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Toys KS1 topic resources - powerpoints, activity and display pack

Toys KS1 topic resources - powerpoints, activity and display pack

A set of powerpoints showing photographs of the most popular toys of the pre-50s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and modern toys; an introduction to the history of toys - going back to dolls in Ancient Greece to computers today; a look at portraits of children from the past playing with toys; a sorting toy activity into old and new, and an old poem about the wonders of a toy shop. There are also 4 maths powerpoints looking at addition and subtraction in the toy shop, with cards to print for games. The activities include: An acrostic poem template Animal cut-out templates to join together to make a moving toy Colouring sheets Pictures of new/old teddy Puppets for role play Russian doll set to print and laminate for size ordering 6 x Santa lists to use around Christmas A thaumatrope template with instructions 3 x cover templates for a topic book Toy sorting cards - to sort into different materials/ properties. Toys from the past questionnaire to take home to fill in with parents. A copy of an old book 'What shall we do next' from 1907 full of games and activities that children played The Wonderful Toymaker fairy tale to read An outline planning document with cross curricular links that can be adapted. DISPLAY Old toys display - photographs Children's portraits playing with toys Toys banner Toys heading Toys in the past heading Toys timeline
Year 1 Maths : Missing number problems

Year 1 Maths : Missing number problems

Introduction to missing numbers: explains what missing number problems are and gives strategies for working them out. Behind the Barn: pictorial introduction to missing numbers – asks how many cows there are altogether if x number are hiding behind the barn Missing number problems x 6 Printable resources: Number cards and plus, minus and equals symbols Flip flap number bonds to 10 number bonds to 10 addition sheet Number bonds to 10 subtraction sheet Toy prices Number cards to 20
2D shapes activity and display pack for KS1 Maths

2D shapes activity and display pack for KS1 Maths

This pack is aimed at KS1 but can also be used in the EYFS. It can be used to match and name shapes and to look at how many sides and vertices each shape has. It contains: 2-D shape cards: Two sets of cards in different sizes, one has 4 to an A4 page, the other has 9 to an A4 page Poster: With 20 labelled shapes Poster: Properties of 2-D shapes, with labelled sides and vertices Large 2-D shapes: 2 per A4 page
Year 1 Maths: Multiplication and division lessons and activity  pack

Year 1 Maths: Multiplication and division lessons and activity pack

MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION LO: solve one-step problems involving multiplication and division, by calculating the answer using concrete objects, pictorial representations and arrays with the support of the teacher. POWERPOINT ACTIVITIES: Introduction to doubles: An explanation of doubles with visuals Doubles: To 10 with visual cues Sets of 2 rap: introduction to remembering multiplication facts Grouping and sharing - twos: introduction to sharing objects between children so that they have 2 each. PDF PRINTABLE RESOURCES Array: In twos to 10 Array: In twos to 20 Array: In fives to 50 Array: In tens to 50 Flip flap twos Flip flap fives (2 versions) Flip flap tens
Year 1 Maths: Number bonds to 20

Year 1 Maths: Number bonds to 20

The subtraction facts powerpoints look at the subtraction facts associated with each number. They then look for patterns in the number sentences and identify the number bonds. The number facts powerpoints look at the different ways of making each number, showing numerals and counters then highlight subtraction and related addition sentences. Each number bond powerpoint looks at the number bonds for each individual number, 11-20. It then shows the paired numbers and asks the children how many number sentences they can think of for each pair. Also in the pack are 3 sets of flip flap number bonds and 2 number bond worksheets.