
Seaside planning and resources
Full planning for a half term for a geography unit on the seaside and its human and physical features. The lessons focus on Scarborough. Most suited for a year 1 or year 2 class. Features plan for six weeks as well as lesson resources and smart notebook.

Seaside planning
Medium term planning for a seaside topic based on Scarborough, most suited to a KS1 class.

Physical features of Peru and the UK.
Differentiated lesson focusing on the physical features around Lima and Peru.

Landmarks of Peru
Presentation of Lima’s landmarks and human features with accompanying differentiated worksheets.

Keeping Safe in Hot and Cold Weather
Powerpoint and differentiated worksheet about keeping safe in hot and cold weather. LA children can cut and stick images to talk about how they can keep safe in hot and cold weather. HA to write some ways and draw a picture of how they can keep safe in hot and cold weather. Most suited to a year 1 or 2 class.

Comparing Iceland & the Amazon Rainforest
Powerpoint and Postcard activity comparing two bear’s holidays to the Amazon Rainforest and the glaciers in Iceland. A very good stimuli for writing and learning about different weathers around the world.

Energy Security Revision Guide
45 page energy security revision guide most suited to A level or GCSE.

Biodiversity Under Threat Revision Guide
Detailed Biodiversity revision guide most suited for A level/ GCSE.

Celebrations Planning
8 Weeks of planning around the topic of celebrations. Focuses on Diwali, Bonfire Night and Christmas. Covers R.E, History, D.T, and Geography. Most suitable for year 1 and year 2.

Kenny Koala's Trip to Peru
A Powerpoint and postcard template with a story of Kenny Koala’s trip to Peru. Used as end of term unit for year 1 class to learn about South America.

Reading comprehension about Chocolate
Most suited to practise before year 2 SATs, however, would be good for finding out about chocolate for any year group.

Writing a non-chronological report about Chocolate
A week’s planning and resources for writing a non-chronological report about chocolate. Written for a year 1 class. Includes; weekly plan, smart notebook. learning objectives, a simple text about chocolate and sentence starters.

Year 1 Weather and Seasons Assembly Script
A script for a year 1 assembly on weather and the seasons and the book 'After the Storm' featuring Percy the Park Keeper. Has 30 lines and link to a free song to sing.

Chicken in the kitchen by Nnedi Okorafaror Planning
Full two weeks on the amazing book Chicken in the kitchen by Nnedi Okorafaror Planning. Book suitable for reception to year 3. Book set in Nigeria and will be good for a topic on the country.