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I have been designing resources for many years as I worked with preschool and primary age youngsters with delayed or impaired speech and language skills. The resources using symbols are free. My latest resources which I have illustrated are extra tasks based on Marion Blank's Language Levels (previous ones have been free). They can be used with groups of mixed language ability and are reasonably priced.




I have been designing resources for many years as I worked with preschool and primary age youngsters with delayed or impaired speech and language skills. The resources using symbols are free. My latest resources which I have illustrated are extra tasks based on Marion Blank's Language Levels (previous ones have been free). They can be used with groups of mixed language ability and are reasonably priced.
Questions and sentences about pictures

Questions and sentences about pictures

A set of ClipArt pictures and word cards. The activity is to ask questions in a barrier game and select word cards to match the replies and build sentences. Other suggested activities plus thoughts about asking questions orally or with worksheets to target different developmental levels. Two files. Mat with word cards made with Widgit’s CIP.
Rimes: illustrated sets of word-endings to sort

Rimes: illustrated sets of word-endings to sort

Symbols (c) Widgit Software 2010. A collection of rhyming words to sort to match the 'rimes' and another specifically with Vowel-Consonant-e (VCe or magic-e) endings. Cut up and sort. Use the words in making up spoken or written sentences. Provide sentences with missing words which can be completed with one of the cards etc.
Reading for meaning - The Tudors

Reading for meaning - The Tudors

Cut and match pictures and captions. This set requires some inferring. Mind-maps repeated here from another resource. These also require word recognition and comprehension. They could be used as word mats.
Language of learning - category cards

Language of learning - category cards

Symbols (c) Widgit Software 2010. Match, sort, group, choose, associate, exclude. Four examples of many basic categories. Additional set includes some early history and other topics. An ideas map outlines the development of language skills in this area for children in Preschool and Foundation and four books detail graded activities you can carry out with these cards or other card sets (e.g. topic pictures). Useful for children with or without language delay/disorder. Could also be used for EAL work.
Dinosaur games illustrated with Widgit symbols

Dinosaur games illustrated with Widgit symbols

WidgitSymbols (c) Widgit Software 2010. Dinosaur games (card games and track game). Card games: Pairs; Chain Game, Dominos. Print on A4 card 2-sided. Dinosaur Track game featuring irregular past tense verbs (for dice and counters) - print on A4 single-sided.
Connectives: because/although

Connectives: because/although

Illustrated with Widgit and PCS symbols. Children need to associate pictures and explain why they go together. Also to read/guess what the book says from the pictures. All three items useful for discussion and could be used for EAL too.
Numicon shaped price tags for shopping -Widgit CIP

Numicon shaped price tags for shopping -Widgit CIP

Symbols (c) Widgit Software 2010. Print single-sided on A4 card. Do not reduce the size of the page or the price tags will not match Numicon pieces. See guide notes for ideas for use. Basically these price tags are for (a) making it clear whether the price has been covered by the 'money' tendered and (b) whether any change is owing. The concept of 'difference' in sums in words or shopping is often a real stumbling block for many children.
Number conservation: illustrated activity

Number conservation: illustrated activity

Symbols (c) Widgit Software 2010. The bricks are to be built to match the pictures and knocked down by a naughty toy. Work on hand-eye coordination and number conservation. Notes on the reverse of some of the booklets give background rationale.
Vocabulary picture sets: general and topic -Widgit

Vocabulary picture sets: general and topic -Widgit

Symbols (c) Widgit Software 2010. Pages of pictures in sets of 10 for a variety of tasks. Adaptable for many levels - see Suggestions page. Matching, association pairs, categories, similarities, prepositions, opposites, and parts of the whole. Use for comprehension, naming, modelling sentences, cut and stick, writing, and games.
Numbers - working in units - some ideas (Widgit)

Numbers - working in units - some ideas (Widgit)

Symbols (c) Widgit Software 2010. Print all files single-sided on A4 card. COUNTING ON shows a way to present sums using number and dot dice – includes layout and suggestions. ADD 1p, 2p or 5p. Money sums: aim is to predict the answer and get it confirmed immediately. Very immediate way of presenting written sums, illustrated with realistic money symbols. DOLLS HOUSE SHOPPING: add up units. Cut sheet into cards to make lots of different sums. Use tactile aids like an abacus, Unifix or Numicon.
Phonic Spelling Sequences

Phonic Spelling Sequences

Lists of regular phonic spellings in short sequences. For ear-training. What has changed? One phoneme changes for each new word. Use with a good set of plastic letters where digraph consonants and vowels are presented as single units.
Symbol reading subj-verb-obj sentences (Widgit)

Symbol reading subj-verb-obj sentences (Widgit)

Symbols (c) Widgit Software 2010. Print 2-up and double-sided on A4 to make a folded 'booklet' (or single-sided on card to cut into separate cards). Each file focuses on a verb and contains four examples. The symbol line targets sentences with a subject, verb and object. Easy to make your own extra booklets if you have Word and CIP available.
Social stories (books made with Widgit CIP)

Social stories (books made with Widgit CIP)

Symbols (c) Widgit Software 2010. Three social stories about frequent problems. Print 2-up on paper to make stories to discuss. Although designed for a child with a social communication disorder, the stories can be used for general discussion within the PSHE orbit.
Baby growing: first year of life (Widgit CIP)

Baby growing: first year of life (Widgit CIP)

Symbols (c) Widgit Software 2010. The BABY GROWING BOOK can be printed 2-up on A4 paper. It attempts to show the approximate developmental sequence of the baby’s first year and can be related to photos the children bring in for the topic. The BABY SEQUENCE CARDS have notes on page 1, a large year symbol of the seasons on page 2, and cards to cut and match/sequence on pages 3 and 4. Print the file on A4 card, 2-up.