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German and French resources, expertly made.




German and French resources, expertly made.
A Level German essay questions - all texts

A Level German essay questions - all texts

Using the freely available SAMs and past papers for 2017 and 2018, I have created this comprehensive list of essay questions on the literary texts/films set by AQA, Edexcel and Eduqas/WJEC. Use the filters at the top of each column (click the little downward arrow) to show only questions for the texts you teach, and you can easily create a list of past paper questions to give to students. This makes it easy for you to set essay tasks, and when the time comes, for students to complete their own revision essays. If you found this resource useful, please leave a comment - would you like me to create a version which includes the suggested content from the markschemes too?
KS3 German: Das deutsche Schulsystem

KS3 German: Das deutsche Schulsystem

Pre-listening with keywords; predictive pre-listening task; listening (from Logo). 2nd task: video about school life. Leads to comparison between school systems and into speaking assessment preparation.
KS3 French Predicting a celebrity's future

KS3 French Predicting a celebrity's future

Task to conclude the introduction of the simple future (3rd person). Pupils must read the example predictions about my predictions for Justin Bieber's (less than enviable) future, then create their own about another celebrity or a classmate, either by adapting or writing from scratch. With differentiated learning outcomes (relating to highlighted text).
KS3 German: Nikolaustag

KS3 German: Nikolaustag

A special lesson for around 6th December using the traditional song 'Lasst uns froh und munter sein!' to teach about traditions surrounding Nikolaustag in German-speaking countries.
KS3 German speaking assessment preparation

KS3 German speaking assessment preparation

Comprehensive sheet to prepare students for speaking/writing assessment, including Languages Ladder to show students specifically what they need to do/how to improve. The ladder is particularly useful for quickly setting very specific targets.
GCSE German literary extracts booklet

GCSE German literary extracts booklet

This is a series of reading exam questions in the literary extract format, compiled from papers currently available (in 2020) across the exam boards for GCSE German. Download includes two booklets in pdf format: Teacher version: 32 pages of questions with the answers immediately after each question (for some of the simpler questions I haven’t included answers, but for ones where there is ambiguity, e.g. written answers in English, it is always included). Pupil version: 39-page booklet containing the same questions as above, with the answers compiled at the end. Teachers can choose not to include the answer section when printing if desired. NB the page numbers from both booklets should match - in the Pupil version there are gaps/blank pages where the answers appear in the Teacher version.
AQA-style AS/A Level Speaking Card: Familie im Wandel, Adoption

AQA-style AS/A Level Speaking Card: Familie im Wandel, Adoption

This AQA-style speaking card for A Level/AS was inspired by this resource (https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/aqa-a-level-german-2016-speaking-card-familie-im-wandel-11801641). I've used the original source text (link given in resource) to create a speaking card and questions which very closely mirror the specification. This card falls within the 'Familie im Wandel' sub-theme, and focuses on issues of adoption.
KS4 German Charity Sporting Event starter

KS4 German Charity Sporting Event starter

I used this with a mixed Year 10 class in the final lesson before beginning a controlled assessment on a sporting event for charity. This activity introduces key phrases and structures, and also subtly gives some ideas as to how to have fun with your writing.
KS3 German Levels Ladder grid task (tense focus)

KS3 German Levels Ladder grid task (tense focus)

Task for year 8 students to consolidate knowledge of present and past tense, with an extension of future tense. Use the levels ladder as an easy, consistent way of giving specific targets! There is a blank sheet for higher sets, and a help sheet and scaffolded version for lower sets.
KS5 German Doping im Sport - Sportler als Vorbilder

KS5 German Doping im Sport - Sportler als Vorbilder

Based on Moook's recommendation of the DW audio report on Lance Armstrong's fall from grace: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/drugs-in-sport-lance-armstrong-6322491 Contains a vocab list, as well as gap-fill transcript, plus an additional article on Maria Sharapova.
NEW: Russendisko study guide (link to paid resource)

NEW: Russendisko study guide (link to paid resource)

File contains link to to the new guide to Wladimir Kaminer’s Russendisko, a text featured in the new (2016) specifications for AQA AS/A Level German and CCEA A Level German qualifications. The guide contains 126 pages of materials to help you and your students learn all about the historical background of the text, understand each individual story, and finally to analyse the text and write essays. Full mark schemes including model essays and suggested essay content are included.
Der Besuch der Alten Dame - how to write an essay - sentence-builders

Der Besuch der Alten Dame - how to write an essay - sentence-builders

A really useful resource for showing students how to use formal essay language to get their point across in A Level German essays. This is the hardest element of the new A Level - both to teach and for students to do themselves. This resource provides a crucial stepping stone between knowing the work of literature really well, and constructing a sound answer in essay form. To use each sentence-builder, simply choose an option from each box moving from left to right. Ideas for use by students: orally, give students English sentences to translate into German (stick to options given in full in the tables to familiarise them with what they contain) write short paragraphs in English mixing simple sentences stating events with sentences built from the sentence-builders - students then translate into English. give students a target when writing an essay to include a certain number of sentences (e.g. 5) made from the sentence-builders. On their subsequent essay encourage them to use the sentence-builders but to choose different verbs (i.e. if they used betont, behauptet, gezeigt, illustriert, tell them these ones are now banned, which should encourage more advanced verbs like darauf hingewiesen, vermittelt.
A Level German: improve essays using synonyms

