do not own the Rights to the literary work.
Ideal resource for Teachers Preparing their IB French B - Orals - 2020 Specifications Niveau Supérieur
Presented in Examiner Friendly format
Made by Ex-IB Examiner
For Le Petit Prince - A. De Saint Exupery -
I do not own the Rights to the literary work.
As an IB DP French B teacher and Examiner I have put together this document that I’ve been working on for several years to help students to have a bank of photos they have guiding questions for and can be used in order to make them revise for that examinations or practice with language assistants
Most of the photos have a title that could let the students think about the possible areas of reflection on this particular topic. And some photos have not got any titles in line with the examination guidelines for 2020.
The document is over 27 pages long and contains over 37 photos that could help you get some ideas about what you can practice with your students.
In this set of resources, you will find and reading help and analysis chapters by chapters of l’Etranger by Albert Camus.
By purchasing those resources you will be also entitled to join a free online forum where your students can distantly exchange (in French) with other students doing the same course around the world. Each task contains links in each document leading to the thread.
Visit my YouTube Channel (Mr Chene) for Students teachers
My site for students resources and Languages
Visit my YouTube Channel for Teachers
My Site For Teachers about teaching (Ideas In Education) https://sites.google.com/view/gchene4teachers/
This is a ppt for teachers looking for individual oral practice or to assess their student.
Built based on examiners’ feedback.
Photos are copright Free
In this set of resources, you will find and reading help and analysis chapters by chapters of the Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
By purchasing those resources you will be also entitled to join a free online forum where your students can distantly exchange (in French) with other students doing the same course around the world. Each task contains links in each document leading to the thread.
[Visit the Webpage here to know how to use them]https://sites.google.com/view/mrclanguagelearning/ib-language-b-french/ressources-pour-le-niveau-superieur)