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Laumorrow's Shop

Average Rating4.39
(based on 211 reviews)

Hi welcome to my shop! I'm currently Head of Humanities, but I've also been head of department at a number of other schools, not to mention head of year. So I have a lot of high quality resources to share. I take real pride in trying to ensure my resources are well presented, clear, easy to use and of course challenging and engaging for the students. They have taken me a lot of time to make, but hopefully they will save you a lot of time. If you have any feedback then please review me!




Hi welcome to my shop! I'm currently Head of Humanities, but I've also been head of department at a number of other schools, not to mention head of year. So I have a lot of high quality resources to share. I take real pride in trying to ensure my resources are well presented, clear, easy to use and of course challenging and engaging for the students. They have taken me a lot of time to make, but hopefully they will save you a lot of time. If you have any feedback then please review me!
Fake News Assembly - 2023

Fake News Assembly - 2023

This assembly looks at the problem of Fake News in today’s society and the role it has played in several major world events since 2016, up to the present day (including Brexit, Trump, Wikileaks, Climate change denial etc.) The assembly covers what fake news is, the history of fake news, where it comes from, how it spreads and why it matters. It also features a quiz where the students will get the chance to see if they can spot the fake news stories out of ten unlikely sounding stories. Finally the assembly links fake news to gossip and rumours and gives tips as to how to spot fake news (both online and in the classroom). This is a fun but comprehensive assembly.
Volcano, Earthquake, Tsunami Poety Lesson

Volcano, Earthquake, Tsunami Poety Lesson

A fun lesson that is a good way to complete a unit on Tectonic Hazards (Earthquakes and Volcanoes) that allows pupils to make a creative piece of writing about tectonic hazards. This lesson includes a worksheet to help the pupils to write poems about Earthquakes or Volcanoes. It also includes some example poems to act as an example. This can be used as a stand alone lesson, as part of a SoW or as cover work. A useful and fun lesson,
Rio - Brazil - Fantastic Places

Rio - Brazil - Fantastic Places

This can be used as a stand alone lesson about Rio (or Brazil) or it can be used in the Fantastic places unit of work (also available in my shop). This lesson looks at Rio and the diversity, colour and inequality that exist in this amazing city. The students will get a chance to practice their geographical writing and will have a deeper look at the Rio carnival. The final task gets the students to use empathy to explain what it would be like to visit Rio. This lesson includes a bell activity, a starter, main activities, plenary and homework. A fun and colourful lesson.
Injustice Assembly - Maya Angelou

Injustice Assembly - Maya Angelou

The assembly looks at the issue of injustice and how we can respond to it through the case study of Maya Angelou. It tells the story of Maya Angelou and her life as an inspiration to the students. If you like this assembly please leave a review.
Medicine Case Study - The Death of Kind Charles II (Brilliant Lesson!)

Medicine Case Study - The Death of Kind Charles II (Brilliant Lesson!)

This lesson was a recommended resource by the TES. It is a fantastic memorable fun lesson where the students are challenged but have a lot of fun. King Charles II is dying, and only the expert knowledge of the best doctors in the UK can save his life. This lesson was created to be used in the Medicine Through Time SoW, but can be used with other year groups or as a revision activity. This lessons is a decision making exercise that builds on the pupils knowledge of Medieval medical treatments. Students need to use what they have learned to complete several rounds of a decision making activity to try to save the life of the King. Each round they are scored on how effective their treatment would have been. This is an excellent lesson as it is fun, memorable and challenging.
Victorian London - Life in London in the 1800s (Outstanding Activities)

Victorian London - Life in London in the 1800s (Outstanding Activities)

This is a brilliant lesson that helps the students to understand what life was like for both the rich and poor in London during the Industrial Revolution. It focuses on East London and what the conditions were like for the poor. The lesson involved students interviewing one another (half have roleplay sheets) to find out what problems faced the working class in Bethnal Green. The students then write a report to the government to make recommendations as to how they would improve East London. The lesson involved individual work, group work, role play, and literacy tasks. A fun, informative lesson that the students will get a lot out of.
Bullying - Causes / Effects / Christian Attitudes

Bullying - Causes / Effects / Christian Attitudes

An interesting lesson that looks at the issue of bullying and gets the students to consider the causes of bullying, the effects of bullying and what we can do to help. It focuses on a Christian persepective, but also uses empathy to consider the motivation behind the bullying, what the impact of bullying may have and introduces concepts such as the Golden Rule to help to prevent bullying, This lesson was created for a GCSE RS course but can be easily adapted to other year groups or other subjects. An interesting lesson that focuses on important values such as community, morality, ethics and empathy.
Christian Attitudes to War - Just War Theory

Christian Attitudes to War - Just War Theory

This lesson explores the Christian attitudes towards war and looks at the Just War Theory. It allows pupils to explore the apparent contradiction in religion (‘Thou shall not kill’) with the Chrsitan support for wars. It is an interstimng lesson full of activities that gets pupils to empathise, but also reflect on what they value and what they believe to be true. An interesting, fast paced and challenging lesson.
What is a Hindu Wedding like?

