Print, laminate the booklet and place it next to a telephone in our Role Play Area. Encourage the children to read aloud the numbers for each character. Can the children recognise the numbers? Can more able children recognise patterns in the numbers? This book has been created to encourage number talk and exploration.
I hope you enjoy this resource.
Use ’ Choppy the Robot’ to help the children orally segment the sounds within each word in order to learn how to blend.
This document includes instructions and images
Silly Soup encourages children to rhyme. Using rhyming cards, rhyming hooks and also a silly song. This pack includes:
Silly Soup Rhyme
Rhyming cards
Rhyming challenge cards
Independent or adult lead activity - children distinguish between amounts and match to either 0 , 1 ,2 or 3. Great for fine motor activities, subitising and number recognition.