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Exam Question Mistake Log
A log where students can input the question, topic, mistake and correction for any mistakes they made in an assessment.
Mount Etna Case Study: A-Level Geography
Short 8 slide PowerPoint Presentation to act as a basic case study for the Mount Etna Volcanic Eruption.
Suitable for AS and A-Level.
Biochemical Food Tests (AQA A-Level and GCSE)
Presentation contains instructions for:
Reducing sugars tests
Non-reducing sugars test
Starch test
Lipids emulsion test
Test for proteins
AQA GCSE Geography Svalbard Cold Environments Case Study Notes
A word document containing general notes for the AQA GCSE Geography Svalbard Cold Environments Case Study.
These notes are not an exhaustive list of information for the case study, but provides a good starting point - it includes: information about cold environments; information about the tundra and polar regions; an example of a plant and animal within cold environments, and its adaptations; development in Svalbard; information regarding Longyearbyen; basic information about mineral extraction, energy development, fishing, tourism, coping with extreme temperatures, services, accessibility, opportunities for development, challenges of development, environmental challenges and other facts; management of cold environments, use of technology, action by governemnts, work of conservation groups and stakeholders.
The Challenge of Natural Hazards - Complete Topic (AQA GCSE Geography)
A 60 slide PowerPoint Presentation with the following topics:
-The Challenge of Natural Hazards
-Natural Hazards
-Types of Natural Hazards
-Hazard Risks
-Plate Margins
-The Theory of Plate Tectonics
-Global Distribution of Earthquakes and Volcanoes
-Destructive Plate Margins
-Constructive Plate Margins
-Conservative Plate Margins
-Measuring Earthquakes
-Effects and Responses of Earthquakes
-CASE STUDY: Haiti 2010
-Prediction, protection and preparation
-Structure of Volcanoes
-Effects of Volcanoes
-Types of Volcano
-Composite Volcanoes
-Shield Volcanoes
-Monitoring Volcanoes
-Why do people choose to live near volcanoes?
-Global Atmospheric Circulation
-Tropical Storms
-Structure and features of tropical storms
-How tropical storms develop
-The Impacts of Climate Change
-Predicting Storms
-Extreme Weather in the UK
-Rainfall in the UK
-Relief Rainfall
-Convectional Rainfall
-Frontal Rainfall
-Is weather becoming more extreme?
-Flooding in the UK
-Is Climate Change happening?
-Evidence of Global Warming: Thermometer Readings
-Glacier Retreat
-Ice Cores
-Early Spring
-Rising Sea Levels
-Causes of Climate Change
-Human factors leading to Climate Change
-Natural factors leading to Climate Change
-Impacts of Climate Change in the UK
-Impacts of Climate Change around the world
-Managing the Impacts of Climate Change
-Adapting to Climate Change
Tropical Rainforests - Complete Topic (AQA GCSE Geography)
Topics include:
Characteristics of Tropical Rainforests
Plants and Animals
Structure of a Tropical Rainforest
Plant Adaptations
Animal Adaptations
Threats to the Tropical Rainforest
Impacts of Tropical Rainforest loss
Management of Tropical Rainforests
CASE STUDY: Malaysia
Mt Merapi Volcanic Eruption Case Study
A 12 slide PowerPoint Presentation to introduce the case study to students.
Eyjafjallajökull Volcanic Eruption Case Study A-Level GCSE
17 slide PowerPoint Presentation to act as a case study for the Icelandic Eyjafjallajökull Volcanic Eruption.
Suitable for AS, A-Level and high achieving GCSE students.
Cold Environments - Complete Topic (AQA GCSE Geography)
Topics included:
Characteristics of Cold Environments
Characteristics of polar areas
Characteristics of the tundra
Plant Adaptations
Development Opportunities
Development Challenges
Managing the risks facing cold environments
A case study is not included in this presentation, as they vary by schools - but one could easily be added to compliment the lesson and cement students’ understanding.
Ecosystems - Complete Topic (AQA GCSE Geography)
PowerPoint presentation about Ecosytems, Biomes, Food Webs, Food Chains, etc.
Flood Hydrographs/Storm Hydrographs PowerPoint and Worksheet AQA A-Level
A PowerPoint presentation including:
-Definition of flood hydrograph
-Components of flood hydrograph
-Application question
-Types of Hydrographs
-Flashy Hydrographs
-Subdued Hydrographs
-Natural factors affecting hydrographs
-Human factors affecting hydrographs
Plus a student hydrograph label worksheet and teacher answer sheet.
Geographical Processes (Coasts and Rivers) Complete Topic (AQA GCSE Geography)
72 slides containing Coastal and River Geographical Processes, management, case studies, hard and soft engineering, etc.
Tohoku Multi-Hazardous Environment A-Level Case Study
A 16 slide presentation explaining the Tohoku Multi-Hazardous Environment A-Level Case Study
Hurricane Katrina Case Study: A-Level and GCSE Geography
11 slide PowerPoint Presentation to act as a basic case study for Hurricane Katrina. Suitable for GCSE, AS and A-Level.
Motivation and Organisation Structure Topic - 10 out of 10 AS Business Exam Answer Edexcel
Exam question with case study showing a 10 out of 10 mark answer regarding the impact of change of organisational structure on motivation levels.
Section A Business AS 2016 Edexcel Paper.
AQA English Literature Power and Conflict Poetry Anthology Key Quotations
Document containing key quotations and general analysis for all poems in the Power and Conflict cluster.
Biological Molecules Starter - Exam Question Worksheet
This worksheet will only take about 10 minutes to fill in and makes for a nice introduction to the biological molecules content. It has a quick fire multiple choice quiz, followed by two past paper exam questions.
I would encourage you to check out the accompanying extremely in depth PowerPoint Presentation available on my store, which covers every specification point for Biological Molecules.
The Development Gap - Complete Topic and Case Study (AQA GCSE Geography)
Slides include:
Introduction to The Development Gap
Closing The Development Gap
Using tourism to close The Development Gap
CASE STUDY: The Maldives
Haiti Earthquake Case Study
A 15 slide PowerPoint Presentation going through the Haiti Earthquake Case Study.
Suitable for AQA GCSE and A-Level Geography
Indian Ocean Tsunami Case Study AQA A-Level Geography
A 20 slide PowerPoint Presentation detailing the Indian Ocean Tsunami Case Study for AQA A-Level Geography