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Noticias en español - Vacuna Covid - B1 / B2 / C1 / C2 (DELE) (news in Spanish)
Clase de español sobre actualidad con material audiovisual.
-¿Por qué se llama coronavirus?
-¿Cómo atacan los coronavirus nuestro organismo?
-¿Cuáles son las fases para el desarrollo de una vacuna?
-¿Cuánto tiempo lleva desarrollar una vacuna contra el covid-19?
Estas preguntas y más son tratadas en el video que muestra desde adentro cómo se trabaja en un laboratorio español para desarrollar la vacuna contra el covid-19.
Comprensión del video
Gramática: conectores
Incluye Respuestas.
Video with answers to questions about coronavirus and the development of a vaccine. We visit a Spanish lab to understand more about the virus and the vaccine.
Conversation, video comprehension questions, vocabulary, grammar (connectors), writing. With Answer Keys. Follow us and find more at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/interalialanguage

BUNDLE 1: Noticias en español - B1/ B2 / C1 / C2 (DELE) (news in Spanish)
5 Clases de español con 5 noticias de actualidad diferentes.
Cambio climático (artículo periodístico)
Economía y pandemia (video)
Negocios (artículo periodístico)
Vacuna covid-19 (video)
Brexit (video)
Material audiovisual con preguntas para conversación, vocabulario y gramática.
5 Spanish Lesson Plans with 5 different items of current news. Conversation, vocabulary and grammar. With answers.
Follow us and find more at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/interalialanguage

Noticias en español - Economía - B1 / B2 / C1 / C2 (DELE) (news in Spanish)
Clase de español sobre actualidad con material audiovisual. ECONOMÍA: 4 TRUCOS PARA AHORRAR:
Incluye Respuestas.
Video with 4 tips to save money. Conversation, video comprehension and vocabulary questions, survey and speaking. With Answer Keys. Follow us and find more Spanish lessons at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/interalialanguage

CARNAVAL en España y Latinoamérica - Clase de Español/Spanish Class (B1-B2-C1)
Clase sobre el CARNAVAL en España y en Latinoamérica. Ideales para hablar de cultura y conocer más sobre el Desfile de llamadas, Antroxu y Carnaval de Tilcara.
Textos con vocabulario y preguntas para conversación.
Gramática de la clase: Condicional Simple, verbos regulares e irregulares.
Inventa tu propio festival en clase.
Incluye Respuestas y Notas para profes.
Spanish Lesson Plan about Carnival celebrations in Spain and Latin America. Reading, conversation, vocabulary and grammar (Conditional). With Teacher’s notes and Grammar explanations. Find more Spanish lessons at our shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/interalialanguage

This infographic is designed to cover the main areas of Media Language and Representation for the Reveal magazine CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies.
It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive.
It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum:
Genre conventions
Todorov’s Narrative Theory
Propp’s characters
Media Language and Representation Anlaysis
Look out for future bundles of my infographics!

Apple Beats 1 Radio CSP - INFOGRAPHIC POSTER and REVISION SHEET - AQA Media Studies
This infographic is designed to cover the main area of Industry for the Apple Beats 1 Radio CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies.
It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive.
It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum:
Industry Evolution and Technological Convergence
Audience Demographics and Psychographics
Uses and Gratifications Theory
Reception Theory
Look out for future bundles of my infographics!

Noticias en español - Inversiones - B1 / B2 / C1 / C2 (DELE) (news in Spanish)
Clase de español con noticias sobre actualidad y actividades relacionadas con la lectura de la noticia. Tema de la clase: Inversiones y Proyectos de Crowdfunding: Los proyectos de crowdfunding que más han recaudado en España
Esta clase de español incluye:
Presentación de un proyecto
Luego de leer y reflexionar sobre las campañas y proyectos que más dinero recaudaron en España a través de plataformas de Crowdsourcing o Micromecenazgo, los estudiantes aprenden vocabulario y expresiones útiles para presentar su propio proyecto a la clase. Esta actividad comunicativa es excelente para compartir ideas y usar el lenguaje aprendido en clase.
Incluye Respuestas. Se puede usar tanto en clase presencial, como para distance learning, digital classroom y mezclas de ambos.
News in Spanish is a Spanish lesson with activities revolving around a current news topic. The topic of this lesson is: Investment and Projects: The Crowdfunding projects that raised the most money in Spain.
This Spanish lesson includes:
Project presentation
Students read and talk about crowdfunding campaigns and projects that raised the most money in Spain. They use the new vocabulary and useful expressions to present their own project to the class. This communicative activity is a great way to share ideas and use the language learnt in the lesson.
With Answer Keys. This resource can be used in the classroom and/or for distance learning, remote learning hybrid or blended learning.
Follow us and find more Spanish lessons at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/interalialanguage

