Lesson 10 focuses on hard and soft management strategies for rivers.
Key ideas:
Geographical skills: selecting information
Exam skills: assessment type question ‘assess’, time management, knowledge recall, information selection from unknown source, reading comprehension
Knowledge: key terms definitions, different hard and soft river management strategies
The knowledge test is designed to help students to memorise key information about the River Tees valley. The PPT is to go through the knowledge test for students to peer assess each other, so they learn the key information for the test and then learn what is required in the short answers to get the maximum marks. I used it with my GCSE classess and they love it. Have a look at the other knowledge tests too.
Lesson designed for KS3. All resources are in the PPT.
The lesson cover the following aspects:
Characteristics of an arete and a pyramidal peak
Identifying aretes and pyramidal peaks and their characteristics on an OS map and a satellite image
formation of an arete and a pyramidal peak
assessment type question ‘label’
OS map, diagrams and photos
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KS3 lesson. All resources are in the PPT.
The lesson covers the following aspects:
Key terminology
Economic opportunities
assessment type question ‘to what extent’
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GCSE lesson, AQA specification, case study of Rio. All resources are in the PPT.
This lesson covers the following aspects:
regional, national and international
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Lesson designed for KS3, worksheets are in the PPT. The lesson starts with a knowledge rich quiz and then introduces terminology related to glaciation.
Aspects covered within the lesson:
Key terminology: glacial period, glacial time, interglacial period
Temperature fluctuation in the last 400 000 years
Glacial advance and retreat
Key facts about the last ice age
Ice coverage in British Isles and Europe in the last ice age
Enjoy the teaching.
The lesson covers:
knowledge rich quiz
key words definitions
explanation of headlands and bays formation
explanation of wave cut platform formation
end of lesson quiz
assessment type question: explain
All resources needed are in the PPT.
The lesson covers monitoring, prediction, protection and planning aspects of tectonics.
The lesson contains:
-knowledge rich quiz for a starter
-monitoring in relation to earthquakes and volcanoes
-prediction in relation to earthquakes and volcanoes
-protection in relation to earthquakes and volcanoes
-planning in relation to earthquakes and volcanoes
-exam style question with an answer outline
-sample answer to the exam style question
All resources needed are in the PPT.
All resources needed are in the PPT. The lesson contains:
knowledge rich quiz for a starter
definition of coasts
types of coastal landscapes
examples of coastal cities and how coastline is used there
assessment type question
knowledge quiz at the end
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AQA GCSE Geography. All resources in the PPT + one worksheet attached.
This lesson covers the following aspects:
social, economic and environmental challenges and opportunities
GCSE type question ‘explain’ + sample answer
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This lesson compares the responses to Japan’s earthqauke in 2011 and Haiti’s earthquake in 2010. It covers the AQA GCSE specification.
The lesson contains:
starter: knowledge quiz
task where students form their own hypothesis based on data shared with them in our previous lesson (Impacts comparison Japan and Haiti)
task where students differentiate between immediate and long term responses to Japan and Haiti’s earthqaukes
GCSE type task where students ‘examine’ their hypothesis that their formed in our first task using the information about responses
sample ‘examine’ answer
All resources needed are in the PPT.
The lesson contains:
knowledge rich quiz as a starter
sequence of the longshore drift
Figure based activity
assessment style question: explain
All resources are within the PPT.
The lesson contains:
knowledge rich quiz as a starter
references to specification
definitions of primary and secondary effects with examples
task where students distinguish between primary and secondary effects
definitions of immediate and long term responses with examples
task where student distinguish between immediate and long term responses
photos analysis
GCSE type question ‘explain using a picture’
All resources and answers to tasks are in the PPT.
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Lesson designed for KS3. All resources are in the PPT.
The lesson cover the following aspects:
Characteristics of an arete and a pyramidal peak
Identifying aretes and pyramidal peaks and their characteristics on an OS map and a satellite image
formation of an arete and a pyramidal peak
assessment type question ‘name’
OS map and satelite images
diagram drawing
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The lesson concentrates on collecting, presenting and analysing infiltration data collected by students. Detailed instructions in the PPT. You will need to prepare some infiltration measuring equipment if your school lacks them, i.e.: funnels = cut a plastic bottle half and use the half part as a funnel.
All paper based resources are provided in the PPT.
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This lesson is a part of a Superpower unit made for Y9.
The lesson explains how and why Alaska ended up in the USA’s hands and why it wasn’t considered a great buy by Americans for a several decades.
All resources included in the PPT.
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This is a set of four lessons with resources about the USA:
L8: location and physical features
L9: Cuba and the USA
L10: the Mississippi Rivers social and economic importance
L11: Alaska
The atlas that is mentioned in those lessons is the Collins Student Atlas but any other atlas can also be used.
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A set of lessons focusing on Russia, China and the USA.
L1: Russia: location and physical features
L2: Russia: energy resources
L3: China: location and physical features
L4: China: population: research
L5: China: Tibet
L6: China: the South China Sea
L7: China: Opium wars with the British Empire
L8: the USA: location and physical geography
L9: the USA: Cuba
L10: the USA: the Mississippi
L11: the USA: Alaska
Those lessons were designed for Y9 as part of the Superpower unit. My students greatly enjoyed them and I teach a mixture of abilities.
All resources needed are included in the PPTs, the atlas my department is using is Collins Student atlas but you can use any other one that your school uses. Some lessons last longer than one lesson. In my school a lesson lasts for 60 min and I had to use two to go through some of the lessons.
Enjoy teaching