Taken from Unit 1 UKS2 Literacy file.
Read chapter 4 ‘The Keeper of the Keys’ from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by JK Rowling to the class. Put a plain cover on the book and do not reveal the title. Set the scene by reading a description of ‘the perfect place’ to stay from the penultimate page of chapter 3 beginning (he) ‘was pointing at what looked like a large rock way out to sea…’ .Explain to the children that as you are reading you would like them to the strategy of listening our for key features to help them decide which genre this story could be classed as. What clues are there?
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Taken from our Year 2 Literacy Resource file.
The unit, Instructions, builds on work done in Year 1 and has three phases, with oral and written outcomes and assessment opportunities at regular intervals. The focus is on following and giving instructions. Children begin with an oral phase, followed by a recognising, reading and following phase, and finally progressing to the written production phase. Within this context, children begin to explore the key structural features of instructions and learn to select the appropriate register and style necessary for instructions. This unit uses many curriculum areas in order to give children as much variety as possible in the instructions they read, follow and compose.
Lesson 1 Listen and move
• To be able to listen to and follow oral instructions. • To recognise an instruction because of its language style. • To be able to give oral instructions telling someone how to move
Photo tableaux
• To listen to, follow and give oral instructions explaining how to position one’s body. • To be able to look at a photo of a person and work out how to make another person recreate the same pose.
3 Let’s make a smoothie!
• To follow instructions successfully to make a smoothie. • To identify the structure of an instructional text – in this case, a recipe. • To read and match instructions with pictures.
4 Mum’s birthday cake
• To consolidate the text structure. • To practise reading and understanding a text which describes a process
5 Writing instructions for making things with paper
• Recognise adjectives and nouns. • Be able to write numbered instructions. • Be able to extract a set of instructions from a report text.
6 Instructional texts
• To recognise instructional texts from the language, topic and layout. • To complete a chart with information about an instructional text
7 How do I get there?
• To use directions as a form of instruction. • To write and follow directions.
8 Looking at language
• To use directions in order to focus on written presentation, specifically spelling, collocations and punctuation.
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5 lessons with resources
This non-fiction unit focuses on reading, writing, and giving oral instructions. There is emphasis on creating concise, precise instructions and on using the imperative form of verbs. This unit has close links to Fiction Unit 5 and uses the text and characters from Treasure Island as the basis for the lessons.
1 Long John Silver says…
• To be able to follow instructions and to understand that instructions must be clear and precise.
It is imperative that you Understand…
• To define and use imperative verbs
3.Battleships• To write clear instructions and to recognise imperative verbs
Buried treasure • To write clear instructions.
5 Treasure Island • To gather information and write clear instructions. • To write extended instructions.
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Taken from our Year 2 Literacy Resource File
Lessons include
1 The Boy Who Cried Wolf
• To listen and respond to the story, considering whether the action is funny or serious. • To consider story themes and morals. • To write simple and compound sentences in relation to reason
2 Predicting the ending
• To read with fluency, drawing on word recognition. • To predict the story ending.
3 Role-playing the villagers
• To read with fluency, drawing on word recognition. • To predict the story ending/next incident. • To present parts of stories using drama
4 The boy’s perspective
• To use drama to prepare for writing. • To identify characters. • To write an ending of the story.
5 The Three Billy Goats Gruff
• To consider story themes and morals. • To empathise with characters. • To write simple and compound sentences
6 Role-playing the Three Billy Goats Gruff
• To prepare and retell stories. • To present the story through drama.
7–8 Retelling the story
• To retell stories using pictures as prompts. • To write using simple and compound sentences, and direct speech.
