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Target Arrows

Target Arrows

Here are some arrows that I had children complete with 'My target is...'. We had them decorated and laminated and put up on a target board, getting nearer to the centre as they felt they were reaching their target. Good for target setting and self assessment.
Europe Table Names

Europe Table Names

Simple table names for a class studying Europe. Ready to cut and laminate - country names with flags underneath.
Individual Reward Chart and Certificate!

Individual Reward Chart and Certificate!

I created this individual reward chart as an incentive for good behaviour in the classroom. Each child had a laminated chart with their name on it and received a small sticker for good behaviour/good work etc. When the reward chart was full, they received a small prize and could take the completed chart home. It features a car and race track shape with a trophy at the end!
Dissolving Experiment

Dissolving Experiment

This is a report frame which allows children to write up a dissolving experiment. They predict and test several substances such as coffee, sugar, salt etc. in hot and cold water. They can discuss how to make it fair and the results.
Mona Lisa Eyes for Portraits

Mona Lisa Eyes for Portraits

Sets of eyes to print so children can stick them on paper and draw their own portrait but with Mona Lisa eyes. Good way to introduce portraiture skills or different artists or for use with a class studying Europe. Makes a great classroom display when completed!
Baleen Whales Worksheet

Baleen Whales Worksheet

Baleen whales worksheet, fill in the gaps, picture. Cloze exercise, sea and seashore, ocean, underwater creatures.
Festive Foodbank Maths

Festive Foodbank Maths

A PDF Maths resource - it is very tailored to my shopping trip and what I bought but would give inspiration of how to use it as your own in the classroom!
Direction Activity Stations

Direction Activity Stations

5 stations for position and direction activities to practise clockwise, anti-clockwise turns, quarter turns, half turns, right angles and lefts and rights. Instruction cards, maths and other activity sheets


Questioning template for before, during and after story in shape of thinking head.
Sustainable Cities

Sustainable Cities

Interdisciplinary Learning based around Global Goal 11 - Sustainable Cities -Text from Chat GPT describing Sustainable Cities -Literacy task -Editable slide -Day overview with literacy, maths, ICT and play challenges
Olympic Event Creation

Olympic Event Creation

Design your own wacky and weird Olympic event- space for a drawing, equipment list and how to play instructions.