Advert Checklist
A Literacy steps to success checklist, for self and teacher assessment, when writing adverts.
Advert planning template
A KS2 Advert planning template.
Dick King Smith Lesson
A Powerpoint lesson based around Dick King Smith.
Autobiography Lesson Plan
A lower Key Stage 2 Literacy lesson based on Autobiographies.
Year 1- Shakespeare, Macbeth!
Lesson Planning and set of resources for teaching Shakespeare, Macbeth to your Year 1 class!
Stonehenge - Stone Age Myths and Legends
4 Powerpoint lesson Powerpoints, with activities and objectives, linked to a Unit of work based on The Stone Age and Myths and Legends.
Phase 5 Phonics!
16 Phase 5 phonics lesson plans, ready and waiting for you.
EYFS- Seasides! Weekly planning, CLL planning and resources!
A full pack of resources and planning for your EYFS classroom, covering the unit Seasides. Perfect for the final summer term, 3.2! This includes weekly planning for the foundation subject areas and Communication, Language and Literacy planning, with resources, creative ideas and interactive Powerpoints to support. Your children will love designing and building their own lighthouse, making healthy smoothies, meeting 'Lucy and Tom at the seaside' and finishing with a great seaside party!
Think Pink! Great Green!
A visual reminder and poster to remind pupils of the Think Pink! Great Green marking method. Pink indicates a target or something to respond to and green highlights something great! Use highlighters when marking yourself or encourage the children to self assess or peer assess their work.
Performance Poetry!
2 weeks differentiated lesson plans based on performance poetry for Lower Key Stage 2, with 2 Powerpoints to support. 1 detailed, differentiated, interactive lesson plan and supporting Powerpoint, used for an observation and receiving very positive feedback.
Writing- Promoting Talk, Year 1, Literacy Descriptive Lessons based on the Raggy Dolls!
Two lesson plans for Year 1 on describing settings and characters, based on The Raggy Dolls! This pack includes resources and the children loved watching the Raggy Dolls and learning the theme tune (online) as a Hook!
A Powerpoint to support in teaching how to write Adverts!
Shape Poems and Calligrams
3 weekly, differentiated Literacy lesson plans for Lower Key Stage 2, based on Shape Poems and Calligrams.
Report Writing- The Romans theme.
3 weeks planning for Lower Key Stage 2 Report writing, predominantly based on the Romans.
EYFS- Summer term 3.2, Bundle of fun with a Seaside topic theme!
A pack containing the planning you will need for Summer term 3.2! Planning and resources for phonics, weekly planning for the foundation subjects, CCL, PSRN and handwriting! These 4 folders provide you with creative planning, resources, websites, activity ideas, powerpoints, songs and more to use with your EYFS class! Your children will love singing songs, meeting 'Lucy and Tom at the Seaside', playing games, designing and making their own light houses, making their own healthy smoothies and having a seaside party to celebrate at the end!
The Arctic Resources- Year 1.
Arctic animal fact sheets, animal Powerpoint, Arctic- general fact sheets, e.g. clothing, housing, etc.
EYFS Summer 3.2 handwriting planning
Handwriting lesson plans for the final Summer term 3.2.
EYFS Phonics planning- Summer 3.2
Phonics planning for the final Summer term 3.2- revision of key areas.
Stories with issues and dilemmas- editable homework.
An editable homework chart, asking pupils:
Can you write your own story with an issue and dilemma?
The table provides 8 writing ideas, suggesting settings, characters and issues and dilemmas.
KS2 Literacy Authors and Letters week 2
A differentiated plan for the KS2 Year 3 Literacy Unit- Authors and Letters.