This unit covers four weeks and focuses on traditional stories. The unit has two alternative outcomes. Children read and compare traditional stories and then work towards their own written version of a traditional narrative. They could also create a digital text combining words, images and sounds using presentation software
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Taken from our Year 1 Literacy Resources File
Includes lesson plans and differentiated resources
1- The Enormous Turnip
LO: Listen to the story on tape and recall the events in order. • Understand about traditional stories and the oral tradition. • Contribute to dramatisation of the story
2- The Enormous Turnip
LO:To be able to distinguish similarities and differences in different versions of the story. • To be able to suggest phrases and sentences to retell the story
3 The Anansi stories
LO: To discuss the appearance, behaviour, characteristics and goals of characters. • To take part in acting scenes from the story in character, using expression and a clear voice
4 Anansi and boastful bullfrog
LO: To be able to discuss the appearance, behaviour, characteristics and goals of a character. • To be able to write two or more sentences about Anansi
5 The Gingerbread Man
LO: To be able to read with support and join in key phrases appropriately. • To be able to identify the main events in the story and put them in chronological order.
6 The Gingerbread Man – audio version
LO: To discuss different versions of the same story. • To discuss differences between audio and written versions of a story.
7 The Gingerbread Man – the play
LO: To recognise differences between playscripts and story texts and the reasons for them. • To read a playscript with appropriate expression
8 The Gingerbread Man – my story
• To be able to plan a story. • To be able to write some sentences independently, using story language and phonic strategies
This Unit covers ‘Traditional and fairy stories’. Before you start the lessons below, it is suggested you take 15–30 minutes each day for four or five days to read other traditional stories, including some from different cultures, to enrich the children’s experience of the genre. You could conclude these stories by asking some of the following questions: Who was the story about? Where did it take place? How did it start? What happened in the middle of the story? How did it end? What do you think the most important event was? You should also set out a display of appropriate books and tapes that the children may look at, listen to, read to themselves or borrow to share at home.
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The titles of the 5 texts include
1 Signs
2 Bubbles
3 Antarctica
4 Facts about bats
5 Using tallying to count
The cards primarily address text-level objectives for each year group and focus specifically on reading comprehension of non-fiction texts. The cards are designed to encourage talk and develop listening and speaking skills.
There is a main text on the front of each of the reading cards. The main text is followed by talk time , where there are open-ended questions, which are designed to stimulate a personal response to the issues raised and encourage children to think about the card’s theme.
The questions encourage discussion between two to six people. Talk time questions that are preceded by a require children to refer back to the text and are suitable for prompting children’s written responses. The box contains an interesting fact related to the card’s theme. This should appeal to the children’s sense of wonder and fascination for the remarkable.
The reverse side of each card carries things to do box. This contains activities and challenges that are designed to enable children to pursue the main theme still further. The activities are mainly practical in nature, so that all children can succeed, whatever their levels of literacy
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The titles of the 5 texts include
1 Pop-up cards
2 Vote for me!
3 E-mail link
4 Easy pizzas
5 Life in Tudor times
The cards primarily address text-level objectives for each year group and focus specifically on reading comprehension of non-fiction texts. The cards are designed to encourage talk and develop listening and speaking skills.
There is a main text on the front of each of the reading cards. The main text is followed by talk time , where there are open-ended questions, which are designed to stimulate a personal response to the issues raised and encourage children to think about the card’s theme.
The questions encourage discussion between two to six people. Talk time questions that are preceded by a require children to refer back to the text and are suitable for prompting children’s written responses. The box contains an interesting fact related to the card’s theme. This should appeal to the children’s sense of wonder and fascination for the remarkable.
The reverse side of each card carries things to do box. This contains activities and challenges that are designed to enable children to pursue the main theme still further. The activities are mainly practical in nature, so that all children can succeed, whatever their levels of literacy
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An introductory programme for children not yet ready to embark on the Renewed Literacy Framework
Week 1- To recognise and write letters ‘s a t p i n e’
• To read first 23 High Frequency Words
• To sound out and write VC and CVC words
• To read and write a simple sentence
SENsational Literacy is an introductory programme designed to help those children who are not yet ready for the Renewed Literacy Framework or who have been struggling to keep up with their peers in class. It is an excellent way to help them to them to gain confidence in literacy and build up the skills they need. Most importantly they will have fun with words and letters.
