Close analysis and guide to addressing the Assessment Objectives in the final scene of Othello. Details on planning, identifying key quotations, developing a line of argument and effective essay preparation.
a power point presentation introducing the assessment objectives, the types of question encountered, the importance of personal reading and research and a starting point for students reading the poem for the first time
a power point to introduce the importance of personal reading and research but also to get students to attempt an analysis of the poem. An outline of the assessment objectives and the sort of questions they will need to understand in preparation for the exam
a resource with Flip classroom materials so that students can read and analyse the poems and make annotations before the lesson. the lesson can then be spent on social context and comparative skills
A series of resources plus extract to tackle this essay style question based on the AQA guidelines and Assessment Objectives. Worksheet for students, self assessment sheet and power point. This could be left with a cover teacher to cover 3 one hour lessons (including 1 hour and 30 mins preparation, 45 minutes timed response and 30 minutes self or paired assessment)
pre-reading materials and power point to work through To John Donne, with an overview of the original poem by Donne and an exploration of intertextuality in post modern poems
A lesson and worksheets on effective ways of addressing AO4 by linking the poems within the anthology thematically or contextually. Worksheets for the students to undertake activities.
A lovely two lesson model, could be brilliant for an Inspection lesson, includes plenty of progress evidence and opportunities for self assessment. This resource pack includes a power point, an outline of an exam style question and a model answer with self assessment worksheet.
A range of power points and worksheets designed to accompany teaching of Feminine Gospels. Some assessment tasks based on th new AQA Literature A level.
A power point on The Flea, with information about metaphysical poets and the conceit, key questions for the students to analyse the poem and an aqa exam style question for assessment
a lesson on effective planning and strategies for success in addressing the AOs in Othello, planning in general, learning key quotations and a methodical approach to rubric and essay writing in timed conditions.
a close analysis of the handkerchief and Othello's tragic decline in Act III Scene IV. Exam style question with specific pointers on how to address the AO's according to the new AQA mark scheme