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GCSE Spanish Speaking booklet new spec (2026) FOUNDATION

GCSE Spanish Speaking booklet new spec (2026) FOUNDATION

In this pack you can find: 1.A list of general conversation questions per theme for the new spec for Spanish GCSE Speaking/ writing (first year of assessment 2026)- FOUNDATION 2.Theme 1 booklet for the new spec for Spanish GCSE (first year of assessment 2026) - FOUNDATION 3.Theme 2 booklet for the new spec for Spanish GCSE (first year of assessment 2026) - FOUNDATION 4.Theme 3 booklet for the new spec for Spanish GCSE (first year of assessment 2026) - FOUNDATION
Spanish GCSE - Writing Exam technique booklet (Foundation)

Spanish GCSE - Writing Exam technique booklet (Foundation)

Writing exam technique booklet (foundation) with answers to self assess or to show on the board for students to self assess. This pack includes: -1 writing booklet for Foundation with: 1.Photocard description practice 2.Preterite VS imperfect tense tasks with explanation 3.Tasks to develop reasons and narrations 4.Practice with verbs like “gustar” in different tenses for “I” and “he/she” 5.Translation task technique (focusing on key verbs) 6.A range of 40-word questions 7.A range of 90-word questions -1 writing booklet answers for Foundation including examples of model answers for 40-word and 90-word questions.
GCSE (new spec 2026) KOs Spanish Foundation

GCSE (new spec 2026) KOs Spanish Foundation

9 Spanish knowledge organisers (GCSE - new specification 2026) for all themes (FOUNDATION): THEME 1: People and lifestyle Theme Topic 1: Identity and relationships with others Topic 2: Healthy living and lifestyle Topic 3: Education and work Theme 2: Popular culture Topic 1: Free time activities Topic 2: Customs, festivals and celebrations Topic 3: Celebrity culture (NEW) THEME 3: Communication and the world around us: Topic 1: Travel and tourism, including places of interest. Topic 2: Media and technology Topic 3: The environment and where people live Each KO includes 3 or 4 questions with sentences builders to create logical sentences.
GCSE Spanish Speaking booklet new spec (2026) HIGHER

GCSE Spanish Speaking booklet new spec (2026) HIGHER

In this pack you can find: 1.A list of general conversation questions per theme for the new spec for Spanish GCSE Speaking/ writing (first year of assessment 2026)- HIGHER 2.Theme 1 booklet for the new spec for Spanish GCSE (first year of assessment 2026) - HIGHER 3.Theme 2 booklet for the new spec for Spanish GCSE (first year of assessment 2026) - HIGHER 4.Theme 3 booklet for the new spec for Spanish GCSE (first year of assessment 2026) - HIGHER
GCSE Spanish Speaking booklet new spec (2026) HIGHER & FOUNDATION

GCSE Spanish Speaking booklet new spec (2026) HIGHER & FOUNDATION

2 Resources
In this pack you can find: 1.A list of general conversation questions per theme for the new spec for Spanish GCSE Speaking/ writing (first year of assessment 2026)- HIGHER & FOUNDATION 2.Theme 1 booklet for the new spec for Spanish GCSE (first year of assessment 2026) -HIGHER & FOUNDATION 3.Theme 2 booklet for the new spec for Spanish GCSE (first year of assessment 2026) - HIGHER & FOUNDATION 4.Theme 3 booklet for the new spec for Spanish GCSE (first year of assessment 2026) - HIGHER & FOUNDATION


3 Resources
Pack of 18 knowledge organisers-sentence builders (foundation and higher) for the new specification GCSE Spanish (2026) THEME 1: Topic 1: Identity and relationships with others Higher KO Foundation KO Topic 2: Healthy living and lifestyle Higher KO Foundation KO Topic 3: Education and work Higher KO Foundation KO THEME 2: Topic 1: Free time activities Higher KO Foundation KO Topic 2: Customs, festivals and celebrations Higher KO Foundation KO Topic 3: Celebrity culture (NEW) Higher KO - link Foundation KO- link THEME 3: Topic 1: Travel and tourism, including places of interest. Higher KO Foundation KO Topic 2: Media and technology Higher KO Foundation KO Topic 3: The environment and where people live Higher KO - link Foundation KO- link
GCSE (new spec 2026) KOs Spanish Higher

GCSE (new spec 2026) KOs Spanish Higher

9 Spanish knowledge organisers (GCSE - new specification 2026) for all themes (HIGHER): THEME 1: People and lifestyle Theme Topic 1: Identity and relationships with others Topic 2: Healthy living and lifestyle Topic 3: Education and work Theme 2: Popular culture Topic 1: Free time activities Topic 2: Customs, festivals and celebrations Topic 3: Celebrity culture (NEW) THEME 3: Communication and the world around us: Topic 1: Travel and tourism, including places of interest. Topic 2: Media and technology Topic 3: The environment and where people live Each KO includes 3 or 4 questions with sentences builders to create logical sentences.
Spanish marking - targets (T-codes)

Spanish marking - targets (T-codes)