Noticias en español - Inversiones: GameStop B2 / C1 /C2 (DELE) (news in Spanish)
Clase de español sobre actualidad con material audiovisual. Análisis de una de las noticias más importantes del año en el ámbito de finanzas e inversión:
¿Que pasó con GameStop, Reddit y Wall Street?
¿Qué son las ventas en corto?
Estas preguntas y más son tratadas en el video que explica, de manera didáctica y clara, la relación entre GameStop, Reddit y los poderosos Hedge Funds que se vieron afectados recientemente por las inversiones de pequeños especuladores.
Comprensión del video
Vocabulario: relacionado con el video y con la lectura de gráficos
Descripción de gráficos
Actividades comunicativas de dictado de gráficos
Incluye Respuestas.
Sigue nuestra tiendo para encontrar más Noticias en español de temas variados.
In this Spanish lesson we watch a video to understand one of the most important news reports connected to finance and investment: What happened with GameStop, Reddit and Wall Street?
Conversation, video comprehension questions, vocabulary (related to the video and to graph reading), describing graphs, communicative activities (graph dictation). With Answer Keys. Follow us and find more News in Spanish at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/interalialanguage

BUNDLE 8x Advertising, Magazine, Film and Apple Beats INFOGRAPHICS & REVISION SHEETS - AQA Media Studies
These INFOGRAPHIC POSTERS and REVISION SHEETS cover 8 Close Study Products from the AQA Media Studies GCSE:
Galaxy Chocolate
NHS Represent Ft. Lady Leshurr
I, Daniel Blake
Doctor Strange
Apple Beats 1 Radio
They are designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but they are not comprehensive.
This bundle includes 8 A3 full-colour posters as well as print-ready versions to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographics cover the following areas of the curriculum:
Genre conventions
Narrative Theory
Media Language Analysis
Representation Anlaysis
Industry Evolution
Film Facts
Please contact us with any feedback or requests for future products. I intend to complete the full set of CSPs for AQA in the coming months.

2 CLASS BUNDLE! Food + Shopping Vocabulary + Grammar - ESL - TEFL - EFL Beginner
This Beginner ESL - TEFL - EFL Bundle includes material for 2 lessons, each with a Presentation and a Worksheet to teach English Beginner ESL , EFL students about Food and Shopping Vocabulary and Grammar related to both topics.
The first English lesson includes:
ESL Food: PowerPoint Presentation + Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary.
Food vocabulary
Grammar: Adverbs of frequency
Verbs to express likes and dislikes
Talking about habits and food preferences
Role play: At the restaurant
Additional resources
Writing Homework: use the grammar and vocabulary from the lesson
The second lesson includes:
ESL Shopping: PowerPoint Presentation + Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary.
Clothes, shops and shopping vocabulary
Demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those)
Countable and Uncountable nouns (How much, How many)
Shopping dialogue (expressions and vocabulary)
Role play: Shopping
Additional resources
Writing Homework: use the grammar and vocabulary from the lesson
Both ESL Presentations include teacher’s notes. They are perfect for online and in-class ESL , EFL teaching or for hybrid and blended ESL , EFL lessons. They can be used as a complement to a book, a revision or stand alone lessons. Find more lessons at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/interalialanguage/English
You can also find each of these lessons separately here:
ESL Food: PowerPoint Presentation + Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary.
ESL Shopping: PowerPoint Presentation + Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary.
Or as part of a MEGA BUNDLE here:
MEGA BUNDLE!!! 10 English Beginner Lessons - Whole Course - ESL - TEFL - EFL

