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Why are non religious people good?
In this lesson, learners will explore the idea of humanism and why humanists choose to be moral.

What is good in other cultures?
This lesson explores what good looks like in other cultures and asks students to compare and contrast the idea of good in our culture.

Are we good global citizens?
This lesson explores the theme of global citizenship and religious attitudes to stewardship.

What does it mean to be good - Unit of Work
This is a bundle of lessons exploring the ethical question of what it means to be good.

What happens when we die
This lesson asks learners to:
Define the term ‘afterlife’.
Identify and explain the difference between beliefs in the afterlife.
Make a judgement on others beliefs compared to my own.

Role Models
In this lesson, learners will:
Define the term ‘role model’.
Identify and explain examples of good people from History.
Justify why someone is a positive influence in society today.

What is the reward for living a good life?
In this lesson learners will explore what religious people believe about rewards in the afterlife.

What can be learned from Muslim and Christian Peacemakers
Explore the example and influence of those who make peace from the Sikh,
Muslim and Christian traditions.
Apply ideas such as influence or inspiration to their own views of the role
of religion in conflict.

What did prophet Muhammad (PBUH) achieve as a peacemaker
In this lesson students will give an account of what Islamic sources say
about peace and conflict, and consider how to make connections between
ancient sacred texts and contemporary issues. They will also begin to make sense of the teaching of the Prophet, the Hadith and the Qur’an about peace and conflict, linking it to case studies or examples.

What is Jihad (literacy lesson)
Explain the Muslim concept of ‘struggling with myself’ for a better world. Give examples of the meaning of the concept of ‘greater and lesser Jihad’ in Islam. Build the skill of writing a developed paragraph.

What can we learn from Islam about Peace?
Explain reasons why Muslims see their religion as a power for peace in the world.