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Specalised Cell Worksheets

Specalised Cell Worksheets

Specalised worksheet’s for KS3. One resource has a scaffolded reading worksheet; the questions relate to the paragraphs written. One resource contains functions, diagram and adaptations; designed to be a match up exercise for lower ability Both worksheets can be sued for any ability as they are straight forward.
Digestive System

Digestive System

Digestive System circus worksheet to go along side a digestive powerpoint - the questions can be adapted to suit your own content/curriculum.
The lungs worksheet KS3

The lungs worksheet KS3

Worksheet on the lungs aimed at KS3 students which follows activate 1 curriculum. Worksheet involves them labelling the respiratory system, outlining the pathway a molecule of oxygen will take from the air to the bloodstream and an ext task for students to create a mnemonic. Trialled and used with Y7 cohorts three years in a row; a range of abilities and students.
B1 Revision Worksheet

B1 Revision Worksheet

Biology Chapter 1 - Cell Structure and Transport KS4. Double sided revision worksheet containing questions and diagram to prompt recall and retrieval in students. Can be used in main lesson, for homework or as revision task.
Cells Revision Worksheet

Cells Revision Worksheet

End of topic revision activity for topic of cells/organisms. This was created for a lower ability Y7 class - so some examples can be adapted/added too. Range of activities from matching up definitions, labelling diagrams and written answers.
The Lungs Worksheet

The Lungs Worksheet

A worksheet designed for KS3 students that enables students to label the parts of the respiratory system and to outline the pathway of oxygen. A fun extension allows students to create their own way to remember the pathway for oxygen. Resources used for students across the board in Y7 and Y8. Can be used for homework, do now activity, plenary or in the main body of the lesson.
Enzyme Research Worksheet

Enzyme Research Worksheet

Worksheet created to aid independent study for KS3 - research involving enzymes. This can be used in the body of lessons or can be used as homework.
Inheritance Activity

Inheritance Activity

Fun activity that can be used to explain how parents genes are passed down to offspring. Can be used for lower ability classes, as a filler activity or used as a start for lesson planning. Worksheet comes with PPT. Powerpoint includes different options for the ‘cross breeding’ activity - this includes Mr Men and Little Miss, aliens and mario characters!
Energy Stores Lesson

Energy Stores Lesson

Energy stores lesson and progress check in sheet for physics paper 1 module 1. Slides on energy transfer in pendulum and bungee jumping The lesson can be adapted to add more student led activities. Progress check in sheet comes with the presentation. Retrieval do now activity centered about exothermic and endothermic, and one about electrolysis - this can be edited to suit your class/scheme of work/curriculum.
Science Activity booklet

Science Activity booklet

Activity book designed for students, young children, that contains 13 different science activities. Perfect way to fill time at the end of the term, homework or to promote scientific curiosity without being too complex. Students will be completing activities with their science hats on but will be working on other skills such as numeracy and literacy Activities include: Can you help? Carina wants to measure how long sugar cubes take to dissolve in water. Can you find the pieces of equipment that she will need in the word search below? Day in the life… Imagine you are a scientist write about your day. Sink or flat. can you predict whether the following objects will float or sink