I have taught all levels from kindergarten to adult continuing education. I love languages and am constantly working on improving and adding to them. I believe that if students have fun, they will learn faster and remember longer. I try to have students speak in the target language as much as possible during the limited time that they are in class.
I have taught all levels from kindergarten to adult continuing education. I love languages and am constantly working on improving and adding to them. I believe that if students have fun, they will learn faster and remember longer. I try to have students speak in the target language as much as possible during the limited time that they are in class.
Students take turns moving along the the snail path and conjugating verbs along the way. May be used for any tense. Includes: se réveiller, se lever, se baigner, se doucher, se laver, se peigner, se brosser les cheveux, se déshabiller, s’habiller, se raser, se maquiller, s’amuser, se reposer, se dépêcher, se coucher, se brosser les dents.
Each puzzle has 54 clues giving an AR infinitive in Spanish and a subject pronoun. All infinitives are common, regular verbs. Students are to conjugate the verbs in the present tense for the answers. Includes 5 versions; does not use the vosotros form.
Students take turns rolling a die, advancing along the snail path, and telling the time in French. 2 versions: English format (1:00); French format (1h00).
Students take turns moving along the the snail path and saying the numbers along the way. Includes 4 games: 0 to 20, 10 to 100 by tens, 1 to 100; 60 to 99.
Print on cardstock and cut into Dominoes. Make 1 set for every 3-4 students. Dominoes have the picture for 1 of 12 chores and the expression in Spanish for 1 of 12 chores. Play like a normal game of Dominoes.
Mixer activity using por and para in Spanish. Includes 36 unique student sheets; each sheet has 4 questions (information to find) and 4 answers (information to share). Sample answers: Hay que terminar la tarea para manana. No puedo acampar por la tormenta. Students mingle until they find the answers to all of their questions.
This is an all-class activity. 5 students go to the front of class. There are 5 different pages hanging on the board. Each page has a name and 4 pictures of reflexive verbs. This activity uses a total of 10 reflexive verbs. Students at seats take turns asking questions with yes/no answers to deduce which student has which name.
Print on card-stock and cut into cards; 3-4 students per set. Includes subjects, verb forms, à + definite article, de + definite article, sports and activities. Teacher gives a sentence in English and students must translate it, with words in the correct order and verbs conjugated correctly, choosing the correct verb and the correct preposition.
Students take turns moving along the the snail path and identifying / conjugating verbs along the way. May be used for any tense. Includes: sich baden, sich duschen, sich waschen, sich kämmen, sich die Haare bürsten, sich ausziehen, sich anziehen, sich rasieren, sich schminken, sich amüsieren, sich ausruhen, sich beeilen, sich hinlegen, sich die Zähne putzen, sich strecken.
Wordsearch has the names of 29 pieces of furniture in German hidden. 5 versions included in each of two formats - with and without word list. Vocabulary used: Badewanne, Bett, Dusche, Fenster, Fernseher, Gemälde, Kamin, Klavier, Kommode, Lampe, Nachttisch, Regal, Schrank, Schreibtisch, Sessel, Sofa, Sofatisch, Spiegel, Standuhr, Stereoanlage, Stuhl, Teppich, Toilette, Tür, Ventilator, Videospielkonsole, Vorhang, Wandschrank, Waschbecken.
Wordsearch has 32 parts of the body in Spanish. 5 versions are included for each of 3 different formats - perfect for any level class and for differentiated lessons (a total of 15 worksheets using 5 different puzzles). Format 1 has the word search with the list in Spanish; students should translate the words into English and then find the Spanish words in the puzzle. Format 2 has the word search with the vocabulary list in English; students need to translate the words and then find them in the puzzle. Format 3 does not have the word list included on student papers in order to make it more challenging, but the list is included for teacher reference. Uses the vocabulary: barbilla, boca, brazo, cabeza, cara, codo, cuello, cuerpo, dedo, diente, espalda, espinilla, estómago, frente, garganta, hombro, labio, lengua, mano, mejilla, muñeca, nariz, ojos, oreja, pantorrilla, pelo, pie, pierna, pulgar, rodilla, tobillo, uña. If there is a word that you do not want to use, you can easily delete it from the list.
Students take turns moving along the the snail path and conjugating verbs along the way. May be used for any tense. Includes: svegliarsi, alzarsi, farsi il bagno, farsi la doccia, lavarsi, pettinarsi, spazzolarsi i capelli, spogliarsi, vestirsi, radersi, truccarsi, divertirsi, riposarsi, sbrigarsi, coricarsi.
Wordsearch has the names of 24 school subjects in Spanish. Word list is provided for teacher reference, but is not included on the student sheets. 5 versions are included. Vocabulary used: alemán, álgebra, arte, biología, cálculo, ciencias, enseñanza religiosa, español, física, francés, geografía, geometría, historia, informática, inglés, italiano, materias, música, química, teatro, trigonometría.