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Love Learning Languages French and English Resources

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I am a secondary and adult education French and ESL teacher and I love creating resources that help my students have fun with languages! You'll see many speaking games, grammar games, and task cards in my shop.




I am a secondary and adult education French and ESL teacher and I love creating resources that help my students have fun with languages! You'll see many speaking games, grammar games, and task cards in my shop.
French Freebie: Activity to get your students speaking

French Freebie: Activity to get your students speaking

French Freebie: Activity to get your students speaking This resource is very similar to another one (also free) in which you’ll have students talking about the house, hotel, vacation, etc. of their dreams. Students will talk all about the house, etc. of their worst nightmares in this one. I like to use these resources one after the other while the content is still fresh, but the vocabulary will change dramatically when students shift from what they would love to what would give them nightmares! This is a no prep, one page activity for intermediate to advanced level students, and the content is perfectly suitable both for primary (French immersion) and secondary curriculums. There are fifteen questions that will have them talking about, for example, the house of their worst nightmares. This is meant to be a paired or small group activity, but it is NOT meant to just have students take turns describing what they would love. The idea is to imagine that everyone in the group is going to live in the house together. There will probably be some things that everyone agrees on, and there will certainly be things they will disagree on. When I have my students do this activity, it’s always fun to watch them debate what is and what is not important. In the end, they can agree to disagree! My students really have a good time with this activity, and I love seeing the imagination that they have! Here are the 15 conversation starters: DÉCRIVONS… La maison de nos pires cauchemars… L’hôtel de nos pires cauchemars… Le jardin de nos pires cauchemars… Le restaurant de nos pires cauchemars… La ville de nos pires cauchemars… L’avion de nos pires cauchemars… Les vacances de nos pires cauchemars… La voiture de nos pires cauchemars… La garde-robe de nos pires cauchemars… La chambre de nos pires cauchemars… La cuisine de nos pires cauchemars… La fête d’anniversaire de nos pires cauchemars… La plage de nos pires cauchemars… Le lac de nos pires cauchemars… Le cinéma de nos pires cauchemars…
Checklist pour les vacances d'été - French summer vacation checklist

Checklist pour les vacances d'été - French summer vacation checklist

✮ Checklist pour les vacances d’été - French summer vacation checklist ✮ This is a fun checklist all in French just for all of you French teachers! I’m sure you can find many ways to work it into your travel unit and use it with your students as well. There are checklists for the following (and a blank one for you to write in your own items is also included): les vêtements les accessoires divers les chaussures la trousse à pharmacie argent et documents la trousse de toilette Amusez-vous avec, et bonnes vacances à tous!
Free French School Menu #5

Free French School Menu #5

Free French School Menu #5 Have a look at what’s on the menu at my kids’ school in France. Cheese every day!! I’ll be adding more menus weekly as I receive them. There are so many things a French teacher could do with these in class. It would be a fun cultural study to look up images of some of these menu items to show students what they look like and if they eat anything similar at their schools or homes. This could lead to a discussion on the length of time French students typically have to eat and rest as compared to students and teachers in your school. LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
L'aéroport et la Gare - Airports and Train Stations - Bundled French Resources

L'aéroport et la Gare - Airports and Train Stations - Bundled French Resources

5 Resources
L’aéroport et la Gare - Airports and Train Stations - Bundled French Resources Activities to use in the French classroom when talking about l’aéroport et la Gare - Airports and Train Stations. Save 20%. LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students.
Forming French Questions BUNDLE

Forming French Questions BUNDLE

4 Resources
Forming French Questions BUNDLE Activities to use and challenge your students in the French classroom when teaching how to form French questions using** est-ce que, inversion, and intonation**. 100 practice cards for speaking, one dice game, two worksheets, and a video tutorial with examples and exercises. Save 20%.
GCSE FRENCH: French Passé Composé with ÊTRE: Lesson + Exercises

GCSE FRENCH: French Passé Composé with ÊTRE: Lesson + Exercises

This is meant to be a set of exercises to be used after presenting the passé composé with être. For a change of pace (or in case of teacher absence), when introducing the passé composé with être, you could use this set of exercises to reinforce the 20 minute lesson I've recorded on YouTube (it's free: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6-HxU_nIoY). This could make for an excellent interactive homework assignment! Students will identify which verbs need avoir, and which need être, they'll write the definition of an intransitive verb, they'll list the 17 verbs that use être in the P.C., they'll identify the verbs that sometimes use "être" and other times use "avoir", they'll have to know that reflexive verbs also use "être", and finally they will rewrite ten sentences in the passé composé using être as helping verb.
GCSE FRENCH: Forming French Questions with Interrogative Words Lesson and Exercises

