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FRENCH ~ Bonjour, je m'appelle Gustave

FRENCH ~ Bonjour, je m'appelle Gustave

A longer piece of comprehension telling you all about a French dog called Gustave. Find out how old he is, who he lives with, what pets he has, his personality and those of his sisters, where he lives, what there is in his garden, what fruit he likes, what subjects he likes studying and which subject he doesn’t like studying and why and his interests. Consolidates a range of topics. There is a question worksheet in French and one in English. There is also an extension worksheet with boxes for students to fill in to make up their’own’ story about Gustave. Feedback is welcome. If you consider this worth buying, un très grand merci.
FRENCH - Christmas - La Noël  - comprehension - BUNDLE

FRENCH - Christmas - La Noël - comprehension - BUNDLE

4 Resources
A collection of French comprehension on the topic of Christmas. Allows students to become more familiar with Christmas themed language and a good exercise for recapping question phrases. If you consider this worth buying ‘Un très grand merci.’ Joyeux Noël à tous.
FRENCH - CHRISTMAS - Les bottes de Père Noël - Comprehension - Worksheets

FRENCH - CHRISTMAS - Les bottes de Père Noël - Comprehension - Worksheets

A simple but longer piece of comprehension describing a Christmas scene. Revision of prepositions, size, colour, numbers and Christmas vocabulary. I have included a worksheet of questions but the more able students could make up their own and answer them too. There is a connect 4 games which includes all the vocabulary mentioned in the story. Feedback is always appreciated. If you consider this worth buying, un très grand merci.’ PLEASE AMEND: ‘VRAIMENT’ IS SPELT WITHOUT AN ‘E’ (C’est vraiment bizarre)
FRENCH - My Town - Ma Ville - Matching pairs

FRENCH - My Town - Ma Ville - Matching pairs

A matching game to practice the names of buildings in a town in French, Spanish and German. Print two copies of pictures on paper and print card backs on card, then laminate. Print one set of pictures with blue card backs and one set on red card backs. Students then take turns turning over a blue card and a red card. They have to name the building showing. If they find a matching pair, they win those cards. Feedback is always appreciated. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ There are 20 place names. They include: un hôpital un café un parc un musée un bureau de poste un cinéma un hôtel un château un bowling un supermarché une patinoire une boucherie une bibliothèque une gare une école une piscine une banque une pharmacie une église une boulangerie
FRENCH - Les Animaux de la Ferme - Comprehension - Worksheets

FRENCH - Les Animaux de la Ferme - Comprehension - Worksheets

A longer piece of text describing a farmyard scene. Includes revision of 13 animal names, prepositions, colours, the phrase ‘il y a’ opinions, physical descriptions, personalities, weather and seasons. This reading exercise and the accompanying question sheets are in preparation for a test for my 10 year olds, following our topic on animals and personalities. The second excercise focuses on prepositions. Please take a moment to comment. The resources contains 4 files. Your feedback is much appreciated. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH WORD DOCUMENT PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED PDF’S SO THAT YOU CAN SEE HOW THE FILES WILL LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED.
FRENCH - Les Animaux de la ferme - Comprehension - Worksheets

FRENCH - Les Animaux de la ferme - Comprehension - Worksheets

A longer piece of text describing a farmyard scene. Includes revision of 13 animal names, prepositions, colours, the phrase ‘il y a’ opinions, physical descriptions, personalities, weather and seasons. This reading exercise and the accompanying question sheets are in preparation for a test for my 10 years olds, following our topic on animals and personalities. The second excercise focuses on prepositions. Please take a moment to comment. The resources contains 4 files. Your feedback is much appreciated. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ AS TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH WORD DOCUMENT PREVIEWS I HAVE INCLUDED PDF’S SO THAT YOU CAN SEE HOW THE FILES WILL LOOK WHEN DOWNLOADED.
FRENCH - CHRISTMAS - Les Bottes de Père Noël - Comprehension - Worksheets

FRENCH - CHRISTMAS - Les Bottes de Père Noël - Comprehension - Worksheets

A simple but longer piece of comprehension describing a Christmas scene. Revision of prepositions, size, colour, numbers and Christmas vocabulary. I have included a worksheet of questions but the more able students could make up their own and answer them too. There is also a Connect 4 game to play which includes all the vocabulary mentioned in the story. Feedback is always appreciated. If you consider this worth buying, un très grand merci.’ PLEASE AMEND: ‘VRAIMENT’ IS SPELT WITHOUT AN ‘E’ (C’est vraiment bizarre)
FRENCH - CHRISTMAS - Noël lotto - Game

