This booklet has been designed to give parents a better understanding of the English and Maths objectives their Year 3 child should be working towards.
Within this document, you will find:
Introduction to English and Maths in Year 3
Year 3 English Objectives Checklist
Year 3 & 4 Spelling Words
Sentence Structures
Reading Prompts
Year 3 Maths Objectives Checklist
Calculation Methods
Multiplication Tables
Place Value Chart
Vocabulary & Definitions
This booklet has been designed to give parents a better understanding of the Maths objectives their Year 3 child should be working towards.
Within this document, you will find:
Introduction to Maths in Year 3
Year 3 Maths Objectives Checklist
Calculation Methods
Multiplication Tables
Place Value Chart
This bundle contains:
A Doubling and Halving Board Game
Doubles and Halves Word Problems
Doubling and Halving Function Machines
Doubling and Halving Vocabulary
Doubling and Halving Word Problem Booklet
I created this resource as a starter for a lesson on writing play scripts. I wanted children to recap what they already knew about the layout and punctuation of play scripts.
Each page of this document was used for a different table group. I cut out the individual words and punctuation marks then provided them to the children in envelopes. They had to work in groups to order the words and punctuation so that they made sense as part of a play script.
The children enjoyed this fun starter and it was also a good opportunity for me to assess their prior knowledge and understanding.
Two weeks of Literacy planning based on 'Tin Forest' by Helen Ward and Wayne Anderson. Although this is a short picture book with few words, my Year 5 class loved studying this text. The first week looks more at narrative writing with the second week looking more at non-fiction writing. This text also linked well with our Topic on 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle'.
As part of our history topic on 'The Stone Age', children learnt how to dye fabrics using natural sources. After physically having a go, the children wrote instructions about what they did.
‘Cliffhanger’ by Jacqueline Wilson is a great book that the children always love to read. I was teaching a unit on Letter Writing and wanted to link it to the text we were reading as a class. I created these two example letters from the characters of Giles and Jake. They model using different types of punctuation as well as informal language. The children’s task was to write their own letters in reply to these characters.
During a Year 5 Unit on 'Aquila' by Andrew Norriss, I wanted to encourage my higher ability pupils to look for evidence in the text to support their character descriptions. The first activity asks the children to come up with words to describe either Tom or Geoff. For each characteristic, they must then find the evidence in the text, noting down a quotation and the page number it was found on.
After this, I asked the children to compare Tom and Geoff including evidence from the text. I provided them with an example that compares the two teachers instead. This way, they could see how I expected the work to be laid out.
I have included the initial table for recording evidence from the text as well as the example I gave them for the main task.
These worksheets can be used when teaching children about the features of non-fiction texts e.g. index, glossary, captions, subheadings etc.
The first of the two worksheets allows children to write about each feature. I used the second worksheet with lower ability children. They had to match the feature to its definition.
Three weeks of Literacy planning based upon 'The BFG' by Roald Dahl. All lesson outcomes are differentiated at least 3 ways. Obviously, this planning is based upon the requirements of the class I had at the time and may need altering before you use it with your own class. However, it might be a good starting point if you are planning a Literacy unit on The BFG. =)
- A homework task for higher ability Year 5 children, in which they must apply their knowledge and understanding of both present perfect tense and modal verbs.
- A homework task for a lower ability group of children, in which they must colour sentences in different colours depending on the tense of each sentence.
Complete Literacy Lesson for lower KS2 pupils on different ways to open a story.
1 x Lesson plan
1 x SMART Notebook file
6 x Worksheets
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Cut up this grid for children to play a punctuation matching game. They must match the punctuation symbol to its name and how it is used. This makes a good starter or plenary activity.
These resources were made to support children in Literacy lessons. They can be laminated and left on the tables. The first resource reminds children of the 5Ws when writing a report. They can then make sure they have answered all of the questions. the second resource is a prompt to remind children when to begin a new paragraph.
I created these resources to add to my 'Star Writer' display board. One is a prompt telling children that the next Star Writer could be them and the other asks children if they can earn a pen license. Also on this display, I have two gold frames which I put the work of the Star Writers in. I also hang a plastic wallet full of pen licenses on this display so that the children can see them. This helps to bring handwriting to the forefront of their minds.
This worksheet could be used in a variety of lessons. We used it as part of our topic on the 'Local Area'. We wanted to know what different religions were in our community so we started with our class/school. Children used this tally chart to collect data about the different religions in each class. They could then draw a conclusion about the religions in our school.