2 CLASS BUNDLE! Daily Routine + Jobs and Occupations - ESL - TEFL - EFL Beginner
This Beginner ESL - TEFL - EFL Bundle includes material for 2 lessons, each with a Presentation and a Worksheet to teach English Beginner ESL , EFL students about Daily Routine, Jobs and Occupations, with Vocabulary and Grammar related to both topics.
The first English lesson includes:
ESL Daily Routine: PowerPoint Presentation + Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary.
Daily routine vocabulary
The time (at, on, in)
Present Simple: Positive and Negative sentences
Speaking: your routine
Role play: a billionaire’s routine
Additional resources
Writing Homework: use the grammar and vocabulary from the lesson
The second lesson includes:
ESL Jobs and Occupations: PowerPoint Presentation + Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary.
Jobs and occupations vocabulary. Teach your students about different professions
Present Simple: Questions about jobs and professions
Have to / Don’t have to (obligation and lack of necessity)
Speaking: game to guess the job using Present Simple questions and questions connected to obligation and necessity
Additional resources
Writing Homework: use the grammar and vocabulary from the lesson
Both ESL Presentations include teacher’s notes. They are perfect for online and in-class ESL , EFL teaching or for hybrid and blended ESL, EFL lessons. They can be used to complement a book, as a revision or stand alone lessons. Find more lessons at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/interalialanguage/English
You can also find each of these lessons separately here:
ESL Daily Routine: PowerPoint Presentation + Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/bundle-english-beginner-lesson-5-daily-routine-esl-tefl-efl-12446961
ESL Jobs and Occupations: PowerPoint Presentation + Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/bundle-english-beginner-lesson-6-jobs-esl-tefl-efl-12446962
Or as part of a MEGA BUNDLE here:
MEGA BUNDLE!!! 10 English Beginner Lessons - Whole Course - ESL - TEFL - EFL https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/mega-bundle-10-english-beginner-lessons-whole-course-esl-tefl-efl-12450580

Business English lessons - Getting to know you (Activity Set: 3 lessons)
Business English lesson: Getting to know you.
Set of 3 different fun, communicative lesson plans with digital or printable activities. Ideal for the beginning of a new Business English course.
It includes 3 different lesson plans with communicative activities:
Getting to know each other: Adjectives to describe personality. Getting to know each other by describing personalities and the personality traits needed for their jobs.
Question tags: Getting to know each other and finding out more about classmates or checking information students may have.
At the International Conference: Phrases to interrupt politely, greet and join a conversation. Introducing yourself and others. Exchanging personal information and interacting with colleagues.
NO PREP lessons for Business English students.
Each lesson includes teacher’s notes with warm-up and lesson progression.

Business English lessons - Socializing (Activity Set: 3 lessons)
Business English lesson: Socializing.
Set of 3 different fun, communicative lesson plans with digital or printable activities. Ideal for a Business English course.
It includes** 3 different lesson plans** with communicative activities:
What would you do if…?:
Grammar focus: Second conditional
Communicative focus: Discussing probable scenarios, making hypothesis, talking about work-related decisions.
At the restaurant with clients:
Vocabulary focus: food and typical dishes from different countries. Phrases to use at the restaurant
Grammar focus: Comparatives and Superlatives
Communicative focus: Choosing a restaurant and interacting during a meal.
Small Talk Champions:
Grammar focus: Echo questions. Follow-up questions.
Communicative focus: Showing interest, asking questions and keeping a conversation going
NO PREP lessons for Business English students.
Teacher’s notes: each lesson includes teacher’s notes with warm-up and lesson progression.

