The lesson includes the following:
knowledge rich quiz as a starter
recall of key terminology
definitions of floodplain, levees and estuary
characteristics: two characteristics for each landform
explanation of each landform
mini plenaries
geographical skills: drawing a cross profile showing a floodplain
map skills
All resources are in the PPT.
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L1 What are natural hazards?
L2 distribution of earthquake and volcanoes
L3 plate tectonics
L4 types of crust and plate boundaries
L5 effects and responses to earthquakes
L6 effects comparison Japan and Haiti
L7 responses comparison Japan and Haiti
L8 living with the risk
L9 monitoring, prediction, protection, planning
All resources are in PPTs.
the lesson contains the following:
knowledge rich quiz as a starter
re-call of terminology
characteristics of sandy and pebble beaches supported with photos
characteristics of a spit (x3) using a satellite image and Google map
explanation of the formation of a spit using diagrams
assessment type question ‘explain’
5 plenary questions
The lesson contains:
knowledge rich starter quiz
features of a hydrograph
characteristics of a hydrographs
factors influencing the shape of a hydrograph
exam type question
end of lesson knowledge rich quiz
All resources are in the PPT and one is attached
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The lesson contains:
knowledge rich starter
guided reading x 3
geographical skills: graph drawing
exam type question ‘describe differences’
discussion about interlinks between different aspects of deprivation
knowledge application end of lesson quiz
All resources within the PPT.
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This is a resource that I have prepared for my A Level students after this year marking season. The resource contains structures for explain (3, 6 and 8 marker), assess and evaluate questions including connectives that should be used. When I was marking this year (2022) A level Geography paper 1 for Edexcel, it was very clear that students ‘assess’ or ‘evaluate’ across the board instead of ‘explain’ losing marks with reasonably easy questions. As much as ‘assess’ and ‘evaluate’ answers do not differ hugely in structure and students still can score a decent mark, with ‘explain’ is a different story, when they start evaluating or assessing instead of explaining, students wasting their time together with their marks.
Hope you find it useful.
I have prepared this lesson for my students.
It covers section 5.1 abc of the Edexcel A level specification. It refers to the Edexcel A Level Book 2 by Hodder Education and Geography for Edexcel A level year 2 by Oxford but it can be done without those textbooks if you provide your students with a diagram of the hydrological cycle.
The worksheet for slide 4 is within the PPT but a Word version is also provided.
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This lesson covers the whole 5.3abc of the Edexcel specification for A level Geography. Resources are included within the PPT, lesson is based on two textbooks Edexcel A level book 2 by Hodder Education and Geography for Edexcel A level year 2 by Oxford.
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The worksheets were designed to cover the following sections of the AQA specification:
changes in the UK economy
post-industrial economy
science and business parks
They are based on the two textbooks:
GCSE 9-1 Geography AQA by Oxford University Press p. 234-237
AQA GCSE (9-1) Geography by Hodder Education p.288-289
Hope you find it useful.
The worksheet is based on p.298-299 of the AQA GCSE (9-1) Geography by Hodder Education textbook and covers the sustainability aspects of UK industry with Nissan as an example.
Hope you find it useful.
This lesson covers section 5.4 abc of the Edexcel A Level Geography specification.
The lesson is based on two textbooks:
Geography for Edexcel A Level Year 2 by Oxford
Edexcel A Level Book 2 Geography by Hodder Education
All resources are included within the PPT
The lesson covers key idea 5.7 detailed content a, b and c of the Edexcel A level specification. The PPT is based on two textbooks:
Edexcel A level book 2 by Hodder Education referred to as ‘flags textbook’
Geography for Edexcel A level year 2 by Oxford University Press referred to as ‘dragon textbook’
The whole key idea is covered within one PPT, instructions and resources are withing the PPT, the lesson ends with an exam question taken from Edexcel A Level Geography past papers.
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This lesson was designed for Y7 to explain the weather behind the ‘Protestant wind’ of 1588.
Wind, low and high pressure including storms are explained.
All resources are in the PPT.
Lesson designed for Y7 to tackle the most common misconceptions in relation to the atmosphere:
what is ‘up there’
ozone layer
greenhouse gases layer
shooting stars
All resources are in the PPT
The lesson was designed for Y7 and covers the three most common rainfalls that take place in the UK:
All resources are within the PPT.
The lesson covers key idea 5.6 detailed content a, b and c of the Edexcel A level specification. The PPT is based on two textbooks:
Edexcel A level book 2 by Hodder Education referred to as ‘flags textbook’
Geography for Edexcel A level year 2 by Oxford University Press referred to as ‘dragon textbook’
The whole key idea is covered within one PPT, instructions and resources are withing the PPT, the lesson ends with an exam question taken from Edexcel A Level Geography past papers.
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The lesson is based on investigating land use around the school I teach in.
You will need tracing paper for this task.
Students start investigating the land use around the school using secondary data (Google maps), then they collect their own data using systematic sampling, then using stratify sampling. The lesson finishes with comparison of three overlays and discussion about the importance of sampling strategies in getting the most reliable data.
All resources are included apart from tracing paper, but you will have to change the satellite image of my school to a satellite image of yours.
Enjoy teaching