Suitable for stages upper stage 4 and stages 5 and 6 English classes, this comprehension resource includes a black comedy science fiction short story and a set of comprehension questions for group discussion and interpretation. It is provided in both pdf and editable docx formats. The resource author's original short story is about a call centre operator who encounters a client well beyond the job description's ability to deal with.
Junior Italian worksheets (Australian Curriculum - Mandatory Languages) The worksheets in pdf format require students to translate a paragraph written in Italian, about the particular season, into English. They should be used as a follow up to prior teaching on colors and the natural world. They can be printed as handouts for students or the answers can be typed directly into the pdf file and saved. (ensure that each student has their own copy or answers may be overwritten). Please complete a review if you've found this resource useful.
This 2 page handout requires students to research online and write the Italian words for pets, listen to the Italian words, write English phonetic versions of each word and then draw the item. A completed teacher copy is also provided.
This 2 page handout requires students to research online and write the Italian words for zoo animals, listen to the Italian words, write English phonetic versions of each word and then draw the item. A completed teacher copy and an A3 size colour poster are also included.
Print ready Book Fair poster in full colour A3 format. Text: Books can take you anywhere. Original artwork by the author. Please complete a review if you find this resource useful.
Complete lesson for teaching the names of Animale Domestici (Pets) in Italian. This is in the form of a bingo game. Students construct their own bingo card from the template and pictures provided and then the teacher draws the names and calls them out (in Italian) for students to mark them on their card.
See also 'Italian Worksheet - Pets - animali domestici - Stage 4 - Mandatory Languages' by the same author.
A complete lesson in reading and understanding poetry for Stage 5 and 6 English students. This resource engages students in analyzing a particular poem in terms of visual imagery and figurative language and also requires them to respond creatively by producing a persuasive writing piece that relates to the text.
Topic - Recreational Bicycle Riders
A complete lesson in reading and understanding poetry for Stage 4 and 5 English students. This resource engages students in analyzing a particular poem in terms of visual imagery and figurative language and identifying the poetry techniques that are used.
Topic - Relaxing in the water
A complete lesson in reading and understanding poetry for Stage 4 and 5 English students. This resource engages students in analyzing a particular poem in terms of visual imagery and figurative language and also requires them to respond creatively by producing their own piece of poetry.
Topic - Fishing unsuccessfully.
This full colour A3 poster compliments the Italian Lesson - Body Parts - Parti del Corpo by the same author and can be printed for wall mounting or projected on a single digital display.
This 2 page handout requires students to research and write the Italian for common outdoor items, listen to the Italian words, write English phonetic versions of each word and then draw the item. It is suggested that the research is done in the computer classroom (using online translation) and then students are taken outside to draw and practice pronunciation of the new words. Both student handout and teacher answer sheet are provided.
This Italian lesson, incorporating ICT, requires students to create their own A4 poster type pages for 'Body Parts' and 'The Head' in Microsoft Publisher. Using clipart and online translators students create posters which identify and label items in both English and Italian. All the instructions and examples necessary to complete the work are detailed on the one page handout. This page can also be displayed in digital format on a large screen as an aid to more direct teacher instruction. The lesson should take approximately 80 minutes to complete.
This full colour A3 poster compliments the Italian Worksheet - Outside - al di fuori by the same author and can be printed for wall mounting or projected on a single digital display.
This full colour, fun resource for beginning readers has been created in A3 poster and A4 handout sizes. There is also a template version for students to fill in. Please complete a review of this resource if you find it useful or have any suggestions for improvement.
Print ready Book Fair poster in full colour A3 format. Text: Books can take you anywhere. Original artwork by the author. Please complete a review if you find this resource useful.
Print ready Book Fair poster in full colour A3 format. Text: Books can take you anywhere. Original artwork by the author. Please complete a review if you find this resource useful.
Print ready Book Fair poster in full colour A3 format for Junior school. Text: Books can take you there. Original artwork by the author. Please complete a review if you find this resource useful.
This 10 page Early Reader Picture Book uses words that rhyme with giraffe to tell a simple story. The full colour book in pdf form can be displayed in digital format or printed on A4 paper and bound. 1 printed copy only per purchase please.
Simple instructions for creating your own comics using the drawing tools in Microsoft Word. This is a fun and imaginative way to teach English language essentials such as visual literacy, story writing and dialogue (both external and internal) to middle school students. It may also prove useful as a means of story boarding drama and multimedia projects or exploring social interactions. This resource can be used by teachers as an aid for guided instruction or distributed directly to students as a printed worksheet. If you find it useful please provide a review.
Two pages of practice sheets and answers for students completing the Year 7 and 9 Naplan testing in English. This resource focuses on Language Conventions - Spelling (Find Mistakes)