HALLOWEEN Escape Room - Escape the Mansion! - Digital English language activities and puzzles
This is a NO PREP Digital Classroom Escape Room. Learn about the origin and traditions of Halloween while you and your students try to escape the Halloween mansion! The interactive activities are designed to encourage teamwork, critical thinking, problem solving and team building. These puzzles and challenges are a fun way to learn English while exploring the origins and traditions connected to Halloween. This resource can be used in the classroom and/or for distance learning, remote learning hybrid or blended learning.
This Digital Escape Room includes:
Reading English texts about Halloween
Creative problem solving puzzles
Vocabulary and reading-comprehension challenges
Theme of the Escape Room: Escape the Halloween Mansion. Use the clues in the mansion and read about different traditions, superstitions, spooky characters and the origin of Halloween.
What can you expect from this DIGITAL ESCAPE ROOM?
Above all, it’s a FUN way to change classroom dynamics and encourage students to use language creatively for real purposes, in this case: finding your way out of the mansion!
NO PREP is necessary, since the interactive activities will guide the progression of the class. They are carefully designed to be engaging and give away just as much information as necessary to move on to the next puzzle. If your students find the language or the puzzles too difficult, you can use the HINTS provided in the Teacher’s Notes.
What kind of activity will students solve?
Reading-comprehension challenges
True or false
Pattern recognition puzzle
Sequencing and ordering
Observation and problem-solving tasks
Reading about: origins of Halloween, traditions, superstitions, trick-or-treating, Dracula, Frankenstein, Sleepy Hollow, Edgar Allan Poe, mummies, jack-o-lantern, etc.
What’s included in the Digital Escape Room?
Teacher’s Notes with hints, answers and a detailed explanation of the progression of the game
Interactive Presentation representing the Halloween Mansion with puzzles and activities
Access to the Escape Room website, which includes all the necessary tools (you DO NOT need a Google account, just an internet connection and a computer, laptop, Chromebook or iPad)
Follow-up questions connected to the theme of the Escape Room in case your students solve the puzzles in less than 45 minutes or to be used in future lessons.

7 CHRISTMAS PUZZLES AND GAMES, Digital and Interactive Activities
NO PREP Christmas Puzzles and Games to practise vocabulary, spelling, prepositions of place, speaking and reading.
These interactive games and puzzles promote observation, problem solving and cooperative learning.
The digital games and puzzles can be as competitive or as cooperative as you decide, depending on your students’ level and the type of atmosphere you want to create.
When you buy this resource, you get access to a website with 7 interactive puzzles and games joined together by this storyline:
“It’s the night before Christmas, and Santa still has a lot of jobs to do! Can you help him? Follow the links, or scroll down to find 7 puzzles and games to help Santa prepare for Christmas Eve!”
Puzzles and games will students solve:
Searching for Santa: Guess Who-style activity - Find the real Santa. Physical description, reading, speaking and observation.
Melting Snowman: Hangman-style game - Guess 5 words related to Christmas and save the melting Snowman. Vocabulary, spelling, cooperative learning.
Christmas crossword: Vocabulary, spelling, reading.
Order the reindeer: read Santa’s notes and help him order the reindeer. Reading, prepositions of place, problem-solving, memory.
Decorating the tree: Spot the differences between the Christmas trees. Observation, speaking, vocabulary, prepositions of place, picture description.
**Santa’s spelling: **read Santa’s letter and correct the mistakes. Reading, spelling, vocabulary, writing.
**Jigsaw toy test: **students help the elves perform a toy test of a jigsaw. Cooperative learning, observation, picture description.
If you wish, you can play the games as an Escape Room, encouraging students to complete all the activities in a specific time.
Students can also choose to do the “jobs” in the order they appear or they can click on the links on the right that will take them to the puzzles and games they are interested in. Alternatively, you can decide to split the students into groups and assign different puzzles and games to each group. You can also solve them together by projecting them for everyone to see.
We’re experienced language teachers and we have created these resources to be appropriate for ESL, EFL learners of A2 to B2 level as well.
Merry Christmas and enjoy the digital games and puzzles!

MEGA BUNDLE! Noticias en español - B1 / B2 / C1 / C2 (DELE) (news in Spanish)
10 Clases de español con 10 noticias de actualidad diferentes:
Cambio climático: lectura y vocabulario (artículo periodístico)
Economía y pandemia: escucha y vocabulario (video)
Negocios: frases para negociar, expresar acuerdo y desacuerdo (artículo periodístico)
Vacuna covid-19: vocabulario y conectores (video)
Brexit: escucha, vocabulario y frases para expresar opiniones (video)
Economía: trucos para ahorrar (video)
Innovación y proyectos: crowdfunding (artículo periodístico)
Inversiones: Gamestop y expresiones para describir gráficos (video)
Educación: Inteligencias Múltiples y vocabulario de profesiones (artículo periodístico + video opcional)
Viajes y turismo: Subjuntivo para dar opiniones (artículo periodístico)
Material audiovisual con preguntas para conversación, vocabulario y gramática.
10 Spanish Lesson Plans with 10 different items of current news. Conversation, vocabulary and grammar. With answers.
Follow us and find more at: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/interalialanguage

This infographic is designed to cover the main area of Industry for the Doctor Strange film CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies.
It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive.
It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum:
Industry Evolution
Film Facts
Synergy with the MCU
Look out for future bundles of my infographics!

