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Year 1 Maths Measurement: Capacity and volume
A powerpoint explaining what language to use for different types of capacity, eg full/empty, more than, less than, half, half full, quarter, and a capacity vocabulary display.

SPaG Year 5 Sentence Grammar: Degrees of possibility using adverbs or modal verbs
A powerpoint teaching about how to indicate degrees of possibility using adverbs or modal verbs might, should, will, must.

SPaG Year 3 Grammar: Use of the forms a or an
A powerpoint explaining when to use a and when to use an, with an interactive activity for the children to choose the correct form.

SPaG Year 2 Sentence: Expanded noun phrases for description and specification
A PowerPoint demonstrating how to add adjectives to make expanded noun phrases. Ends with different pictures for the children to add words to describe and specify.

SPaG Year 2 Spelling: A recap of the rules for adding suffixes
A powerpoint looking at the rules learnt so far for adding suffixes beginning with vowel letters.

SPaG Year 4 Word Grammar: Standard English forms for verb inflections
A powerpoint looking at how suffixes change the way verbs work, with some examples of standard English to use in writing rather than local spoken forms, plus a list of irregular verbs.

The Frog Prince Fairy Tale - interactive powerpoint story and characters to print
A story of the Frog Prince for the whiteboard, with props and characters for role play.

Year 2 Common Exception Word mat
A word mat containing the common exception words to be learnt in Y2 - there are 2 mats per A4 page.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5: Yes/No questions
A Yes / No question powerpoint that can also be printed out.

Dinosaur activities
Dinosaur colouring pages, info cards to fill in, bookmarks, topic covers and an acrostic poem worksheet.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 Phonic pack: graphemes au and ey Powerpoints
For each grapheme there are 2 powerpoint files:
The new grapheme is introduced and followed by different words which contain the grapheme. The second part consists of words that can be hidden by the corresponding pictures so that the children can spell the word and check if they are correct.
Each sentence contains words with the newly learned grapheme, with an option to hide or show it.
Plus 2 Smartboard files with reading activities

Letters and Sounds Phase 5 - Choosing three right answers powerpoint
An interactive powerpoint to play the '3 right answers' game.

Letters and Sounds Phase 5: Further graphemes powerpoint
Flashcards in powerpoint for quick recognition of further graphemes.

Letters and Sounds Phase 4 word / help mats
A help mat with all the Phase 4 words the children need to read and spell, and Phase 3 graphemes.

Phase 2 Letters and Sounds phonic resources: Buried treasure activity pack
A set of coins to print and 2 smartboard activities.