T-codes to mark books instead of writing full comments every single time. These T-codes can be displayed on the board and/or stuck in students’ books. They can also be used to provide whole class feedback or to address common misconceptions during the lesson.
KS3 (or KS4 Foundation) Revision worksheet Spanish (Mixed topics)

KS3 (or KS4 Foundation) Revision worksheet Spanish (Mixed topics)

5 Resources
In this pack you will find: Revision 5 worksheets in Spanish with a range of 8-11 tasks each that can be used as end of unit revision, for homework or even for cover work. TOPICS INCLUDED: school, free time, holidays, internet & social media, food Each worksheet includes a range of 8-11 tasks to complete with instructions in English. For each of the worksheets, you can also find the answer sheet for students to self assess their answers. Suitable for KS3 and KS4 Foundation.
New spec 2026- Spanish GCSE Speaking booklet (Foundation)- PART 1

New spec 2026- Spanish GCSE Speaking booklet (Foundation)- PART 1

New specification- Foundation (2026) Spanish GCSE Speaking booklet including 3 tasks from each of the parts of the new specification. This worksheet includes examples of tasks for: ROLE PLAY 1 (Theme 1- Identity and relationships with others) ROLE PLAY 2 (Theme 2- Free time activities) ROLE PLAY 3 (Theme 3- Travel and tourism) READING ALOUD 1 (Theme 1- Identity and relationships with others) + model answer READING ALOUD 2 (Theme 2- Free time activities) + model answer READING ALOUD 3 (Theme 3- Travel and tourism) + model answer PHOTO CARD 1 (Theme 1- Identity and relationships with others) PHOTO CARD 2 (Theme 2- Free time activities) PHOTO CARD 3 (Theme 3- Travel and tourism)
New spec 2026- Spanish GCSE Speaking booklet (Higher)- PART 2

New spec 2026- Spanish GCSE Speaking booklet (Higher)- PART 2

New specification- Higher (2026) Spanish GCSE Speaking booklet including 3 tasks from each of the parts of the new specification. This worksheet includes examples of tasks for: ROLE PLAY 1 (Theme 1- Healthy living and lifestyle) ROLE PLAY 2 (Theme 2- Customs and festivals) ROLE PLAY 3 (Theme 3- Technology and media) READING ALOUD 1 (Theme 1- Healthy living and lifestyle)+ model answer READING ALOUD 2 (Theme 2- Customs and festivals)+ model answer READING ALOUD 3 (Theme 3- Technology and media) + model answer PHOTO CARD 1 (Theme 1- Healthy living and lifestyle) PHOTO CARD 2 (Theme 2- Customs and festivals) PHOTO CARD 3 (Theme 3- Technology and media)
New spec 2026- Spanish GCSE Speaking booklet (Foundation)- PART 2

New spec 2026- Spanish GCSE Speaking booklet (Foundation)- PART 2

New specification- Foundation (2026) Spanish GCSE Speaking booklet including 3 tasks from each of the parts of the new specification. This worksheet includes examples of tasks for: ROLE PLAY 1 (Theme 1- Healthy living and lifestyle) ROLE PLAY 2 (Theme 2- Customs and festivals) ROLE PLAY 3 (Theme 3- Technology and media) READING ALOUD 1 (Theme 1- Healthy living and lifestyle)+ model answer READING ALOUD 2 (Theme 2- Customs and festivals)+ model answer READING ALOUD 3 (Theme 3- Technology and media) + model answer PHOTO CARD 1 (Theme 1- Healthy living and lifestyle) PHOTO CARD 2 (Theme 2- Customs and festivals) PHOTO CARD 3 (Theme 3- Technology and media)
New spec 2026- Spanish GCSE Speaking booklet (Higher)- PART 1

New spec 2026- Spanish GCSE Speaking booklet (Higher)- PART 1

New specification- Higher (2026) Spanish GCSE Speaking booklet including 3 tasks from each of the parts of the new specification. This worksheet includes examples of tasks for: ROLE PLAY 1 (Theme 1- Identity and relationships with others) ROLE PLAY 2 (Theme 2- Free time activities) ROLE PLAY 3 (Theme 3- Travel and tourism) READING ALOUD 1 (Theme 1- Identity and relationships with others) + model answer READING ALOUD 2 (Theme 2- Free time activities) + model answer READING ALOUD 3 (Theme 3- Travel and tourism) + model answer PHOTO CARD 1 (Theme 1- Identity and relationships with others) PHOTO CARD 2 (Theme 2- Free time activities) PHOTO CARD 3 (Theme 3- Travel and tourism)
GCSE (new spec 2026) KOs Spanish Theme 3

GCSE (new spec 2026) KOs Spanish Theme 3

6 knowledge organisers - sentence builders for the new specification for Spanish GCSE 2026 (THEME 3) THEME 3: Communication and the world around us: Topic 1: Travel and tourism, including places of interest. Higher KO Foundation KO Topic 2: Media and technology Higher KO Foundation KO Topic 3: The environment and where people live Higher KO - link Foundation KO- link