GCSE FRENCH: Forming French Questions with Interrogative Words Lesson and Exercises

This lesson has it all: video lesson, lesson in written form with examples, exercises, and a really fun activity to try out with your students. This lesson is all about how to add meaningful question words to simple questions in French so that you will get more than a "yes" or "no" answer. Your students will learn how to use the question words: qui, quoi, que, quel, quand, où, pourquoi, comment, and combien (de). This lesson includes a video, so it can easily be assigned as homework, and you can save precious class time for the fun stuff! Students will learn the rules for knowing where to place the question word in the sentence depending on the type of question they've decided to ask. This lesson is to be used in conjunction with the video lesson found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BNGxGpqm7U&feature=youtu.be Here you will find the basic rules needed for forming questions using intonation, est-ce que, and inversion. There are many useful examples to help understand the rules, and there's even an exercise (with answers included) to test knowledge. Don't forget to try out the activity at the bottom of the document, my students think it's so much fun, and it's a QUIET activity, even better!
French Past Conditional Lesson - Should have, Could have, Would have

French Past Conditional Lesson - Should have, Could have, Would have

French Past Conditional Lesson - Should have, Could have, Would have This resource includes the following: ➯ A set of 25 numbered cards with sentences written in English that students will then translate to French. A numbered answer key is also included so that students can work on their own. It is expected that students also know some other past tenses and some simple pronouns that are normally taught way before the past conditional. ➯ A one page printable reference guide that folds into a booklet that students can use for easy reference. The booklet includes all of the essential information needed for saying should have, could have, and would have. ➯ A two page study guide on forming the present conditional that highlights how to say should have, could have, and would have. If you do double-sided printing you can still just pass out one sheet of paper. The study guide is jam packed with everything you need to know about the past conditional. Here’s the link to my video tutorial on how to use should have, could have, and would have in the past conditional. The study guide included with this resource follows the information given in the video lesson.
French Cultural Tips to Know Before Visiting France - A lesson on French culture

French Cultural Tips to Know Before Visiting France - A lesson on French culture

These printable handouts accompany a video about French cultural tips on YouTube. The video is not my property and is not downloadable with this resource. You will need to watch it online. The video is about 8 minutes long, and this resource includes one page with 12 questions in English to share with your students for discussion about cultural differences prior to watching the video. The second page includes 12 questions written in English to be answered while watching the video. There is a vocabulary list in French and English of all 15 French words introduced in the video. Finally, to wrap up the lesson there is a fun crossword puzzle to complete. The clues are given in English and the answers are in French. These resources make it easy to transform a short 8 minute video into a comprehensive cultural lesson that you’ll feel good about using with your students. The video is presented by Géraldine from Comme une Française. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7I4Rb13DSw. Be sure to visit my shop and browse through 500+ resources like grammar games, speaking activities, listening comprehension, worksheets, and much more. Just click here! LICENSING TERMS: This purchase includes a license for one teacher only for personal use in their classroom. Licenses are non-transferable, meaning they can not be passed from one teacher to another. No part of this resource is to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. COPYRIGHT TERMS: This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives, unless the site is password protected and can only be accessed by students. Merci beaucoup!
French Present Conditional Lesson - Should, Could, Would

French Present Conditional Lesson - Should, Could, Would

French Present Conditional Lesson - Should, Could, Would This resource includes the following: ➯ A set of 25 numbered cards with sentences written in English that students will then translate to French. A numbered answer key is also included so that students can work on their own. It is expected that students also know the imperfect tense and some simple pronouns that are normally taught way before the conditional. ➯ A one page printable reference guide that folds into a booklet that students can use for easy reference. The booklet includes all of the essential information needed for saying should, could, and would. ➯ A one page study guide on forming the present conditional that highlights how to say should, could, and would. The study guide also includes the imperfect endings, a chart of the most common irregular stems in the conditional, and twelve examples in French and English Here’s the link to my video tutorial on how to use should, could, and would in the present conditional. To get right to the lesson without all of the extra talk (it’s my YouTube channel) just start at :57 and end at 13:15. The study guide included with this resource follows the information given in the video lesson.
Depuis, pendant, il y a, pour: Video tutorial, study guide, 50 practice cards

Depuis, pendant, il y a, pour: Video tutorial, study guide, 50 practice cards

Depuis, pendant, il y a, pour: Complete lesson, study guide, 50 practice cards This French lesson plan will shed some light on when to use depuis, pendant, il y a, and pour when expressing time, which can be a very difficult topic for native English speakers. This resource includes a link to my 20 minute video tutorial on YouTube (here is the link if you’d like to have a look), a two page lesson guide that is useful whether you choose to show the video or not, and 50 practice cards that you can either print and cut out to have students work in small groups or that you can project for a whole class activity. All of the cards are numbered and an answer key is provided. This easily allows students to work and practice independently or with a partner.
French Practice Cards: BON - BIEN - MEILLEUR - MIEUX