What is a Hindu Wedding like?

This is a useful lesson that introduces the wedding practices enjoyed by many Hindu families across the UK. The lesson compares and contrasts Hindu weddings to other weddings they are familiar with. They will watch part of a Hindu wedding ceremony and then discuss likes /dislikes and questions. They will then illustrate the wedding and explain what each picture represents. A good fun lesson (aimed at KS3).
Staying Safe

Staying Safe

This is an interview lesson (so is an outstanding lesson) It covers the issues of safety in the community (and at home) and gets students to investigate threats. They need to come up with solutions/advice as to how to deal with threats. They also need to write a poem/rap to demonstrate what they have learned.
Christmas Assembly - 2023

Christmas Assembly - 2023

The assembly gives the history of Christmas and why there are so many strage traditions involved. It explains the pagan roots, the links to Christianity and how it has evolved to include a wide number of strange customs and traditions. The main part of the assembly features a fun quiz that the students can take part in. I get the whole year group to take part in a fun group activity. This is a really really good assembly! If you like this assembly please leave a review.
Gender Pay Gap Assembly

Gender Pay Gap Assembly

This is an assembly to explain the gender pay gap in society today. -It covers why there is a pay gap -What are the causes of the gap -How equal the UK is compared to other countries -What we can do to fix the pay gap -And it investigates Iceland (the most equal county in the world) The assembly finishes by getting the students to think about the gift of education and what they can do to make the UK a fairer society. The assembly should take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete and is always very popular. This is an outstanding and inspirational assembly.
What was life like in the Ghetto?

What was life like in the Ghetto?

This lesson gets the students to investigate life in the Warsaw Ghetto in WW2 through a number of Primary and Secondary Sources. It tests the students source skills and also builds on their knowledge of the Holocaust and WW2. This is a really useful lesson if you want the students to work on their source analysis skills. It is both a powerful and a challenging lesson.
The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity

The Holy Trinity can be a difficult concept to understand (especially if you are not a Christian). This lesson introduces the Holy Trinity in a simple and straight forward way. It also links into Christian beliefs and how it helps to explain the nature of God working in the world today. This can be a complex topic, so this allows the pupils to access the information in a relatable way that draw on logical analogies and their own experiences. A useful topic that can be adapted for use at KS2, 3 or 4.
WW1 Poetry and Art

WW1 Poetry and Art

This lesson looks at how soldiers expressed them selves on the front line by looking at several examples of art in war. Primarily the pupils will be asked to analyse famous drawings, painting and poems of WW1 to see what they can learn. The they will have a choice of making a drawing/painting or a poem of their own to show what they have learned. This lesson helps the students to develop empathy and encourages literacy through creative writing. An excellent lesson.
Geography of Africa

Geography of Africa

This is a really interesting lesson that introduces the geography of Africa and can be used in a variety of different ways. This can be used as a stand alone lesson, as part of a SoW on Africa/inequality/development or as part of project on Africa. This lesson introduces the physical landscape of Africa and encourages the pupils to learn the key features of the great continent. A clever and important lesson.
Perceptions of Africa - Intro to Africa Lesson

Perceptions of Africa - Intro to Africa Lesson

This is a really interesting lesson that introduces the topic of Africa and can be used in a variety of ways. This can be used as a stand alone lesson, as part of a SoW on Africa/inequality/development or as part of project on Africa. This lesson challenges pupils perceptions of Africa and seeks to identify sterotypes and where we get them from. A strong and fun lesson.
Africa - Climate in Africa

Africa - Climate in Africa

This lesson looks at how to read climate graphs and what they can tell us about the climate in a region. It is compares and contrasts the wide varieties of climate in Africa to each other, and to the UK. An interesting lesson that introduces new skills and teaches the students more about the great continent of Africa. This lesson can be best described as interesting and useful.
Rastafarianism (or Rastafari) - Alternative Relgion

Rastafarianism (or Rastafari) - Alternative Relgion

This lesson looks at the Rastafari faith and way of life. This lesson can be used as a stand alone lesson or as part of a larger unit on alternative religions (also available at my shop). It uses multi media to explore the culture and beliefs of people who follow the Rastafari faith, The students are asked to examine several of the more controversial aspects of the faith and consider whether or not they agree with the more traditional views and whether they fit into modern society today. An interesting and fun lesson.


An excellent lesson that gets the students to work as a teams to solve various problems. Unsurprisingly this lesson involves a lot of teamwork with fun activities that get the students off their seats and competing with each other in groups. The main feature of the lesson is a plane crash activity that is both challenging and fun. The students LOVE this lesson!