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Learning Journey Template Road
A template with tips on how to create your own eye-catching journey
Size is preset to fit A3 paper
With location pin bank, red roadwork boxes (for even more detail, such as curriculum links) and there are even some vehicles parked ready in the car park - just get creative!
Includes help notes that can be over typed
This is a powerpoint document

Class room noise management tool
This PowerPoint uses traffic lights to remind students that sanctions will be used if noise goes into the amber and red levels.
Please note: this does not actually measure noise, but with just a mouse click nobody needs know that!!!

Focused Practical task for introducing Acrylic to KS3 - Mobile/ipad dock
Acrylic dock includes chance to build skills on:
Marking out

D&T Morphing Activity/Lesson Building creativity with KS3/4
Suitable for 3D Product Design.
Drawings are made from 2 unrelated objects. further sketches are made showing gradual small changes to shape and form, the objects should "morph" into each other.
Interesting new forms for products can be derived!

Normans Word Search - GCSE History AQA Keywords
Normans Word Search - GCSE History AQA Keywords
Now with solutions
PDF files

Ultimate Halloween Quiz (with answers) 30 questions
Quiz slideshow with answers at the end of the round
includes new anagram round
30 Questions! Multiple choice
General knowedge
Arts and Literature
Movies and TV
Answer sheet also included
Powerpoint and PDF versions for convenience

Personal Learning Journey Log Tracker
Reflection tool for students to log their learning and track understanding
Includes both A3 and A4 formats

KS3 Keywords Design and Technology Define Keyword Activity/Homework A3 Page
Selection of Keywords we use in Y8/9 in Resistant Materials. Can be edited to suit.

Takeaway Homework for Resistant Materials KS3 D&T
Design and Technology homework menu. In the style of the takeaway homework. Levels awarded by heat level. The hotter the dish the higher it scores.
This can be edited to suit as both PDF and PP files enclosed in download.

English Literature & English Language NEW 9-1 Level Descriptors with Assessment Objectives
A3 Version of the new 9-1 Grade Descriptors with links to English Assessment Objectives (AOs)
PDF File
Can be printed A3 or A4

History Word Search Bundle Normans, Tudors, Britain, Modem World Keywords AQA
History Activity Pack
Britain: Migration, empires and people
Tudors and Stuarts
Modern World History
Word Search - GCSE History AQA Keywords
Solutions included

Step by Step Guide to Earphone Wraps with pictures
I normally have this printed A3 laminated on each work bench for reference.
Skills included in this Focused Practical Task:
Improve accuracy when cutting and smoothing acrylic.
Become Familiar with the Step Drill Bit.
Follow task with the Phone Dock to add:
Safe use of the strip heater when manipulating plastic.

D&T: Effective resource for creating a simple finger joint with MDF.
A power point presentation with photographs of each stage of the process. Geared towards Y7 after completing a Lap and Mitre joint. Last slide contains a video of Fret/Scroll saw cutting a section of the joint.
2 x A3 worksheet 1. Design Ideas 2. Final Design
(Design ideas includes assessment guide)
Inspiration power point - collected images from online, showing ideas to suit a variety of tastes. I usually play this on loop during the design stages.
All files are fully editable

Passport to Progress - DIRT Feedback Evidence WWW EBI Deepen your thinking
The Passport to Progression... This is my creative slant on DIRT activities.
All subjects and students can instantly show evidence of progression.
The file is a PowerPoint Slide, designed to be printed on A4 and folded along the dotted lines to create a mini passport to be stapled to the piece of work or folder.
Includes WWW, EBI, Deeper thinking task, SPaG and Spelling Corrections.

9-1 Maths Grading descriptors Display / Student Handout / Resource / Planning Tool
PDF File - Can be used as student handout - Class Display
9-1 Mathematics
Number and Probability ONLY

Tudors and Stuarts Word Search - GCSE History AQA Keywords
Tudors and Stuarts Word Search - GCSE History AQA Keywords
solution included

Easter Word Search Bundle - Sunday school Activity. Jesus, Bunnies and Chocolate!
3 x word search
PDF A3 or A4 printable