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HB science resources

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A Science teacher since 2016 creating and sharing resources he uses with his own classes.




A Science teacher since 2016 creating and sharing resources he uses with his own classes.
Break in - Scientific Evidence in Court

Break in - Scientific Evidence in Court

Lessons to complement the Activate 3 - Detection in Chemistry unit. Lessons are ready to use without necessary printing Suitable for use by a non-science specialist. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify scientific evidence found at the scene. Describe how sentencing works in court. Justify your verdict of guilty / innocent.
Break in - Investigating Carpets

Break in - Investigating Carpets

Lessons to complement the Activate 3 - Detection in Chemistry unit. Lessons are ready to use without necessary printing Suitable for use by a non-science specialist. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify materials used to create carpets. Describe the properties that make them suitable for use as carpets. Explain why this links to the case.
Detection in Physics Activate 3

Detection in Physics Activate 3

7 Resources
A bundle of Lessons aimed toward the Activate 3 scheme of work detection in Physics. Lessons are all ready to use without the need for preparation - suitable for use with cover teachers.
Break in - Chromatography of letter ink

Break in - Chromatography of letter ink

Lessons to complement the Activate 3 - Detection in Chemistry unit. Lessons are ready to use without necessary printing - practical included. Suitable for use by a non-science specialist. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify the equipment needed to carry out chromatography. Describe how to process of chromatography works. Explain why chromatography is important.
Break in - Investigating The Rusting of Metals

Break in - Investigating The Rusting of Metals

Lessons to complement the Activate 3 - Detection in Chemistry unit. Lessons are ready to use without necessary printing Suitable for use by a non-science specialist. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify 2 reactive metals. Identify 2 less reactive metals. Describe how reactive metals respond to water. Predict whether metals will react or not.
Light Dependent Resistors and LEDs

Light Dependent Resistors and LEDs

Lessons created to match the activate 3 scheme of work. All features work when used with google slides. All features should all work with powerpoint but might need some rearranging. A practical activity is also included including a set of results. By the end of the lesson learners will be able to: State the equation for efficiency. Describe how an LDR detects light. Explain why LED lights are now used instead of older bulbs.
Activate 3 Seeing Inside

Activate 3 Seeing Inside

Lessons created to match the activate 3 scheme of work. All features work when used with google slides. All features should all work with powerpoint but might need some rearranging. By the end of the lesson learners will be able to: Recall some techniques for seeing inside the body. Describe how optical fibres work. Describe some techniques for seeing inside the human body.
Activate 3 Energy supply for the Planet

Activate 3 Energy supply for the Planet

Lessons created to match the activate 3 scheme of work. All features work when used with google slides. All features should all work with powerpoint but might need some rearranging. By the end of the lesson learners will be able to: Recall the trend in electrical demand over the years. Describe how electricity is produced. Compare different means of producing electricity.


All features work when used with google slides. All features should work with PowerPoint, but might need some rearranging. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify the different methods of cloning. Describe what is meant by a clone. Evaluate the uses of clones.
Mission to the Moon

Mission to the Moon

All features work when used with google slides. All features should work with PowerPoint, but might need some rearranging. By the end of the lesson learners will be able to: Identify technologies developed since the space programme. Describe some of the risks and benefits of the space programme. Evaluate the space programme.
Effect of temperature on catalase activity

Effect of temperature on catalase activity

Includes a risk assessment for the practical for the students to complete, a method and class results. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify the equipment needed to measure volume. Describe how to carry out an experiment to measure the volume of product produced. Compare how temperature affects the activity of enzymes.
Radioactive Risks

Radioactive Risks

All features work when used with google slides. All features should work with PowerPoint, but might need some rearranging. By the end of the lesson learners will be able to: Identify the risk of using radioactive materials. Describe some uses of radioactive materials. Evaluate the use of radioactive materials.
Electromagnetism Introduction

Electromagnetism Introduction

All features work when used with google slides. All features should work with PowerPoint, but might need some rearranging. By the end of the lesson learners will be able to: Recall that current causes electromagnetism. Describe how to generate electricity using electromagnetic induction. Explain why alternating current can cook food in an induction hob.
Ffurfwedd Electroneg

Ffurfwedd Electroneg

Defnyddais google slides are gyfer addysgu’r wers hon. Ddylai bod o’n gweithio yn yr un modd drwy Microsoft PowerPoint ond efallai fydd angen ailosod rhai agweddau. Erbyn diwedd y wers ddylech fod yn gallu: Cofio’r nifer o electronau mewn pob plisgyn. Disgrifio’r cysylltiad rhwng ffurfwedd electroneg â’r ffurf ysgrifennedig. Egluro’r cysylltiad rhwng y nifer o electronau yn y plisgyn allanol â’r grŵp mae’r atom yn rhan.
Evidence for the Discovery of Atoms

Evidence for the Discovery of Atoms

All features work when used with google slides. All features should work with PowerPoint, but might need some rearranging. By the end of the lesson learners will be able to: Identify the early ideas of atoms. Describe evidence for Dalton’s atomic model. Evaluate the investigation process.
Introduction to Vaccination Edward Jenner and Smallpox

Introduction to Vaccination Edward Jenner and Smallpox

All features work when used with google slides. All features should work with PowerPoint, but might need some rearranging. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Identify the contents of a vaccine. Describe the role of vaccines in fighting disease. Justify whether it was ethical for Jenner to develop the Smallpox vaccine.
Microsgop Arsylwi Celloedd

Microsgop Arsylwi Celloedd

Defnyddais google slides are gyfer addysgu’r wers hon. Ddylai bod o’n gweithio yn yr un modd drwy Microsoft PowerPoint ond efallai fydd angen ailosod rhai agweddau. Erbyn diwedd y wers ddylech fod yn gallu: Adnabod y 7 proses byw. Disgrifiwch sut i ddefnyddio microsgop Esboniwch pam fod angen defnyddio microsgop i adnabod os yw sampl yn fyw neu beidio.
Celloedd Planhigyn ac Anifail

Celloedd Planhigyn ac Anifail

Defnyddais google slides are gyfer addysgu’r wers hon. Ddylai bod o’n gweithio yn yr un modd drwy Microsoft PowerPoint ond efallai fydd angen ailosod rhai agweddau. Erbyn diwedd y wers ddylech fod yn gallu: Adnabod y cynnwys o gelloedd anifail a phlanhigyn. Disgrifio swydd pob organyn. Esbonio pam nad yw planhigion angen bwyd.
Ionic Equations

Ionic Equations

All features work when used with google slides. All features should work with PowerPoint, but might need some rearranging. By the end of the lesson learners should be able to: Recall that ions dissociate only in an aqueous solution. Describe the ions produced from a compound in aqueous solution. Create net ionic equations.