BUNDLE - English Beginner Lesson 2 - Vocabulary - ESL - TEFL - EFL
Vocabulary lesson with links to extra resources, BUNDLE PowerPoint Presentation + PDF Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary. Find more resources in the store.
14 slide PPT and 4 page PDF cover:
Basic words in English
Plural and singular
Articles (Definite and Indefinite)
Grammar and vocabulary activities
Writing Homework
Presentation with teacher’s notes and Worksheet, perfect for online and in-class teaching or even for hybrid lessons. It can be used as a complement to a book, a revision or stand alone lessons. Find more at:

2 CLASS BUNDLE! Free Time & Hobbies + Writing Emails - ESL - TEFL - EFL Beginner
This Beginner ESL - TEFL - EFL Bundle includes material for 2 lessons, each with a Presentation and a Worksheet to teach English Beginner ESL , EFL students about Free Time and Hobbies and Writing Emails Vocabulary and Grammar.
The first English lesson includes:
ESL Free Time and Hobbies: PowerPoint Presentation + Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary.
Free time and hobbies vocabulary
PLAY or GO: vocabulary classification
Can / Can’t: abilities
Should / Shouldn’t: advice
Speaking: ask the expert
Extra resources
Writing Homework: use the grammar and vocabulary from the lesson
The second lesson includes:
ESL Writing Emails: PowerPoint Presentation + Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary.
Vocabulary revision game (food, clothes, free time, jobs)
Informal e-mail structure and vocabulary
Grammar revision: spot grammar mistakes covering most topics in the course
Writing an informal e-mail (guided)
Revision Quiz Show
Extra resources
Writing Homework: use the grammar and vocabulary from the lesson
Both ESL Presentations include teacher’s notes and are fully EDITABLE. They are perfect for online and in-class ESL , EFL teaching or for hybrid and blended ESL, EFL lessons. They can be used to complement a book, as a revision or stand alone lessons. Find more lessons at:
You can also find each of these lessons separately here:
ESL Free Time and Hobbies: PowerPoint Presentation + Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary.
ESL Writing Emails: PowerPoint Presentation + Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary.
Or as part of a MEGA BUNDLE here:
MEGA BUNDLE!!! 10 English Beginner Lessons - Whole Course - ESL - TEFL - EFL

2 CLASS BUNDLE! Transport and Travel + At the hotel - ESL - TEFL - EFL Beginner
This Beginner ESL - TEFL - EFL Bundle includes material for 2 lessons, each with a Presentation and a Worksheet to teach English Beginner ESL , EFL students about Transport and Travel and Hotel Vocabulary and Grammar.
The first English lesson includes:
ESL Transport and Travel: PowerPoint Presentation + Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary.
Transport and travel vocabulary
Speaking: transport survey
Maps: places around the city
Prepositions of place
Giving directions
Additional resources
Writing Homework: use the grammar and vocabulary from the lesson
The second lesson includes:
ESL At the Hotel: PowerPoint Presentation + Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary.
Hotel vocabulary
There is / There are
A/an, some, any
Speaking: checking in at the hotel
Additional resources
Writing Homework: use the grammar and vocabulary from the lesson
Both ESL Presentations include teacher’s notes and are fully EDITABLE. They are perfect for online and in-class ESL , EFL teaching or for hybrid and blended ESL, EFL lessons. They can be used to complement a book, as a revision or stand alone lessons. Find more lessons at:
You can also find each of these lessons separately here:
ESL Transport and Travel: PowerPoint Presentation + Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary.
ESL At the Hotel: PowerPoint Presentation + Worksheet with grammar and vocabulary.
Or as part of a MEGA BUNDLE here:
MEGA BUNDLE!!! 10 English Beginner Lessons - Whole Course - ESL - TEFL - EFL