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Numicon Mats

Numicon Mats

Perfect to use in nursery and reception classes, even year 1! Perfect for the children to see the number, the numicon then they can out the amount of objects that is needed on the corrects mats.
Matiau Siapau

Matiau Siapau

Here is a nursery, reception and year 1 shape mats in welsh. These are for the purpose of having the child copy the word and then also draw or use materials to create the shape also.
Ol troed digidol

Ol troed digidol

As students begin to use the internet at a younger age, it is important to them to know that is fine to share online and what should not be shared online. The resouce is in Welsh.
Colli amser chwarae

Colli amser chwarae

Behaviour managments stategies, when children present bad behaviour in the classroom. Use these play time cards, times start from 3,5,10 and 15 minutes. Resource is in welsh.