French Practice Cards: BON - BIEN - MEILLEUR - MIEUX

French Practice Cards: BON - BIEN - MEILLEUR - MIEUX This is a set of 65 cards for practicing and mastering BON - BIEN - MEILLEUR - MIEUX. This set of cards uses bon and bien as well as their comparative forms meilleur and mieux, but also a whole lot more (see below). That’s why this stack of cards is great for upper-intermediate and even advanced students! This resource does not incorporate the superlative. When using meilleur and mieux, we are really focusing on how to say “better” in French. This is always so hard since we use the same word in English whether we are using adverbs or adjectives. I have also made a 45 minute video that you can find on YouTube that would be perfect to show before pulling out these cards which I made specifically to accompany this very comprehensive lesson. I’m including a handy 3 page study guide to accompany the lesson and this set of cards. Topics covered: Comparing with bon and meilleur Comparing with bien and mieux Using bon and meilleur as adverbs with the verbs faire and sentir Using bien with se sentir Using all four forms with the linking verbs être and avoir l’air Using bon to say something is right or correct Using bien to mean “really” before bon and certain other adjectives Using bien when talking about approach, method, style, and technique Practicing the difference between saying C’est bien and C’est bon Included: Set of 65 cards to print and cut out Set of the same 65 cards with only one per page for use on tablets or for projecting 3 page lesson guide with rules and examples Link to YouTube lesson Student answer recording sheet
French Listening and Reading Comprehension - French Expressions + Passé Simple

French Listening and Reading Comprehension - French Expressions + Passé Simple

Help your students improve their French with this practical listening and reading comprehension resource. It features key French expressions like: “Ça sent bon ici!” “Il a l’air triste.” “Ça m’est égal.” “Merci, c’est gentil.” “Cela fait du bien de parler avec vous.” “Cela me semble juste.” These expressions are embedded in the text, allowing students to practice making inferences, connections, and predictions. The resource includes ten comprehension questions that encourage careful reading or listening. This isn’t a beginner-level quiz, so it will challenge your students to think more deeply about the language. What’s Included: This resource has eight different parts that can be used for either reading or listening practice. Each part builds on the last, helping students understand and use the material effectively. Reading Comprehension - Written Text: Start by having students read the text. You can let them read along while listening to the audio, helping them connect spoken and written French. Listening Comprehension - Audio Recording: The text is read by François, a native speaker from Paris, at a normal pace. If students find it too fast at first, let them read along while listening, and then try listening without the text. Listening Comprehension - Questions Audio Recording: After the text, students will hear questions read aloud, with a bell tone and a brief pause to give their answers. This helps them practice listening and responding in real time. Listening Comprehension - Open-Ended Questions Worksheet: This worksheet allows students to write their answers to the spoken questions. For a more interactive experience, you can have them answer orally instead. Reading Comprehension - Open-Ended Questions Worksheet: With the text in front of them, students answer questions in complete sentences, helping them to better understand and express their thoughts in French. Reading Comprehension - Multiple Choice Questions Worksheet: This worksheet offers a multiple-choice format for students who might need a bit more support, making it easier to find the correct answers. Cloze Activity - Fill in the Blanks: Students listen to the audio and fill in the missing words in the text. A word bank is provided, and you can use the original text as the answer key. English Translation of Text + Multiple Choice Quiz Answer Key: An English translation of the text is included for reference, along with the answer key for the multiple-choice quiz. While the translation is helpful, the focus is on understanding the French text. How to Use: For best results, start with the reading activities so students become familiar with the text. After a few days or the following week, use the same material for listening practice. This will help reinforce what they’ve learned and improve their overall language skills. This resource is a great way to help your students gain confidence in French!
French Listening and Reading Comprehension - Le Plus-Que-Parfait