SENsational Literacy can be used by a teaching assistant to teach a small group of children who need extra support in literacy. After completing the scheme they will have gained the necessary skills to be able to join in with the main literacy class. It can also be used by the teacher to teach the whole class if extra literacy support is needed across the board. It is suitable for children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, and it is also suitable for other children coming into the school who may not yet be able be working within the Year 1 curriculum.
How long does the programme last? The children are taught one lesson every day for six weeks. What do the children learn? The children learn the basics of literacy through simple tasks, covering introductory letter recognition and the application of High Frequency (HF) words, underpinned by game-based activities and guided reading. A full overview of the course can be found on page 6.
What does the material consist of? Each lesson is divided into a warm-up and main activity. Once a week the children are required to participate in an activity to help to consolidate their understanding. Additional Resources Sheets offer photocopiable material which can be used in a variety of games during the class. Home Learning Sheets are provided to support each lesson. The children are required to do the worksheets every weekday evening to consolidate what they have studied that day as well as guided reading at weekends. You may wish to write to the parent/guardian to let them know that their child is studying the scheme and may need help with their daily worksheet.
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What? This assessment has been devised to assess children’s ability to segment words and spell them using the Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondences (GPCs) introduced in Phase 5 Letters and Sounds.
Unlike the Phase 2 and Phase 3–4 Fun Friendly Phonics assessments this Phase 5 assessment includes elements of the preceding phases to ensure that children have a good overall awareness of the phonetic code and have not forgotten any prior learning. Therefore, within this assessment children will be expected to write tricky words, polysyllabic words and words containing Phase 3 graphemes.
Who? This assessment is designed for use with children who are being taught
Phase 5 Letters and Sounds. Children working at this level should be able to write using Phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs, such as ‘ch’ and ‘igh’ with accuracy in their independent writing and be beginning to select and use the appropriate alternative spellings to these where appropriate.
Includes- Instructions, story, and assessment guidance
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What? This assessment has been devised to assess children’s ability to segment words and spell them using the Grapheme-Phoneme Correspondences (GPCs) introduced in Phase 5 Letters and Sounds.
Unlike the Phase 2 and Phase 3–4 Fun Friendly Phonics assessments this Phase 5 assessment includes elements of the preceding phases to ensure that children have a good overall awareness of the phonetic code and have not forgotten any prior learning. Therefore, within this assessment children will be expected to write tricky words, polysyllabic words and words containing Phase 3 graphemes.
Who? This assessment is designed for use with children who are being taught
Phase 5 Letters and Sounds. Children working at this level should be able to write using Phase 3 digraphs and trigraphs, such as ‘ch’ and ‘igh’ with accuracy in their independent writing and be beginning to select and use the appropriate alternative spellings to these where appropriate.
Includes- Story, assessment guidance and assessment grid
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This is the full book : Grammar and Creativity for Year 3
It includes 71 worksheets with answers.
Blurb: Good writing may start with an exciting idea, but it needs structure to make sense to a reader. Grammar provides a framework on which to display the imagination.
Writing brings together individual expression and an understanding of the rules that allow our language (any language) to make sense. This book has been written with the view that grammar and creativity go hand in hand to produce good writing. Developing children’s understanding of the basics of English will encourage their literary adventures. The range of activities here has been designed to excite interest as well as guide children and teachers through the rules.
The guide comprises three main sections: word, sentence (including punctuation) and text.
This guide is organised in an incremental way, earlier tasks acting as the foundation for later ones. Step by step, each exercise follows on from previous or earlier work. In this way, both the child and their teacher will develop a sense of the progress being made. At any particular age, of course, children will be working at different levels and may need either more fundamental or more challenging work set for them.
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6 worksheets taken from our much love resource: Building Blocks- Themed Activities for the EYFS- Age 4 to 5 (48-60 months).
