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Quelle musique écoutes-tu?
Full lesson and activities for at least 2 lessons linked to the Studio 2 textbook module about music. Explanation for activities are in the notes on the slides.

Holidays Conditional Tense French
Powerpoint for Year 10/11 dream holidays topic using the conditional tense.

French Lonely Hearts Letter
Students use adjectives and opinion phrases to write a lonely hearts advert. Print the final slide and use it as a match up for the starter. I have used these letters to play a speaking matchmaking game to see if the students can find a good match for the character they have written about.

Past tense holidays Speaking Ladders French
GCSE level resource. In pairs students orally translate each sentence while their partner checks it with their answer sheet. Can be done into and out of target language. Used with MissMeyMFL speaking ladders template.

French Revision sheet Present Tense and passé composé
A3 revision sheet for the present tense and le passé composé. I let the students try on their own first then I stuck the answers round the room. I let them go and look at the answers but they can’t take their sheets, they must memorise the answers and take them back to their seats.

French Revision Sheet Imperfect
A3 revision sheet for the imperfect tense. I let the students try on their own first then I stuck the answers round the room. I let them go and look at the answers but they can’t take their sheets, they must memorise the answers and take them back to their seats.

Les Matieres Running Translation
Running translation on the topic of “les matieres”. Students complete each translation in teams before collecting the next one.

French Imperfect Running Translation
In groups students come and collect each sentence. They must translate the sentence correctly before being given the next one.

Au college en France
Powerpoint with activities to link to the topic of Au College en France. Image for photo description deleted due to copyright but I have left the framework on.

On se dit tout
Powerpoint and activities for at least 2 lessons linked to reflexive verbs and the On se dit tout topic of the studio 2 French textbook.

Au College en France points translation
I use this as either a starter or a plenary. Students are given a set amount of time to earn as many points as they can by translating one of the boxes. The student or group of students with the most points wins. Sentences are of varying difficulties.

KS2 Differentiated multiplication worksheets and word problems
Short worksheets to practice multiplication by a 2-digit number and multiplication word problems. Date will automatically update when the document is opened.

French photo card mat
Desk mat to assist students when preparing for the photocard question in the speaking exam.

Writing Styles
Help sheets or posters about the features of different writing styles. Some photos removed due to copyright.