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I work in a busy 11-18 Secondary Music Department where we deliver Eduqas GCSE Music, RSL Levels 2 Level 3 and A Level Music Technology. I create resources with my learners firmly in mind.




I work in a busy 11-18 Secondary Music Department where we deliver Eduqas GCSE Music, RSL Levels 2 Level 3 and A Level Music Technology. I create resources with my learners firmly in mind.
Music Quotes for Display

Music Quotes for Display

Having searched endlessly for a selection of varied musical quotes, I decided to make my own. Hope you find them useful!!
Christmas Music Quiz 2021 - FREE!

Christmas Music Quiz 2021 - FREE!

This is a FREE Christmas Music Quiz - all new for 2021. Ten sections included, each with 5 questions each. The sections are: 3 seconds only. 8- Bit covers. What’s the Language? Game Themes. Christmas HIts. Theme Tunes. Cover Versions. Classical Spectacular. Reversed tracks. Show Tunes. 3 Bonus tie - breaking questions (Christmas Adverts 2021). Everything is time stamped for your convenience. Student answer sheet included as a PDF. Fully edited mp3 track! All answers with time stamps. All you need to do is press play! It’s all FREE. Have a great Christmas folks - it’s been another tough year and, hopefully, this will make your last week at school slightly less stressful. Helen
GCSE Music 9-1  General Listening  Question (Frank Turner)

GCSE Music 9-1 General Listening Question (Frank Turner)

This is an eleven - part question, based on the unaccompanied vocal track "English Curse" by Frank Turner. A range of key words are included here to develop general listening skills and test understanding. Full question sheet is included as a PDF document with accompanying answers. No MP3 track is included here - a YOUTUBE link is provided at the top of the sheet.
Learner monitoring behaviour report.

Learner monitoring behaviour report.

This is a new style monitoring report designed for learners to reflect on their behaviour and progress in lessons. It is uploaded as a powerpoint document so that you can easily adapt it for your own school and learners. It is absolutely designed for learners to make the biggest contribution to - and reflect on why they are being monitored. I have used this report sparingly and after a detailed conversation with learners who have responded well. On the back is clear information from the Department for Education - clearly identifying that learners have the right to learn and the sanctions available to schools. You can included your own behaviour for learning agreement underneath. This is working well with my learners - I would welcome your feedback.
Christmas Music Quiz 2017

Christmas Music Quiz 2017

This is a music based quiz for the end of term. Useful for Key Stage 3 or 4. Included in the resource is: Blank answer sheet. Full answers. Full edited mp3 track. Eight sub sections in the quiz include: 1) What's being advertised? 2) Name the Christmas Film 3) Cover Versions - Identify the original track 4) Complete the next line of lyrics 5) What language is used? 6) Artist / Band with Christmas theme 7) Identify the BIG Christmas hit 8) Reversed track Happy Christmas!! The whole track lasts just under 30 minutes so you have time for the quiz and answers.
Eduqas GCSE Music 9 -1 SET WORK : Eine Kleine Nachtmusik 3rd Movement

Eduqas GCSE Music 9 -1 SET WORK : Eine Kleine Nachtmusik 3rd Movement

This resource bundle includes study material for the set work Eine Kleine Nachtmusik , Mvt 3: 1. The suggested IMSLP score (full work - pages 7-8 for this movement). 2. An updated score (and all separate parts) in PDF format for clear study. 3. An XML file so that you can open in Sibelius for your own convenience. No midi file included as this format is not supported. Updated 22.09.16 correction in Violin 1 part.
RSL Level 2 Music Unit 201a

RSL Level 2 Music Unit 201a

This is a really straightforward document that we have been using with our new year 10s, so that they can develop some simple research skills and familiarize themselves with the suggested styles from RSL. All styles included with spaces for students to make a note of prolific tracks, albums and dates when they actually happened. This document is meant to encourage students to listen to a range of styles which will allow them to make informed decisions on their two final areas for their actual task. I’m uploading as a PowerPoint so that you can all edit for convenience. You could set this on a digital platform for students to edit or print out. Hopefully this will be really useful right now. Stay strong! Helen
RSL Level 2 Task 201ta Musical Knowledge - melody.

RSL Level 2 Task 201ta Musical Knowledge - melody.

This is a short task designed for students to develop their skills in describing melody and melodic movement. A detailed list of key words linked to melody is included with full meanings. The resource contains two slides, one with the task and one with spaces for students to comment.
Btec Music Unit 2 Student Booklet and support pack

Btec Music Unit 2 Student Booklet and support pack

I have been so very grateful to those who have shared their work. It's time to start giving back! This Student Workbook lists all the Unit 2 Tasks with assessor feedback space. I have included a very detailed student support pack for Task 1 in the booklet. Tasks 2 and 3 will follow. Hope you find it useful!
2019 FREE Christmas Music Quiz

2019 FREE Christmas Music Quiz

2019 Chirstmas Music Quiz What you get is… An answer sheet - blank and ready for you to copy for students. A fully answered sheet with all timings for the mp3 track. mp3 tack with all tracks faded out for easy play. Each section has FIVE questions. 8 Sections of Christmas Music Questions that inlcude: Identify the Language Identify the BIG Christmas hit Reversed Tracks What is the Christmas Link? Name the Christmas Film Who is being advertised? Identify the singing legend Complete the next line of lyrics The whole quiz takes about 34 minutes if you don’t stop the mp3 track. Happy Christmas everyone!!
Christmas Music Quiz

Christmas Music Quiz

This has been used for Key Stages 3 and 4. All answer sheets, question sheets and full mp3 track included.
Eduqas 2019 GCSE Music Exam (modified)  to include Badinerie and Africa.

Eduqas 2019 GCSE Music Exam (modified) to include Badinerie and Africa.

This resource includes… Fullly modified exam from 2019 to included Badinerie (question 1) and Africa (question 7) mp3. Modified 2019 exam paper (pdf). Original Eduqas 2019 answers Eduqas Badinerie and Africa answers. We’re all super busy. Hopefully this helps ad saves you some time when preparing your GCSE mock exam this term.
2022 Christmas Music Quiz FREE

2022 Christmas Music Quiz FREE

Happy Christmas everyone! A little later than expected but here it is!! Just over 30 minutes of music quiz questions. In this FREE resource you will find… A blank answer paper pdf file. Ful answer sheet pdf file. TAKE CARE NOT TO PHOTOCOPY THE FULL PDF document as the answer sheet is the final page. All tracks named and numbered for your convenience. Fully edited mp3 track with full fade outs etc. Have a great Christmas everyone! Helen x
Eduqas GCSE Music Specimen Listening Examination.

Eduqas GCSE Music Specimen Listening Examination.

This is a complete Listening Examination for the GCSE Music EDUQAS specification. Updated to correct notation error in question 2 and typos. What's included here is a fully laid out question paper and full mark scheme as well as mp3 track with all excerpts included in the examination. All repetitions with timings are in place on the mp3 track. I have not included voice overs with full question read out. The track is easily edited to do this should you desire to add it. The questions and excerpts used are in line with the SAMs material released by Eduqas last year. I have made question 6 the extended writing question- as in the SAMs - but have been advised by EDUQAS that this could be present in ANY of the AOS. Some questions have been reworked from exam boards from earlier exams. Hope you find this useful!