
History Titanic plan
Titanic planning for a half term. Most suited for a KS1 class but can be done with a KS2 class.

Toys Old and New
A presentation on old and new toys and an activity to sort old and new toys in small groups. Used with year 1 but could be used with reception and year 2.

Celebrations Planning
8 Weeks of planning around the topic of celebrations. Focuses on Diwali, Bonfire Night and Christmas. Covers R.E, History, D.T, and Geography. Most suitable for year 1 and year 2.

Queen's of England History Planning
Six week’s history planning based on a topic of Queen Elizabeth ii and Queen Victoria. Most suited to a Year 1 or 2 class.

History of Clothes planning
A half term’s worth of planning for how clothes have changed through time since 1900. Most suited to a KS1 class but can be adapted for KS2.

Buckingham Palace
A lesson on Buckingham Palace looking at images of the palace and why it is an important place. Most suited to a KS1 class during a monarchy topic on Kings and Queens. Features ppt and differentiated worksheets.

Comprehension paper based around the history Stockton On Tees
A non-fiction text written about the history of Stockton on Tees in the North of England. It would be good for SATs revision. It contains questions around retreival and inference. Also good at looking at the changes in time from the Industrial Revolution to the present day.

Writing a news report script
This weekly plan is for a week's lessons on producing a Newsround report script on a particular topic. This really engaged the pupils, especially the 'letter 'from Newsround! We focused the news report on the Stockton to Darlington Railway as this was our history topic, however, you could do a report on whatever your children feel relevent!

Reading comprehension about Chocolate
Most suited to practise before year 2 SATs, however, would be good for finding out about chocolate for any year group.

Comprehension text on the Stockton to Darlington railway
A comprehension text with questions about the Stockton to Darlington railway. Suitable for KS2. Good for learning about the history of transport, George Stephenson and the industrial revolution.

Changes over time planning - Royal Family
Changes over time planning focusing on changes in time between the time of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth the second. Includes; transport, clothes, toys and writing letters to the Queen and celebrating the royal wedding. Planned for a year 1 class.

Changes in Transport through Time
Presentation and differentiated worksheets for transport through time. Most suitable for Year 1 or Year 2.