FRENCH - CHRISTMAS - Noël lotto - Game

Playing Bingo/Lotto is an excellent game to help reinforce children’s understanding of key noun vocabulary that you have taught them, in this case, Christmas vocab. After all the hard work your students do, now it’s the time for them to switch off, have fun and enjoy themselves. I have included a blank board should you wish to change any images and add your own. Vocabulary cards, pages 1 & 2 need to be printed twice and pages 3 & 4 print 3 times. There are 8 boards which contain 20 images. Feedback is always appreciated. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ Joyeux Noël à tous et Bonne Anneé.
FRENCH - CHRISTMAS - Une Tortue de Noël - Worksheets

FRENCH - CHRISTMAS - Une Tortue de Noël - Worksheets

Whoever heard of a father Christmas turtle? A fun comprehension colouring activity for young children. The two worksheets identify eleven colours and light and dark colours. Makes a change from the usual Christmas images, don’t you agree. Feedback is always appreciated. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ Joyeux Noël à tous.
FRENCH ~ CHRISTMAS ~ Joyeux Noël Bundle

FRENCH ~ CHRISTMAS ~ Joyeux Noël Bundle

4 Resources
All you need to be able to talk about Christmas in French. Bundle includes: 20 images with gap-fill boxes Practises using ne and pas to say what you have and what you don't have. Colouring and drawing activity 2 comprehension activities with question sheets 2 games Joyeux Noël à tous et Bonne Année.
FRENCH - La Maison - Connect 4

FRENCH - La Maison - Connect 4

Board game to reinforce and practice names of rooms in a home and items of furniture once pupils have been introduced to the vocabulary. If we make learning a language FUN then children will be interested and motivated. Your feedback is really appreciated. If ou consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’
FRENCH - CHRISTMAS - Les Douze Jours de Noël - with a difference - Worksheets

FRENCH - CHRISTMAS - Les Douze Jours de Noël - with a difference - Worksheets

This is a version, in French, of the popular ‘12 Days of Christmas’ song that I made up. Find out what was sent to a friend and spot the alliterations. Students will have fun working out new vocabulary and singing along to the classic tune that everyone knows. I had as much fun making up the song as my students had singing it. They learnt it quickly and loved it!! I have included a tree outline. More able students working in groups could make up their own song and draw in the pictures, others could draw the images from this song. Keeping kids interested and making learning a language FUN is the key to successful learning. Feedback is always appreciated. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci et Joyeux Noël à tous.’
FRENCH - CHRISTMAS -Joyeux Noël 2 BUNDLE - Worksheets

FRENCH - CHRISTMAS -Joyeux Noël 2 BUNDLE - Worksheets

3 Resources
Bundle includes: Christmas vocabulary Prepositions Asking the question ‘Est-ce que c’est…?’ Christmas crossword puzzle A colouring activity My version of the 12 days of Christmas A Christmas card Enough to keep your students busy during the run up to Christmas. If you consider this worth buying ‘un très grand merci’. Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année à tous. Spare a moment to comment. Your feedback is much appreciated.
FRENCH - Les Instructions de la Classe - Display/Flashcards

FRENCH - Les Instructions de la Classe - Display/Flashcards

Classroom instructions set out as flashcards with vocabulary which can be used as a display in your classroom. Feedback is always welcome. If you consider this worth buying, ‘un très grand merci.’ Images include: parlez écoutez regardez écrivez lisez levez-vous asseyez-vous silence ouvrez vos cahiers fermez vos cahiers travaillez en deux rangez vos affaires
FRENCH - My Bedroom - Ma Chambre - Worksheets

FRENCH - My Bedroom - Ma Chambre - Worksheets

Introduction to practice names of furniture and household items found in a bedroom. There is a read and label pictures exercise. Follow on worksheets introduce the phrases ‘il y a…’ and ‘il n’y a pas…’ There are 6 files in total. Feedback is always appreciated. If you consider this worth buying ‘un très grand merci.’
FRENCH - Easter - Les coloriages de Pâques et Couleur Par Numéros - Worksheets

FRENCH - Easter - Les coloriages de Pâques et Couleur Par Numéros - Worksheets

A selection of Easter pictures to colour. Revises and recaps: numbers, colour and Easter vocabulary. Feedback is always welcome. The last activity in this resource uses colour name initials, which I though was an alternative to using numbers. Resource contains 7 files. If you consider this worth buying, 'un très grand merci.' Joyeuses Pâques à tous... NOTE: THE 5TH WORKSHEET IS SHOWING WITH STRANGE MARKINGS. WHEN IT IS DOWNLOADED THESE MARKING DO NOT APPEAR. I HAVE INCLUDED A SCREENPRINT OF THE LAST TWO WORKSHEETS TO SHOW HOW THEY WILL DOWNLOAD. TES CONTINUE TO HAVE PROBLEMS WITH RESOURCE PREVIEWS.