A Level German: improve essays using synonyms

Do your students’ essays tend to repetitive? Would you like to broaden their vocabulary and increase the variety of their essay language at the same time? This double-sided resource will help students to do just that. By using it they will be able to avoid repetition of key phrases and increase variety in their language when writing essays about literature/plays/films for A Level German (2016 spec - all exam boards). Format: alternatives are suggested for three common sentence structures which are often overused. On the reverse side are some worked examples. The language here can be used in all essays on any play/film/work of literature and will help boost students’ language marks with minimal effort. This handout is ready to print and hand to students. It could form the basis of a lesson, or be an independent task students use to reflect and improve on their own essays.
GCSE German: Antonyms and Synonyms

GCSE German: Antonyms and Synonyms

This is a brilliant aspect of German to revise with your students ahead of their GCSE exams, or indeed to introduce at any point in the GCSE course. Resource contains: List of 32 pairs of opposite adjectives (e.g. hot/cold, happy/sad) split into 3 increasingly difficult blocks. These have been handpicked from the GCSE syllabus for AQA/Edexcel/CIE. List of 32 sets of synonymous words (e.g. brilliant/amazing/great, delicious/tasty) split into 3 increasingly difficult blocks. Some ideas of how these two lists might be integrated into your lessons and students’ independent revision. Set of 6 differentiated match-up activities based on the opposite adjective pairs. Set of 6 differentiated match-up activities based on the synonymous sets of words. Included is an easily printable .pdf as well as an editable .doc document. I hope this resource helps your students. Feedback is, as ever, welcomed!
KS5 German: Introduction to the Passive (using recipes)

KS5 German: Introduction to the Passive (using recipes)

A really solid introduction to the passive voice (and another of my successful interview lessons)! Warning: many example sentences are based on recipes for e.g. Lebkuchen/Gluehwein - do not teach this on an empty stomach! There is enough for two lessons here, or perhaps one lesson and a homework. First lesson: focus is on UNDERSTANDING the passive voice, in the present tense only. Agents using 'von' are also touched upon. (.ppt and handout 1) Second lesson: the focus turns now to using the passive in a range of tenses: present, imperfect and perfect. This worksheet provides systematic practice in the style of a real-life situation.
GCSE German: Key verbs in context

GCSE German: Key verbs in context

This is a 7-page document which acts as a short frequency dictionary, tailored specifically to the verbs used in the new GCSE German specifications (it is most closely based on AQA and Edexcel). Verbs are presented in short sections, starting with the most frequently used in Reading/Listening texts. For irregular verbs, key forms are given. For all verbs, sentences putting the verbs in context are provided. This allows learners to 1) see how the verb works in a sentence (perfect for reflexives/separables) and 2) take an educated guess at the meaning. NB modal verbs are not given as a separate section, but are included in very many of the example sentences, reflecting usage in GCSE-level texts. If students are familiar with all the verbs in this document, they will succeed at GCSE.
Edexcel GCSE German vocabulary: Theme 1.1 Who am I?

Edexcel GCSE German vocabulary: Theme 1.1 Who am I?

Edexcel GCSE German Revision Quickies: Vocabulary list and four accompanying worksheets for students preparing for Edexcel GCSE German. Theme 1: Identity and culture Subtheme: Who am I? (relationships; when I was younger; what my friends and family are like; what makes a good friend; interests; socialising with friends and family; role models) Using this pack: These worksheets are perfect for independent work as they recycle the same set of vocabulary used in Worksheet 1, and answers are included. They could be used to kickstart revision, giving students a starting point for vocabulary learning which relates directly to the exam. Students could use the vocabulary lists to first assess their own vocabulary knowledge (by testing themselves or a partner, and ticking known vocabulary off). Teachers may wish to use these worksheets throughout normal teaching after finishing delivery of each theme/subtheme, or synoptically to assess knowledge or provide a framework for revision.
Edexcel GCSE German vocabulary: Theme 1.2 Daily life

Edexcel GCSE German vocabulary: Theme 1.2 Daily life

Edexcel GCSE German Revision Quickies: Vocabulary list and four accompanying worksheets for students preparing for Edexcel GCSE German. Theme 1: Identity and culture Subtheme: Daily life (customs and everyday life; food and drink; shopping; social media and technology (use of, advantages and disadvantages)) Using this pack: These worksheets are perfect for independent work as they recycle the same set of vocabulary used in Worksheet 1, and answers are included. They could be used to kickstart revision, giving students a starting point for vocabulary learning which relates directly to the exam. Students could use the vocabulary lists to first assess their own vocabulary knowledge (by testing themselves or a partner, and ticking known vocabulary off). Teachers may wish to use these worksheets throughout normal teaching after finishing delivery of each theme/subtheme, or synoptically to assess knowledge or provide a framework for revision.
KS3/4 French music starter

KS3/4 French music starter

I came across this buzzfeed.fr article and was inspired to create this fun starter! buzzly.fr/les-noms-des-grands-groupes-de-musique-traduits-en-francais-quand-la-credibilite-chute.html