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Detailed Year 5 English Planning - Hidden Figures - Lesson 1 to 19
I created and used this planning with a mixed ability year 5 class. The children thoroughly enjoyed the book and wrote brilliant work from it. Within these series of lessons, the children will practise using skills such as: semi colons, relative clauses, noun phrases, expanded noun phrases, conjunctions, fronted adverbials, adverbial phrases, adverbs, a range of sentence structures, superlatives & speech.
Hidden Figures is a fantastic book to discuss the issue of racism and include black history across the curriculum. Hidden figures is also perfect for the topic of space as the inspirational women discussed in this book all worked in NACA and/or NASA.
19 English lessons.
Learning questions.
Smart notebook slides.
Almost all lessons are differentiated 3 ways. (Blue = higher ability, Orange = middle ability & Green = lower ability.)
Multiple grammar starting activities.
High level vocabulary focus
A wide variety of writing opportunities discussed (the children will have opportunity to write a webpage, job advert, formal letter, informal letter, diary entry, Newspaper article & a biography.
A wide range of grammatical skills covered.

Year 6 Science Planning - Light ( 6 Lessons)
Detailed science planning for light topic (year 6) using smart notebook.
**Worksheets are also included. **
The planning covers all elements of the year 6 national curriculum.
Lesson 1 - Light travelling in straight lines.
Lesson 2 - Light travelling in straight lines and reflection. (note to teacher - dot to dot task isn’t included but can easily be recreated - please see slides).
Lesson 3 - How we see.
Lesson 4 - Forming shadows experiment.
Lesson 5 - Shadows recap.
Lesson 6 - Periscope making and the science behind it.
I am the science coordinator at my school and the quality of the children’s work was noted by OFSTED using this planning. I’d highly recommend taking photos of the children completing any experiments and sticking it inside their science book.

Year 6 Anne Frank English planning 11 lessons **Slides use smartnote book*
Most lessons are differentiated 3 ways.
We read 3 pages of book per each lesson. Feel free to read the book to the class before teaching.
Blue = HA
Orange = MA
Green = LA
Lesson 1 - Relative clauses and contrasting conjunctions.
Lesson 2 - Adverbials and tag questions.
Lesson 3 - Parenthesis and dashes
Lesson 4 - Letter Writing assessment
Lesson 5 - Diary Entry
Lesson 6 - noun phrases - nouns of nouns
Lesson 7 - Monologue writing
Lesson 8 - Obituary Anne Frank
Lesson 9 - The betrayal diary entry
Lesson 10 - Obituary planning lesson
Lesson 11 - Otto Frank assessment write (carry out some research beforehand).

2 Weeks of Street Child Planning (includes: slides, learning questions & help sheets.
I created and used this planning with a mixed ability year 5 class. The children thoroughly enjoyed Street child and wrote brilliant work from it. Within these series of lessons, the children will practise using skills such as: relative clauses, noun phrases, expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials, adverbial phrases, adverbs, a range of sentence structures, modified noun phrases, informal language, formal language, apostrophes & parenthesis.
Street Child is a fantastic book which is excellent for children to compare life today to the Victorian era.
*9 English lessons.
*Learning questions.
*Smart notebook slides.
*Almost all lessons are differentiated 3 ways. (Blue = higher ability, Orange = middle ability & Green = lower ability.)
*Multiple grammar starting activities.
*High level vocabulary focus
*A wide variety of writing opportunities discussed (the children will have opportunity to write a informal letter, a descriptive recount & a formal letter.
*A wide range of grammatical skills covered.
Lesson 1 - Vocabulary Lesson
Lesson 2 - Sentence Level Work
Lesson 3 - First Person Recount
Lesson 4 - Relative Clauses
Lesson 5 - Planning A Letter
Lesson 6 - Formal Letter Writing
Lesson 7 - Using informal features
Lesson 8 - Using Parenthesis
Lesson 9 - Assessment - Writing an Informal letter

15 Lessons-King Kong Newspaper Writing -Includes Lesson Slides, Differentiated LQs/tasks
I created and used this planning with a mixed ability year 5 class. The children thoroughly enjoyed King Kong and wrote a brilliant newspaper report from it. Within these series of lessons, the children will practise using skills such as: relative clauses, simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, noun phrases, fronted adverbials, adverbial phrases, adverbs, a range of sentence structures, formal language, semi colons, alliteration & speech .
*15 English lessons.
*Learning questions.
*Smart notebook slides.
*Almost all lessons are differentiated 3 ways. (Blue = higher ability, Orange = middle ability & Green = lower ability.)
*Multiple grammar starting activities.
*High level vocabulary focus
*A wide range of grammatical skills covered.
Lesson 1 - Basic Punctuation
Lesson 2 - Semi Colons
Lesson 3 - Relative Clauses
Lesson 4 - Meaning of Words (vocab lesson)
Lesson 5 - Features of a Newspaper
Lesson 6 - Headlines and Captions
Lesson 7 - Fact & Figures - simpe, compound & complex sentences.
Lesson 8 - News Interview
Lesson 9 - Using Speech
Lesson 10 - Introduction
Lesson 11 - Main Report Part 1 & 2
Lesson 12 - Part 3
Lesson 13 - Conclusion
Lesson 14 & 15 - Assessment write/ Newspaper write up

Year 6 Evolution Planning (Topic front cover,worksheets and slides) **Slides are on SMART NOTEBOOK**
Lesson 1 - Researching the characteristics that makes an animal suited to their environment
Lesson 2 - Identify how an animal adapts to it’s environment.
Lesson 3- The evolution of Peppered moth (victorian era link)
Lesson 4 Darwins Finches (practical lesson - different tweezers and raisins required).
Lesson 5 - Inherited genes - The Beckham Family
I am the science coordinator at my school and the children demonstrated excellent knowledge of evolution after completing these series of lessons.
Each lessons meets a skill in the science curriculum.
Please note lesson 4 is a practical based lesson.
Worksheets and slides are included.
Please note the slides are on smartnotebook (this can be downloaded for free)

Year 6 SATs Practice - Arithmetic cards
Practice questions for the year 6 arithemtic paper.
Includes all of the questions that children tend to struggle with on the arithemetic paper.
Perfect for introduction activties or to send home for homework.

Year 4 or 5 Geography Lessons (loosely based on Food & Mexico- 10 lessons)
This geography was rated very highly by my current head teacher. It was used during a staff meeting to model how to teach geography to a high standard . The slides are created on Smart notebook which can be downloaded for free with a quick google search (at the time of posting anyway). There are 10 high-quality lessons which focus on the children’s use of sophisticated geographical vocabulary and ensuring they are repeatedly using it throughout the lessons. All lessons how additional helpsheets to help guide the children to the correct answer.
Skills/ Knowledge covered
Identifying biomes, identiffying climates, using maps, locating direction on a compass, Identifying countires, Identifying trends, locating North and Southern Hemisphere, where different food grows and why, the causes of global warming and idenitfying how animals adapt to their habitat.
Lesson 1 - Hemispheres and different Climates
Lesson 2- Climates and Hemispheres consolidation
Lesson 3 - Different Biomes
Lesson 4 - Global Warming
Lesson 5 - Georgaphical Features and their affect on cities/ population
Lesson 6 - Longitude and Latitude
Lesson 7 - Where different types of food grows and why.
Lesson 8 - Diary Entry (mini assessment)
Lesson 9 - Comparing Mexico and the UK
Lesson 10 - Georgaphical Features of Mexico