Just sharing my resources in the hope it will save you time and earn me some money! Get in touch if you have any suggestions or if you are looking for something that is not listed - I might have a resource that I haven't published yet!
Just sharing my resources in the hope it will save you time and earn me some money! Get in touch if you have any suggestions or if you are looking for something that is not listed - I might have a resource that I haven't published yet!
Quick tips and guidance on how to answer the 24 mark questions on the Edexcel Politics A level.
Great for a quick revision session!
I have LOADS of other great politics revision resources for sale - check out my shop.
Head of department for 12 years!
Summary of the exam requirements for Alfred the Great - designed for the new AQA History GCSE spec - specifically Migration, Empire and People.
Great for revision or a starter / plenary
Summary of the exam requirements for King Cnut and the North Sea Empire - designed for the new AQA History GCSE spec - specifically Migration, Empire and People.
Great for revision or a starter / plenary
Summary of the exam requirements for the New world and Tudor exploration - designed for the new AQA History GCSE spec - specifically Migration, Empire and People.
Great for revision or a starter / plenary
Summary of the exam requirements for the Angevin kings - designed for the new AQA History GCSE spec - specifically Migration, Empire and People.
Great for revision or a starter / plenary
Summary of the exam requirements for The Normans - designed for the new AQA History GCSE spec - specifically Migration, Empire and People.
Great for revision or a starter / plenary
Designed for the Global politics part of the new Edexcel Politics spec
considers how effective the UN is in reducing poverty. Looks at Millennium development goals and Sustainable development goals
Tons of info and examples all in one booklet regarding the impact of Popular culture on Civil Rights in America - room for students to find their own examples and make a judgement. I used as an intro to A level coursework but could be a project at GSCE or to challenge others as a history project
Designed for y9 but could be a good intro for GCSE?
Really simple format - video from Gatsby at beginning students asked to jot down what it reveals about life in the 20s and additionally why they think it was nicknamed 'roaring'. Student encouraged to see link between end of war and this party decade. Info sheet for them to complete a written task - with built in challenge. then 'become the expert' plenary
Designed for the new A levels - this lesson gives detailed info about the different elements of Nazi economic policy and attempts to encourage an overall judgement. It details the roles of Schact and Goering as well as linking the economy to propaganda. Revision techniques and links to essay questions too. I have used over 2 lessons.
NEW AQA history GCSE - paper 1 exam templates and model answers source Questions - my students found these really useful - especially after their mock exams
This is a lesson designed for the new AQA A level but could be used as a challenge for GCSE also.
Starts off showing images of hyperinfltion - asks students to consider the worst part of Hyperinflation. Then students encouraged to look at the social benefits that the Weimar Governemnt offer to its citizens to see if that made life better…or actually worse! then use the sources - split them into three envelopes and give them to groups. Students encouraged to use the sources to discover three main consequences of hyperinflation 1) disasterous economics 2) links to extremist parties i.e Nazi 3) general social upheval
Plenary is to colour code a sheet of ‘winners and losers’ from the hyperinflation period
Created as a lesson for the A level Edexcel Politics spec - UK Constitution.
Save some time and buy this! I have been head of politics for a while now and this gets straight to the point! I have several other politics lessons on sale and you can buy the whole Constitution bundle and a workbook to go with it! Check my other items
This one addresses the part of the spec that looks at constitutional change since 1997- takes a second to look at why Blair wanted to change things then chooses several changes to exemplify