French Listening and Reading Comprehension - Le Plus-Que-Parfait

Help your students improve their French with this practical listening and reading comprehension resource featuring le plus-que-parfait. A lot of passé composé is also included in the text. The plus-que-parfait is embedded in the text, allowing students to practice making inferences, connections, and predictions. The resource includes ten comprehension questions that encourage careful reading or listening. This isn’t a beginner-level quiz, so it will challenge your students to think more deeply about the language. What’s Included: This resource has eight different parts that can be used for either reading or listening practice. Each part builds on the last, helping students understand and use the material effectively. Reading Comprehension - Written Text: Start by having students read the text. You can let them read along while listening to the audio, helping them connect spoken and written French. Listening Comprehension - Audio Recording: The text is read by François, a native speaker from Paris, at a normal pace. If students find it too fast at first, let them read along while listening, and then try listening without the text. Listening Comprehension - Questions Audio Recording: After the text, students will hear questions read aloud, with a bell tone and a brief pause to give their answers. This helps them practice listening and responding in real time. Listening Comprehension - Open-Ended Questions Worksheet: This worksheet allows students to write their answers to the spoken questions. For a more interactive experience, you can have them answer orally instead. Reading Comprehension - Open-Ended Questions Worksheet: With the text in front of them, students answer questions in complete sentences, helping them to better understand and express their thoughts in French. Reading Comprehension - Multiple Choice Questions Worksheet: This worksheet offers a multiple-choice format for students who might need a bit more support, making it easier to find the correct answers. Cloze Activity - Fill in the Blanks: Students listen to the audio and fill in the missing words in the text. A word bank is provided, and you can use the original text as the answer key. English Translation of Text + Multiple Choice Quiz Answer Key: An English translation of the text is included for reference, along with the answer key for the multiple-choice quiz. While the translation is helpful, the focus is on understanding the French text. How to Use: For best results, start with the reading activities so students become familiar with the text. After a few days or the following week, use the same material for listening practice. This will help reinforce what they’ve learned and improve their overall language skills. This resource is a great way to help your students gain confidence in French!
GCSE FRENCH: French Passé Composé Bundle - Être ou Avoir?

GCSE FRENCH: French Passé Composé Bundle - Être ou Avoir?

6 Resources
This bundle includes 7 of my favorite resources for practicing the passé composé with être and avoir as helping verbs. Bundle up and save 25%. You get 5 fun games and 2 sets of task cards to practice speaking and grammar skills. Here's everything that is included. Just click on the links for full product descriptions: 1. Passé Composé - Être ou Avoir - French Verb Race Game 2. Bataille Navale - Passé Composé - Être ou Avoir? 3. French Passé Composé - Être ou Avoir - Task Cards - Version 1 4. Passé Composé with Être and Avoir Task Cards - Version 2 5. Dice Game - Passé Composé with Être and Avoir 6. Passé Composé - Être ou Avoir? Puzzle activity 7. Passé Composé - Être ou Avoir? Quel dommage game
GCSE FRENCH: French Verb Race Games - Growing Bundle

GCSE FRENCH: French Verb Race Games - Growing Bundle

5 Resources
French Verb Race Games - Conjugation Practice - Growing Bundle Your French students will have lots of fun practicing verb conjugations in many different tenses with all of the games in this growing bundle that saves you 20%. These no prep verb race games are an interesting way to encourage your beginner to advanced students to keep up with all of the different rules and exceptions of the tenses they learn throughout the year(s). You can pull out these games and use them as ice-breakers, bell-ringers, French club activities, board games and more. When you purchase this growing bundle, you will get all future sets for free. Every time I add a new game the price will increase accordingly. Now’s a great time to get in on the deal and make verb race games a regular part of your routine. Here’s what’s included so far in this growing bundle: Present Tense Verb Race Game Passé Composé of Regular Verbs with Avoir Verb Race Game Imperative Tense Verb Race Game Passé Composé - Être ou Avoir - Verb Race Game Passé Composé with Être - Verb Race Game Imperfect Tense Verb Race Game Here is what you can look forward to being added, not necessarily in this order: Reflexive Verbs - Present Tense Reflexive Verbs - Passé Composé Futur Simple Present Conditional Plus-que-parfait Futur Antérieur Past Conditional Present Subjunctive Past Subjunctive Passé Composé - Irregular Verbs with Avoir Passé Composé with Direct Object Pronouns Subjunctive or Indicative? Present Tense Irregular Verbs Huge Tense Review Verb Race is a fun and very exciting way to practice verb conjugations. Your students are going to love these sets of 75 French verbs to use in the fast moving verb race game. Each set includes 75 verbs to work with in the indicated tense. Classic verb race involves dividing the class into teams and one person from each team goes up to the board to conjugate faster than everyone else. I’ve included full instructions (see preview), tips and rules with this resource. Verb Race has always been a huge favorite in my classroom. In classic verb race it is usually the teacher who moderates the game, but in the instructions I’ll explain in detail how you can play a student led game so that even your weakest students can participate and learn a ton. With each game I’m including a slideshow version without answers and student response sheets if you want to project the game and play as a class or in small groups without moving out of desks and up to the board. I recommend printing out the cards, laminating them if possible, and cutting them out for years of no prep use and verb conjugation review. Included with each set: 75 calling cards with answers 75 numbered task cards without answers Slideshow version of 75 cards without answers How to play Student response sheet Answer key