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New GCSE Unit 2 Quick Assessment (F&H)

New GCSE Unit 2 Quick Assessment (F&H)

NEW GCSE - Unit 2 Healthy Living and Lifestyle (French) Quick Assessment 90 mins - 55 marks Contains 1 listening exercise, 1 dictation, 1 reading exercise, 2 grammar exercises (perfect tense & sentence structure/word order), 1 translation exercise (Eng–>Fr) and one writing task (90 words). Student metacognition self-assessment sheet on front page. Exercises are taken/adapted from OUP AQA GCSE French. They are a combination of Foundation and Higher exercises. Audio files provided for listening task and dictation. Space for students to answer directly on sheet - ready to print. Word Document so can be edited/adapted.
ALevel French Synonyms to enrich vocabulary

ALevel French Synonyms to enrich vocabulary

Student worksheet to enrich vocabulary for essay writing. Students have a bank of French connectives/phrases that they need to sort into different categories such as introduction words, conclusion words, words to illustrate a point, words to add an example, words to compare… Frequent verbs and adjectives such as important, intéressant, problème, solution, dire, montrer, faire, penser are also listed for students to find synonyms/alternatives.
Perfect Tense French Practice Worksheet

Perfect Tense French Practice Worksheet

Worksheet to practice the perfect tense in French using 4 different type of exercises (fill in the blank, correct the mistake, change the verb from present tense to perfect tense, translate into French). Answer sheet provided. Can be self-assessed, peer-assessed or teacher-assessed out of 20 marks.
Si Clause Pres - Fut Practice Worksheet

Si Clause Pres - Fut Practice Worksheet

Worksheet to practice si clause present - future on the topic of feeling unwell - treating an illness using mainly future simple. Perfect for Higher however also accessible for Foundation students. Worksheet provides a quick rule and example recap followed by a gap fill practice exercise and then translation exercise. Can be done individually or in pair work. Could be graded out of 10 or 20 for quick peer, self or teacher assessment.
Speaking & Writing Structures ALevel French

Speaking & Writing Structures ALevel French

List of 50+ Speaking & Writing Structures for ALevel French translated into English. Complex structures such as subjunctive expressions and idiomatic language included. Editable Word Document. Excel Spreadsheet provided to be able to copy the list of structures into Memrise/Quizlet.
New GCSE Unit 1 Quick Assessment (F&H)

New GCSE Unit 1 Quick Assessment (F&H)

NEW GCSE - Unit 1 Identity and Relationships with others (French) Quick Assessment 60 mins - 40 marks Contains 1 dictation, 1 reading & translation (Fr–>Eng) exercise, 2 grammar exercises (adjective agreement & sentence structure/word order) and one writing task (90 words). Student metacognition self-assessment sheet on front page. Exercises are taken/adapted from OUP AQA GCSE French. They are a combination of Foundation and Higher exercises, mainly Foundation exercises however). Transcript provided for dictation for teacher. Space for students to answer directly on sheet - ready to print. Word Document so can be edited/adapted.
New GCSE Unit 1 Quick Assessment (H only)

New GCSE Unit 1 Quick Assessment (H only)

NEW GCSE - Unit 1 Identity and Relationships with others (French) Quick Assessment (Higher exercises only) 60 mins - 46 marks Contains 1 dictation, 1 reading & translation (Fr–>Eng) exercise, 2 grammar exercises (verb agreement & sentence structure/word order) and one writing task (90 words). Student metacognition self-assessment sheet on front page. Exercises are taken/adapted from OUP AQA GCSE French. Transcript provided for dictation for teacher. Space for students to answer directly on sheet - ready to print. Word Document so can be edited/adapted.
New GCSE Read Aloud Practice Sheets

New GCSE Read Aloud Practice Sheets

4 Practice Sheets for French Read Aloud Exercises from Unit 1 - Identity and Relationships with Others. Space provided for students to annotate phonics underneath words directly. Separate box provided for students to record pronunciation tips for revision. Read Aloud texts taken and adapted from AQA New GCSE Sample Speaking Papers and OUP AQA Textbook.
New GCSE French AQA - Reading Aloud Questions

New GCSE French AQA - Reading Aloud Questions

This resource lists possible questions students may get in the New GCSE French AQA - Reading Aloud Task. I have listed the questions by tiers (foundation/higher) and by topic (Celebrity Culture, Free-Time Activities, Travel and Tourism etc). I have taken the questions from the AQA published sample assessment material. The lay-out allows students to translate the questions below in English if needed and the 5 boxes next to each question allow students/teachers to track students’ understanding/ability to answer the question either with a cross/tick system or RAG marking (red amber green). This can therefore be revisited several times throughout the year.