Activity 1: Spotty Blobster Poem
Activity 2: Draw the Spotty Blobster monster from the poem
Activity 3: How to make chocolate crispy cakes
Activity 4: Naming the foods I eat
Activity 5: What’s in the treasure box
Activity 6: Plan a surprise for someone you know
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Grammar and Creativity for Year 5
Good writing may start with an exciting idea, but it needs structure to make sense to a reader. Grammar provides a framework on which to display the imagination.
Writing brings together individual expression and an understanding of the rules that allow our language (any language) to make sense. This book has been written with the view that grammar and creativity go hand in hand to produce good writing. Developing children’s understanding of the basics of English will encourage their literary adventures. The range of activities here has been designed to excite interest as well as guide children and teachers through the rules.
The guide is organised in an incremental way, later tasks being built on earlier ones. Step by step, each exercise calls upon skills and terminology already explored. In this way, both the child and their teacher will develop a sense of the progress being made. At any particular age, of course, children will be working at different levels and may need either more fundamental or more challenging work set for them
The guide has three main sections: word, sentence (including punctuation) and text. Each section has an introductory page which can be enlarged to create an explanatory poster for display purposes. At the end, there is a glossary explaining the terminology used in the book, as well as an answer section.
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Alternatively, get all 71 sheets from our TES shop
15 sheets with Answers
Nouns – to understand the difference between common and proper nouns. Nouns – to identify collective nouns.
Noun Challenge – to identify abstract nouns.
Noun – to work with singular and plural nouns.
Nouns – to investigate how nouns are part of word families.
Noun Phrases – to expand nouns into noun phrases.
Pronouns – to use personal pronouns correctly as subject and object.
Verbs – to recognise the infinitive of a verb.
Verbs Challenge – to ensure that the subject of a sentence and the verb agree.
Verbs – to use auxiliary verbs correctly.
Verbs Challenge – to explore the subtle changes in meaning when using modal verbs.
Verbs Challenge – to change verbs from one tense to another.
Adjectives – to revise adjectives.
Adjectives Challenge – to explore synonyms and antonyms of adjectives. Adverbs – to revise adverbs of manner.
Taken from: Grammar and Creativity for Year 6
Good writing may start with an exciting idea, but it needs structure to make sense to a reader. Grammar provides a framework on which to display the imagination.
Writing brings together individual expression and an understanding of the rules that allow our language (any language) to make sense. This book has been written with the view that grammar and creativity go hand in hand to produce good writing. Developing children’s understanding of the basics of English will encourage their literary adventures. The range of activities here has been designed to excite interest as well as guide children and teachers through the rules.
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FREE Phonics Resource takes a look at the long E sound. Designed for KS2 children who didn’t quite grasp phonics in KS1 … although perfect for any child who needs phonics help. If you want more, there is an interactive CD (PHONICS to SPELLING by Charlotte Raby) that is filled with excellent phonic activities, games etc. But for now, this a great resource to help instil phonics in a fun and memorable way.
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Get 15 sheets or the whole book via our TES shop
5 sheets with Answers
Alphabet – to put words into alphabetical order.
Compound Words – to investigate compound words.
Thesaurus – to use a thesaurus to improve my vocabulary.
Nouns – to revise word classes – nouns.
Nouns – to recognise abstract nouns.
Taken from: Grammar and Creativity for Year 4
Good writing may start with an exciting idea, but it needs structure to make sense to a reader. Grammar provides a framework on which to display the imagination.
Writing brings together individual expression and an understanding of the rules that allow our language (any language) to make sense. This book has been written with the view that grammar and creativity go hand in hand to produce good writing. Developing children’s understanding of the basics of English will encourage their literary adventures. The range of activities here has been designed to excite interest as well as guide children and teachers through the rules.
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An activity to encourage children to think and collect alternative words for imperative verbs of direction.
Taken from UKS2 Literacy Resources File
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Read the adjectives and verbs and sort the words into two groups.
Comic, humerous or funny
Scary, threatening or unpleasant.
Taken from UKS2 Literacy Resources File
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